Revival must begin in the church…

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  • #13143
    Frannie Antonucci

    As I pray for revival daily I claim the prmise in 2 Chronicles 7:14

    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

    I believe He is speaking to us.. the church.. Each one of us represents Christ in our land. My land is in New York. I have been repenting more of late for some of the unbiblical decisions in The state where I live. I believe that  the house of the LORD is where revival should begin.. Some are so so religious that they don’t believe that revival should begin in the house of the LORD. The word says that judgement must begin in the house of the LOrD.. May His Mercy be upon us all especially those of the household of faith. God is faithful to keep His promises.. We need to look at our own hearts and stop looking at our neighbors.. We are here because of HIS mercy and sacrifice on the cross.. Jesus said it was finished but do we believe it??

    We represent the body of CHRIST.. we must be doers of the word.. James teaches us.. especially in the house of the LORD… the enemy loves disunity. If the enemy can keep us looking at all our differences instead of all of our commonalities he has us scattered and divided…. his tactic.I believe GOD wants unity He loves us all the same and He will sort out all the doctrinal differences He is the great I am..Oh How we need another great awakening to be poured out upon the church first then outside… GOD loves unity Psa 133. I pray we all remember that as soon as we get to a church it is imperfect. It is GODs church and we represent HIM at all times. I pray for a fresh baptism of HIS FIRE and HIS love to fall upon me and the rest of HIS church His church His Body of Believers. May the HOLY SPIRIT circumcise any areas of our hearts that are not pleasing and lining up with His heart for His people and the nations in JESUS name.

    Bless u

    sister Frannie


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