Repentence Sunday crucifying the flesh, Drag Queen Story Hour – Pastor Jeff

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    Ron McGatlin

    Repentence Sunday crucifying the flesh, Drag Queen Story Hour – Pastor Jeff

    crucifying the flesh 

    when we were in the flesh the sinful passions were at work in our members to bear fruit to death
    I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.  For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God…..And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit.                                                   Galatians 5: 16-21;24-25
    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
    Many churches in the USA and possibly other nations will allot five minutes to repentance this coming Sunday, June 30, as part of “Call2Fall. ” No need to wait until then; the Holy Spirit can assist you today to take time to repent, replacing old sin patterns with His Word on your path to holiness.   For many the works of the flesh block us from Him.  Here is just one report of the spirit of perversion attacking our children, as reported by Family Research Council Chaplain & National Prayer Director Pierre Bynum:
    Coming Soon to a Library Near You: “Drag Queen Story Hours”– These are serious efforts by LGBT activists to win the hearts of America’s children at the youngest possible age. Many years ago, before the LGBT movement had succeeded in winning much of the American mind with a sophisticated public relations and lobbying campaign, many Americans were rightly concerned about their children being recruited by those in such alternate lifestyles. Now with the full support and advocacy of the American Library Association (ALA)and its subdivision, The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), taxpayer-funded local libraries across America are becoming, in effect, the local headquarters for what is fast becoming a national movement. Their bright-colored apparel and skilled rhetoric ought not fool anyone. They are a serious, organized, and growing movement of LGBT activists and others who identify with the LGBT movement. They work in close association with a variety of groups to advance their ideology under the banner of “inclusiveness” in communities across the land. But they start early, seeking to impart their confused worldview to children as young as three years old. They are now reaching sometimes large audiences of children via America’s public libraries.
    The Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), now headquartered in New York City, was started in San Francisco by Michelle Tea and RADAR Productions. It now boasts DQSH chapters all over the world and is fast training interested groups on how to conduct events in their communities. This strategy was crafted by focused activists who study how best to educate children and reach into their tender minds. Their colorful, usually bizarre hairstyles and costumes attract small children and curious teenagers. They take full advantage of the spiritual ignorance in many of our communities to usurp the authority of parents whose children they corral without their parent’s permission. Sadly, too many parents actually urge their children to attend these “story times,” believing them to be not only harmless, but educational. But the fruit of these efforts is misled and confused children, the deceitful usurpation of parents’ authority, divided homes, divided communities, the injection of utter confusion into the religious, social, and political culture of communities, and the embrace of ideologies that lead to a lifetime moral confusion, social hardship, and even drastically higher rates of suicide. The “story hour” movement, seems to have been birthed about four years ago in California but quickly spread to New York and New Jersey. Buoyed by publicity and success, it is now aggressively pursuing footholds in every American community, even overseas. This movement is being hosted and advocated by libraries across America and will only be stopped by focused prayer and the diligent action of God-fearing local citizens who recognize their responsibility to protect their own children and the children of spiritually-unschooled families in their communities. Wise pastoral leadership is essential for communities to be prepared for these inevitable moral and spiritual assaults on their children and families. Even liberal churches have been successfully recruited to host these “Drag Queen Story Hours” in their facilities. But as my neighbors in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, are learning, these groups do not only target liberal communities but those with more conservative and religious populations. (See: Self-described agenda/locationsRecruiting small town libraries; Cases: Lexington Park, MDCommunity ResponseNewark, OHLafayette, LA(FRC); Waterville, MEHouston, TXA Library Near You)
    • Father, may pastors across our land equip their people with Your Word to guide them in responding to this threat before it comes to their families and communities. May governments that fund the public libraries prevent their taxpayer-funded facilities from being used to promote the sexual confusion and delinquency of minors. May God stir His people to be both the Salt and Light our nation needs to contend with evil and advance the Gospel with biblically informed common sense in our communities. May this particular threat to our children be contained via prayer and action. (Dt 28:13Pr 27:12Mt 5:13Mk 16:5Jn 10:11-13)
    Finally, the Prayer Target above speaks to how far our nation has strayed from God. It is one of thousands of anecdotal proofs. Too many who fill our churches have also strayed far from God’s intention for us. Our churches have become too shallow; our devotion to the great commission has all but disappeared; and only a small percentage of our leaders contend in the public square for the faith once delivered to the saints in the public square, even as our culture is sinking. But if each of us will take the substance of the Call2Fall seriously, God will hear. When enough do, He will heal our land! Please click Count Me InHost a Call2FallShare With Friends. And thank you for praying!


    In Jesus’ Holy Name, 
    Pastor Jeff 
    Pastor Jeffrey Daly
    National Day of Repentance
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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