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Tagged: align, Brazil, Catherine Brown, Dr. Robert Reid Kalley, heaven's intervention, lamp stand, mercy, ministry trip, redemption, restoration, Transformation
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Ron McGatlin.
September 13, 2018 at 10:30 am #11407
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“Scotland and Brazil – What’s the Connection?”by Catherine Brown, Glasgow, ScotlandI have been praying for Brazil for some time now and I am presently planning a ministry trip there in November of this year. Recently, I was having coffee with a ministry friend and we were chatting about Brazil and she shared with me about the remarkable connection between Brazil and Scotland through the mission of Dr. Robert Reid Kalley and his wife. Dr. Kalley was born in 1809 in Glasgow. He was a Scottish Presbyterian medical doctor, a pioneer who learned to speak Portuguese on the island of Madeira (off the coast of Morocco). Kalley founded the first evangelical churches in Brazil and is reported to be the first Protestant to evangelize Brazilians in Portuguese. (For further information see the notes at the foot of this prophetic article.)
As I was in prayer for the nation of Brazil, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “It is time for Heaven’s judicial intervention for Brazil.”
The Angel of Justice and Mercy
I then saw a powerful vision unfolding. A mighty angel holding a set of scales was positioned on the nation of Brazil, standing in Sao Paulo. On one of the scales he was holding was written the word ‘mercy’ and on the other scale the word ‘justice.’ The scales were perfectly in balance.
Prayer Treks
I then saw people making treks across the nation, zig zagging in all directions. The prayer treks were pilgrimages that were opening up ancient wells of blessing and simultaneously creating new wells of blessing and opening the flow of Heaven over the people and the land.
As a result of the increased and focused strategic prayer activity throughout the nation, the word “REHOBOTH” was emblazoned across the nation and I heard the Spirit of God say, “Brazil is in a season of Rehoboth. She shall experience expansion, multiplication, restoration, redemption and ultimately Kingdom transformation in all spheres.”
In the Bible in Genesis Chapter 26, we read how Isaac had encountered resistance to his opening up wells in the land of Gerar, but upon the digging of a third well he encountered no resistance and this time he named the well ‘Rehoboth,’ which in Hebrew literally means, ‘broad places.’ The previous two wells he had named ‘Esek,’ which means ‘contention’ and ‘Sitnah,’ which means ‘hostility.’ (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
“…and he said, ‘For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.'” (Genesis 26:22)
Rehoboth indicates expansion and multiplication and a time when God makes room for His people and for Kingdom expansion. In the land of Gerar, Isaac had sowed and received a hundredfold increase in the same year as the Lord blessed him extravagantly and abundantly.
Furthermore after the naming of the Rehoboth well the Lord appeared to Isaac at Beersheba and said, “…Fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham’s sake” (Genesis 26:24).
Rehoboth was the place from which the promise of multiplication for generations came forth to Isaac. Rehoboth does indeed speak to us of increase, acceleration and multiplication.
Breaking Chains – Restoration, Redemption and Transformation
In my vision I witnessed there were some chains on the nation, which have yet to be broken, even some chains that are presently upon the Church. I heard a voice from Heaven say, “Let the lamp stand of Brazil not go out,” and perceived there is a need for repentance because of idolatry.
This is the season of transformation in Brazil. It is not an old wineskin that God is going to use to set the new paradigm and cause the shift. I hear the Spirit of God say that in this next Kingdom move false leaders will be removed from their positions of influence. Those who are building empires and who are not building for the glory of God and His Kingdom will be exposed in their motivations. Yet mercy will be extended to all who are willing to align themselves with the Word of God and the will of God.
Justice and mercy will be poured out from Heaven on behalf of those who have been known as a type of ‘Jabez’. Just as Jabez experienced restoration, expansion and redemption in all things, so in this year of divine speed shall the nation of Brazil experience these same blessings in unparalleled speed.
Redemption of schisms and healing will include:
• Ethnic healing.
• Generational healing.
• Healing in communities and for families.
• Healing the political realm and governmental circles.
• Healing in the marketplace.
• Healing in the Church, in denominations and healing in the apostolic movement.We pray for the divine destiny of Brazil to come to fullness. We command speed in the execution of justice and mercy and Kingdom transformation in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. God bless you this day and always.
Kalley arrived in Rio de Janeiro on May 10th 1855. Once there he began to give out Gospel tracts and Bibles. He assisted during the 1855 cholera epidemic in Rio. He formed a temperance society, and translated Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress in Portuguese.
On 11th July 1858 Kalle baptized the first member of the Igreja Evangelica Fluminense, in Rio, the church he founded. A second church was founded in 1873 in Recife, Pernambuco, over 1,300 miles away in northeast Brazil. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Kalley’s wife Sarah was fully involved in the work and she taught the Bible, ran a music school in the Fluminense church, and also organized the colportage work, the first evangelical hymnbook in Portuguese, and a women’s fellowship.
Throughout his time in Brazil, Kalley never ceased to be an advocate for slaves. Kalley and his wife retired back to Scotland in 1876. Slavery was abolished in Brazil in 1888.
It is fair to say that the doctor from the West coast of Scotland, Robert Reid Kalley, and his wife were faithful in their love for Brazil as they endeavored to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a wonderful Christian legacy between our two countries of Scotland and Brazil! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Footnote: Dr Robert Reid Kalley (1809-88): Robert Reid Kalley graduated as a medical doctor and set up a clinic in Kilmarnock, Scotland (near to where I presently live!) He became a Christian Believer when one of his patients, a lady who was dying of cancer, witnessed to him and led to his conversion in 1834. Thereafter, he applied to the London Missionary Society in 1837. He was married in 1838, but sadly his first wife Margaret died and he remarried in 1852 to Sarah Poulton Wilson.
Catherine Brown
Founder/International Director, Gatekeepers Global Ministries
Email: admin@gatekeepers.org.uk
Website: http://www.gatekeepers.org.ukApostle Catherine Brown is the Founder/International Director of Gatekeepers Global Ministries (GGM) and is a sought-after international preacher and teacher, discipler, pastor of pastors and Kingdom builder. From 2007-2014 she led a global evangelism and discipleship mission entitled “GGM 7 Million Souls.” In January 2015 there were almost 150,000 new converts and 117 new church plants. Catherine continues to work with her team and valued partners and leaders from more than 30 nations/regions in on-going missions: building the Church, advancing God’s Kingdom and discipling people and nations. She preaches on the Gospel of the Kingdom with faith and the intentionality of influencing culture and communities globally to cause transformation and a shift towards Biblical standards.
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