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Tagged: alignment, change, decision, do not tolerate, fiercely, giant slayer, giants, holy spirit, inheritance, opposing, passionately, personal, promise, ROAR, take back, unshakeable
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October 29, 2019 at 10:39 am #16787
Ron McGatlin
The Lord spoke a word to me this morning that I felt so strongly in my spirit that I had to release today and I heard Him say “SAY NO!!!! DO NOT TOLERATE WHAT IS OPPOSING YOUR PROMISE!!! ROAR!!!”When the Lord spoke this, I felt a fire in my spirit so strongly of righteous indignation towards anything that opposes the promise of God in the lives of His people. The Lord showed me that because of battle weariness, disappointment, discouragement, and despair that there is a toleration that can creep into the heart. Tolerating the opposing circumstances to the promise, tolerating the things that stand against the promise of God out of deep discouragement or weariness when it feels like things are not going to change.TOLERATE: allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interference. (Google)SYNONYMS: allow, permit, authorize, sanction, condone, indulge, agree to, accede to, approve of, endure, put up with, bear, take, stand, support, undergo, submit to, abide. (Google)Do not tolerate what is screaming at your promise. Do not tolerate the giant that has entered your life because it screams at you that things will never change and it will always be this way.I know I keep saying it, and I will continue to prophesy it as the Lord tells me to, but THINGS ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE. Make a decision today, to not tolerate what stands against your promise. Do not tolerate that which is attempting to steal your inheritance.It’s time to get up and ROAR. ROAR the promises of His Word ALL DAY LONG if you have to. Do not go by your emotions, now is the time to stand in faith, because your giant is about to be SLAYED. Not only are you going to see MAJOR giant slaying taking place in your life in rapid ways with accelerated alignment, you are going to see that NOTHING stands against the Word of God. NOTHING stands against that which comes out of the mouth of God (Isaiah 55:11)Do NOT back down. Do NOT give in. Now is a time to take the Word of God and VIOLENTLY, PASSIONATELY, FIERCELY take BACK what is yours. It’s yours for the taking. The SPOILS are waiting and God is not only restoring to you what has been stolen and hidden from you, God is raising YOU UP in this new era as a GIANT SLAYER who will be one known to walk in deep, bold faith and NOT be moved.You are being branded as “IMMOVABLE in Christ”, you are being branded as “UNSHAKEABLE and UNSTOPPABLE in Christ”. What the Spirit of God is doing in you in this season teaching you to make your “NO” louder than ever, is maturing you in faith and developing perseverance and longevity within you.I had a vision and I saw many with the Sword of Spirit in their hands and they began to decree the Word of God over and over and over and over and they grew bigger and bigger and bigger in the Spirit. The Lord spoke and said “They are growing up into their authority that has always been theirs in Christ”. This “growing up” was happening in many lives in accelerated ways. The fire had been turned up 7 times hotter but the protection of God was upon them and the Holy Spirit was raising up the warrior within them and a deep maturing taking place in their hearts as they pressed deeper in intimacy with Jesus and feasting on His Word. Suddenly they swung the sword one more time and took off the giants head!I saw the sword covered in blood, the blood of the giant. It was then I heard the Lord say “The enemy has been out for blood (John 10:10) in such fierce and relentless ways lately against many of My people, but NOW My people shall see the blood of the giants on their Swords as these giants come down once and for all.”The Lord also showed me that there has been intense ‘battle of the mind’ over many lately, these giants in their land have caused such an intense torment of the mind but in the areas these giants have tortured and tormented, this battle in the mind is coming to an end.GO FORTH GIANT SLAYER!I heard the Holy Spirit say “GO FORTH GIANT SLAYER!!!”The battle with the giants in their own personal lives and the call to NO MORE toleration is not only raising up the warrior within and seeing His people slay the giants and finally see them fall, this fire of “NO TOLERATION” will burn seven times stronger with them and will be the trajectory for a ROAR of JUSTICE, the JUSTICE OF GOD that will come out louder from within His people for families, for cities, for nations and the earth.The Lord showed me that arrows are being placed in quiver of His people that they have gleaned in the battle with the giants. These arrows are arrows of fire, the fire of conviction and faith in seeing the POWER of the WORD OF GOD AT WORK in their lives, the manifestation of what the Word says DEMONSTRATED and TANGIBLE in their lives which has increased faith exponentially within them, and the fire of “no toleration” increased so dramatically that they will FIGHT like never before for others, for their families, for cities and nations with NO TOLERATION for anything opposing the promises of God.The ROAR is increasing in exponential ways in the people of God that decrees “NOT ON MY WATCH!!!” NO TOLERATION!“From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.” (Matthew 11:12 – English Standard Version)IF YOU COULD SEE ALL THAT HAPPENS IN THE SPIRIT WHEN YOU PRAY, YOU WOULD PRAY A LOT MOREThe Lord surprised me many months ago as I sat with Him and He whispered so lovingly to me “If you could see all that happens in the spirit when you pray, you would pray a lot more.”I was convicted, I was challenged,I was invited into a place of deeper ‘sight’, to SEE what happens when I pray and it opened up in me a hunger to understand in greater ways the POWER of prayer. It causes a repentance in my heart for any unbelief and doubt and a cry in me “God open my eyes to SEE like I have never seen before”The Lord over the last few months has been showing me that in this new era He is going to OPEN UP the revelation of the POWER OF PRAYER like never before. He is going to open eyes to SEE in the Spirit like never before to actually SEE what happens when we pray.This revelation of the power of prayer and what actually happens in the Spirit when we pray is going to usher in the greatest movement of PRAYER in the body of Christ that we have ever seen. A great awakening to the POWER OF PRAYER is upon us NOW.And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:17)The revelation of James 5:16 is going to EXPLODE in the body of Christ in this new era like we have NEVER seen before. GET READY!!!!“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (New Living Translation)Ask Him! “Lord, open my eyes to SEE what happens in the spirit when I pray”Repent for any unbelief and doubt and watch the Spirit of God draw you into a season of the greatest revelation on the power of prayer and seeing what happens in the Spirit when you pray.”A whole lot of giants are about to get slayed!-
This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
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