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Ron McGatlin.
February 11, 2017 at 4:08 pm #2558
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“The Enemy’s Attempts to Take You Out is Propelling Your Advancement”by Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, AustraliaComing into 2017 I knew we would see a clashing of kingdoms, both macro and micro. On the world stage we are seeing the effects of two polar opposite kingdoms and values colliding, yet in our own personal lives something very similar is taking place. God has been doing a deep pruning and purging in us to prepare us for what is coming, and the Kingdom within us is at war with the kingdom we have previously had unhealthy alliances to.
The line is being drawn in the sand and God is calling us up to a higher place, freeing us from the many debilitating mindsets and soul issues that hold us back from being highly effective. But with all that said, there has been another war we have stepped into as the year began – it’s the war against you, the new breed rising, and for what you have in your possession.
Why have you been under assault? Let me share what I believe are key reasons you are a threat and what God is calling you to.
Anointed and Appointed
You are dangerous to the kingdom of darkness, and it’s your natural instinct to snuff it out; but when you step into your shoes and understand what you were born for, you become potent like a lion with its prey in its sight, ready to pounce.
When David was anointed as the future king in 1 Samuel 16:13, it says that the prophet Samuel anointed his head with oil and the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. The word “anoint” used in the Hebrew text is mashach which means literally “consecration”, and “set apart for a specific purpose or service”. Consecration speaks of both identity – whose we belong, and purpose – our assignment. We are anointed as God’s chosen ones to walk out our assignment and there is no greater threat to the enemy than sons and daughters knowing who and whose they are and walking out their divine assignment on this earth. (Photo via Flickr)
Just like David, when we begin to walk in the full favor and blessing of those two places, identity and purpose, people begin to notice and so does the enemy. It becomes obvious what God is doing in you, the power of God rests mightily on your life, and the enemy is afraid of it! In 1 Samuel 16:23 it says that when Saul was tormented by the evil spirit, David played his harp and the evil spirit left! The mark of an anointed, consecrated life is one of POWER.
Attempts to Take You Out
I believe there has been an attack to take people out – an attack that has been sent to take down God’s anointed. These are the David’s, the warriors, the giant killers, and laid-down lovers that press into the wind and are used to facing push-back as they extend the Kingdom. But this assignment has been sent to take them out of the game entirely through sickness, burnout, family issues, defeat, financial problems, and any other avenue He can find. Can you relate to this?
One late night in December, I was up at 1am putting the finishing touches on our latest online course “Bondage Breaker” when suddenly I heard a demonic voice shriek at me saying, “You’ll die with a heart attack!” Instantly I felt fear grip me and then the worst kind of pain, like an Australian 20 cent coin (an American Quarter), was being pushed through my heart. I felt the room begin to fade, like I was fainting, when I came to my senses and took authority over it. As we released the course we understood why this spirit was sent to attack me, the breakthrough that has come to so many lives was what the enemy was afraid of.
If the enemy can’t stop conception he will try to kill the baby. Just like when Jesus was born, King Herod ordered the slaughter of all male babies to prevent the arrival of the prophesied new King of the Jews. The enemy wants to kill your dreams in their infancy because he can tell that what is in your hands is about to double, then triple, and impact the world!
This was also illustrated in the life of David. As he grew in his anointing and began to have success, the Word says that Saul became jealous and tried to kill David many times, and for the rest of Saul’s life David had to run and hide from Saul. What was on David’s life was a threat to the enemy and was a target to be killed before it matured.
The Transference of Power
The Lord spoke to me about the transference of power that is taking place in the Body of Christ right now. This is simply the result of Believers beginning to understand what they have and beginning to use it. Every day the Kingdom is advancing as Believers that used to just take up the back pews suddenly get a revelation of the power made available to them.
This is creating a surge of remarkable miracles, signs, and wonders in unusual places. When I was watching the American Presidential Inauguration, I heard the phrase “transference of power” which is uncommon to me as an Australian, but I quickly realized the synergy of the Kingdom and what God is doing in the earth. We are in a time that we are needed, more than ever, to step out of dormancy and into strength and influence, purity, and power. You are a threat because you now know what the enemy has wanted to conceal from you…YOU!
You Carry Revival Fire
I’ve recently been having dreams of revival like the days of Acts. In these dreams, it wasn’t neat and tidy revival in buildings; it was messy, raw, real, and beautiful. In one of the dreams I was in Jerusalem and knew there was some kind of war going on around me, but it was overshadowed by the revival also taking place. I could hear the eerie sound of deep bellowing warning sirens going off in the city while I am seeing the power of God impact thousands in a city square crying out to God.
This dream revealed to me the tension and contrast of the time we live in. The darkness may appear to be getting darker but in reality the light is getting brighter. You and I have never been better positioned and poised for victory than right now. You are a carrier of revival and inside you is the fire just longing to be let out to sweep your city. That makes you dangerous.
Advancement and Acceleration
I believe this a season of unprecedented advancement for the Body of Christ and the war of kingdoms is simply territorial. Many strongholds have existed over places and regions and on a larger scale, over mountains of influence in our nations.
For every area the enemy throws his weight, reveals areas of truth where God is increasing you.
I want to prophesy over you that where you have felt discouraged and lost, foggy and fearful, God wants to affirm you and remind you of the promises He has spoken over you. Where the enemy has attempted to slow you down, stall you, divert and distract you, God is saying that His will for you is to PROPEL you! He is removing the unnecessary burdens and pulling you back in the bow to release you into a greater measure of what you are walking in now. (Photo via Pexels)
It’s your season of advancement and acceleration and you’ll begin to see the temporary roadblocks sent to confuse you removed, and instead of constantly being a mark for the enemy, you’ll be marked by God’s goodness and favor and begin to see every arrow sent your way reversed. You carry the sound of thunder in your DNA and this is what you were born for.
“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Nate and Christy Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email: everydayrevivalists@gmail.com
Website: http://www.everydayrevivalists.comNate Johnston is a revivalist and worshipper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry “Everyday Revivalists,” he teaches on intimacy and hearing God’s voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into Gods sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in Grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.
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