Santa Barbara earthquake?

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  • #6298
    Stacy McCarty

    This week I felt led to pick up and read some of a book I have on the life of Aimee Semple McPherson. The part where I left off I had previously circled a section that talked about the earthquake in Santa Barbara in 1925. Someone called Aimee and told her about it and Aimee got on her radio show and started asking people to help with donations, food, supplies. This struck me due to all that’s going on in this country right now.

    Going online I typed in Santa Barbara earthquake and the word prayer and this led me to find that there was a small earthquake there earlier this summer in May at a 4.1. Then this past June an alert went out saying that there was again an earthquake in Santa Barbara but it was discovered that it did not happen and the alert was a system glitch AND  that the glitch alert was a repeat, if I’m describing it right, of the earthquake in 1925. There was an article in the LA Times reporting this and in the Mercury News the article opened with the sentence ‘Duck and cover and pray for the best.”.

    There was a article released yesterday, 9/12/17, on KTLA5 (.com) titled “8.2 Mega-Earthquake Could Hit SoCal and Cause Catastrophic Damage in L.A. Area, Scientists Say” by the Los Angeles Times . I looked up Santa Barbara to find out where it was located in CA and it is in SoCal.


    So I will be praying, obviously, and I ask that others here, and lurkers, do as well. Thanks.

    Quo Wright

    Hey Stacy 😊

    I read your response on Wayne’s September 11 post and then this one. So imstead of responding to both, I’ll put it all here. I completely understood your dream and the lifeguard tower does represent the watchman’s tower. I’m not sure if Florida is a portal but because Florida is a peninsula that faces the water from 3 directions, the scene is just representing being in a position to see what’s going on in the spirit. I don’t think the position of the watchman (lifeguard) tower has been abandoned. But they’ve had to go away for a season to be prepared for what’s to come. They left to go up higher to see what will take place because what’s coming is much greater than what has ever been. And unless we went away to be consecrated we would not be prepared for what’s coming. The church could not prepare us, the Holy Ghost had to do it.

    On Monday I dreamed I saw 3 men standing in the middle of the United States. In the middle I saw my name (meaning I’m hidden in Christ). The 3 were the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. From that position I had a panoramic view of everything happening in the U.S. Then last night I dreamed it was time to go.

    The feeling I had this morning is that God is now raising the watchmen up and placing them strategically throughout the earth. The watchman are first responders who will sound the alarm and notify the intercessors of whatever the Holy Ghost. And the intecessors who have also been away are also being raised up after having been prepared by the Holy Ghost to respond in whatever way He (Jesus) leads through the Holy Ghost.

    When you posted about the earthquake in Santa Barbara and their saying the notice was a fluke mistake it definitely was not.  What man is calling a fluke is a notice from the Spirit of God. By the time man’s warning come it will be too late. But we having been notified in the spirit have the time to seek God’s direction concerning the matter. So thank you for being obedient and posting this.


    Blessings to you.







    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Quo Wright.
    Quo Wright

    Stacy I thought more about what you said comcerning the lifeguard tower appearing to be abandoned. Then the Holy Ghost showed me that it was. Alot of those called to be watchmen from the previous generations did abandon their post after losing focus.

    In 2010 I read an article that Tennessee wad allowing the KKK to rally in one of their cities. That night I had a dream. In it I saw them marching and after watching the scene for a while suddenly I saw legions of demons marching behind them. And then after that the scene changed and I saw rioting in the streets. People were just attacking each other. I woke up from that dream shaken.

    I later spoke with a pastor that I knew. I’d never spoken to him on that level before but I told him anyway. After telling him, he downplayed the situation, even laughed and invited me to his church.

    After that I went to an Evangelist friend and told her and she told me to warn the churches in that area and to tell them what God showed me and told me. I did that. I reached out either by email or letter to about 16 churches and not one of them responded. God was showing me then the condition of the church and it’s leadership.

    Stacy McCarty

    Hi Quo! : )


    Thanks for your reply to my posts. Will keep in mind what you shared.


    Firstly, there was an earthquake in Mexico today, a 7.1, and then one was felt today, a 3.6, or last night, in Los Angeles. So things are moving and not just the earth.

    I agree with you about the Church being asleep. That’s been heavy on my heart for almost over a year now and it’s very frustrating. Sadly, people aren’t going to wake up unless God does something in their lives to wake them up and/or something major happens in this country and affects them personally. Meanwhile it’s potlucks and scrapbooking parties for the church folk! : (

    It’s good that you reached out when you felt led to.


    Per the watchtower: in my dream when I was looking at it I just felt I was being warned and that the Church,or intercessors, wasn’t doing it’s job keeping that area, or state, (or the whole country as the part I saw could have not just been a gate to Florida but the USA as well) covered in prayer.  The watchtower was abandoned and not only that but weathered and broken,rickety, and barely unusable. Mind you I COULD have used it to climb up just enough to get off the ground and be above the alligator/crocodile but not the woman/Jezebel.

    Last year in the old OH board I posted about heaviness I felt in the spirit when reading the God’s Plan for America series, by Peter Marshall and David Manuel,  and I was SO grieved for two days. Again, the second book I was reading, there are 3 in the series, was talking about revivals in the US. I noticed that these revivals would happen before/around a major event like war, economy downturn, sickness and disease outbreaks. But war part really struck me.  And here we are now with North Korea acting up.

    Keep reaching out , Quo, and I’d encourage those reading OH as well , if you feel led by the Holy Spirit to do so.





    Quo Wright

    Hey Stacy 😊

    I will definitely be sharing more in the coming days. Today I woke up feeling like ot was Wednesday. I wondered of it was jist me and then my sister came and thought today was Wednesday as well.  And in conjunction with feeling like today was Wednesday, I’ve heard several times “the day of the Lord is upon us”.

    Be blessed sister (((hugs)))


    Stacy McCarty


    What is the significance of Wednesday? Will keep an eye out for your posts.

    God is moving!

    Blessings to you as well!

    Quo Wright

    Hey Stacy. I’m not 100% sure of the significance of Wednesday. I woke up again this morning thinking it was Wednesday. So may the Holy Ghost is pointing us toward Rosh Hashanah. Wednesday was the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. I believe he want us to understand the spiritual significance because I’ve been hearing “the day of the Lord is upon us”. We’re living in a very different day and not many are aware of it or what the day of the Lord means. Rosh Hashanah is also called The Day of The Lord and Judgment Day.


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