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  • #12365
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    I have come to set the captives free from the spirit of religion and tradition so that they can enter into all that I called them to be and do concerning the Kingdom.

    Many do not even understand their calling or all that I am doing in this new season.  They have given ear to all the naysayers and religious hypocrites and now cannot discern the truth from the lies.  Once you give ear to the spirit of darkness it works like a cancer.  It is the same way with criticism and gossip.  It ends up that they see fault in everything and then spread it around.

    I say to you repent.  Watch out for whom you listen to and what you watch because the enemy twists the truth.  He has ways that make these things appear to be truth.  Walk not by what you see or hear in the natural but walk by My spirit.  Hypocrisy is another form of deception.  It is those who wear a mask and parade around like they are of Me but the truth is that they are of the enemy.

    There are witches in sheep clothing.  They know how to talk the talk and walk the walk but they are only planted where they can do the most damage. They con and scheme and conjure up vain imaginations to lure away those who are weak and lack discernment of their lies.

    They are planted in every church in every nation.  The way you can tell the difference is the fruit that they bear and how they affect the people around them.  They use My word out of order and bring confusion and distraction.  They accuse others of what they are doing.  They call evil good and good evil.

    I tell you this day to come up higher where I dwell.  Do not remain in the realm of the evil one with all these works of darkness.  See things by My perspective and I will show you ways to combat these things and to take the Kingdom by force.  It isn’t by might nor by power but by My spirit.

    I have come to take over not to take sides whether one is liberal or conservative where many dwell.  I am the Lord of the breakthrough and I have come that you would have the light that will pierce through the darkness.  I’ve come that you would carry the Sword of My spirit with the truth that will cut to the quick the schemes of the evil one.  I have come that you would have the abundant life in My kingdom realm, which is peace, joy, and righteousness.

    Yes, I have come to set the captives free that they would walk in liberty.  Yes, I have come to bring breakthrough in every area of your life that you would walk with Me in victory combating the kingdom of darkness.  The Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force.

    It is all by your perspective whether you see as I see or whether you see as the enemy would have you to see.  It is all up to you.  The choice is yours to make whether you walk in liberty or in the will of darkness.

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