"Stop Doubting And Believe"

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    “Stop Doubting And Believe”

    by Lonnie Mackley Feb. 4th, 2017

    My dear one, you have gone through a very long period of being restricted so that I could purify and heal you in your own personal wilderness. During this time you have been very patient as you allowed me to keep the distractions to a minimum and to just focus upon letting Me mature and train you for this coming time of harvest. But also during this time you have trained yourself not to get your hopes up so that you would not be disappointed when what you wanted might not be granted at that time. You have embraced doubt and unbelief in order to protect yourself from being hurt, but the day has come now where you must stop doubting and believe, for My hand is about to move on your behalf, and you must receive fresh faith in order to believe and to receive all that you will need to be successful ahead.

    Did you really think that I forgot about you My precious one? I had to keep you in this place because you needed a strong foundation of holiness, purity, and obedience in order for Me to build My ministry of power, blessing, and miracles upon you. The fields are truly ripe now and I have been secretly training My army of light to be sent into the darkness and to conquer the enemy and set the captives free. Do not allow discouragement to keep you from receiving the wonderful blessings that I want to give you. Finish the work of preparation that I have called you to finish, and let’s go forward now. The time is shorter than you think and soon things will be set into motion where you will need to hurry up, rather than wait anymore. So My dear one, stop doubting and believe today, for My power and blessing is waiting for you.

    JN 20:27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”


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