Rise up as a governing force in the earth. – Russ Walden

Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words Rise up as a governing force in the earth. – Russ Walden

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    Ron McGatlin

    Rise up as a governing force in the earth.

    Russ Walden

    The Father says today, rise up as a governing force in the earth. I am the King of kings and you are a king and a priest in My domain. The domain of darkness is receding and the domain of light, love and liberty are ascending. Step into your portion in the platform of ascension I have given you. It is a breathtaking leap but you will not be destroyed. What you have seen in terms of My blessing in the lives of others is just a vestigial suggestion of the fullness of resource and destiny I have afforded you and that I am pouring out upon you this day. Today – this day the power of My throne is coursing through your being to cause you to come into the very central manifestation of all I have called you to. This is what highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled looks like, and it has your name on it.

    So, go out in your day and be the principality and the power in the jurisdiction I have given you. Satan is not the legitimate principality and power in the earth. Ruling and reigning begins now. Inaccurate theology says you must die first but why would I use the last enemy of My throne to perfect you and elevate you to the place destined as yours before the foundation of the world? Step up and be that authority. I give you leave today to step from authority to authorization. Many that I have authorized years ago are still milling around, wringing their hands waiting for Me to do it all for them. Say to yourself and say to them THAT ISN’T HOW THIS WORKS! Your place in My kingdom is about being a doer and not an observer. You aren’t waiting ON, says the Father, you are stepping INTO. Are you ready? It is not your portion to languish in delay. You will not look back in disappointment. You will live to the fullest the privilege I have accorded you through the cross in this life and the life to come!

    Daily Prophetic Word 

    Russ Walden

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
    William Evans


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