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Tagged: kingdom of God, Open doors, revelations
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by
Kevin Barrett.
November 5, 2017 at 6:26 pm #7067
Kevin Barrett
ParticipantWord from the Lord:
My people, listen to My heart this day. I tell you all, you do not realize just how much things will change very soon, and suddenly. However, I have in the palm of My hand all those who put their trust in Me.
Now listen, I have a surprise on the horizon for My people. I have a surprise that will thrill the hearts of those who truly love and seek after Me. For I am about to enlighten the hearts of My people which will open many doors of revelation. And in this, you shall truly see your purpose in the earth along with its endless possibilities. But most of all, you shall be enlightened in how I desire for you to be in union and oneness with Me and the Father, as you become earthen tabernacles carrying the fullness of our Spirit. Does this not thrill your hearts, My dear ones? For I tell you, it is My Father’s greatest desire to be one with His children in His kingdom, and My greatest desire is to see My father’s desires fulfilled.
Oh, hear Me when I tell you that for generations the churches of man have fallen way short of My calling for My people. For man teaches the precepts of man and not the revelations of My Spirit. For if man would teach My revelations, My church would not be in such a fallen state as it is now.
But fret not, for I have a remnant in the earth who shall seek all that I have for them. And I am excited to reveal the kingdom and My calling to this remnant. However, don’t be quick to think that you are part of this remnant unless I have revealed this to your heart already. For have I not said in My word that I have come into the world for judgment, that the blind might see; and that those who see might be turned blind? So then, confess your spiritual blindness that I may TRULY give you sight. For I tell you, far too many of My people believe they have sight of My truth when in reality, they are blind. Therefore, I counsel you to buy from Me gold tried in the fire, so that you may be rich; and have white garments, so that you may be clothed, and the shame of your nakedness may not appear; and have your eyes anointed with eye salve, so that you may TRULY see.
I tell you this, there are truths in the scriptures which the church at large has never received a revelation of. In fact, there are VERY, VERY few on the earth who have eyes to see the full counsel of God in the scriptures. Therefore, think not in your heart that you have the full truth of My gospel of the kingdom. For if you think you see, you may well already be blind. For this understanding of the scriptures comes only by the same Spirit in which the scriptures were written. Man’s logic cannot open the scriptures for understanding, and this is where the church has failed miserably for so many years. This is also where so many false doctrines have come from. For I tell you, if My people truly had a revelation of the gospel of My kingdom, there would not be so many seeking after what they understand to be a physical rapture out of the earth. For My kingdom resides within man and does not come with observation, but is another dimensional realm which can be entered while still on earth. One does not need to die and reach heaven to witness the glory of My kingdom.
Oh, I know this sounds foreign to many of you. That only proves My point in that the churches of man have missed the truth of the gospel of My kingdom. Yet, I tell you, these are the days in which many will be led by Me into their kingdom position endued with power from on high and with demonstration of powers of the age to come. And THIS gospel shall go out into all the earth as a witness before the end comes.
Therefore, hear Me well when I say to you all to seek Me with all your heart. And humble yourselves before Me, asking Me to give you true spiritual understanding of My kingdom. Do not come to Me with pride of heart believing that you already have this revelation. For I resist the proud. So, if you think that you see, when you truly do not, you’re in danger of remaining blind. For My kingdom is only for those who will come to Me like a little child, open to receive from Me.
Oh, how I love you all with an everlasting love. And it is My Father’s greatest desire to give you the kingdom. Therefore, do not take this word lightly. Seek from Me what it means to buy of Me gold tried in the fire. I am waiting to share end-time truths with you that will thrill your hearts. You have all entered into a time like never before. Therefore, redeem the time while you can, for time is short and soon it will be too late to enter in, and then, the door will be shut. I tell you, intense disappointment shall cause many to weep and gnash their teeth when they witness how they missed out on such a great eternal weight of glory. You do not want to be part of that group. So then, heed My words this day. Truly, you shall not be disappointed….
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