The Final Separation Part One

Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words The Final Separation Part One

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    David Jones

    Hi Folks…   I just returned from the Outer Banks, North Carolina.  It was my first time there, and it was an amazing adventure.  A small gathering of us from Northwestern, N.C. connected with another gathering there on the coast, for the first time.  God is beginning to connect the dots, so to speak, of the kingdom!  Dear and precious folks, every one!  I thank God for them, and the privilege of connecting with them!

    The second night after my return, the Lord gave me the title for this post, and my Branches Letter for November.  The revelation and understanding concerning this title has been coming to bear for quite some time, and is unfolding rapidly in this last six months of 2018 and onward.In the latter 1980s and 90s, we enjoyed  many prayer meetings at  my father and mother’s homeplace.  We would record those with a cassette recorder, and my mother would write them off by hand, sometimes being as many as thirty pages or so long!  And then she would hand copy them for myself and others.  I still have those.  They are precious.

    In one of those prayer meetings, the Lord told us, “I am going to gather My Own up into My skirts, and carry them across the Stream, and let down My skirts in a new place, and plant them there.”  We looked at this and discussed it many times afterwards.  The Lord still has me referring to it today, as in this post.  Now, years later many talk about relocating, strategic places, refuges, kingdom locations, and such.  It wasn’t known nor understood at that time.

    In 1985, the Lord pointed out a spot on the map some 70 miles to the north from Dad and mom’s place.  In the fall of 1991, one of my older sisters, who worked for the State, was forced into an early retirement by budget cuts.  She moved north not knowing about the word from the prayer meeting nor what I had been shown on the map.  After some months of trying to get settled there, she had met a certain person with a particular house and land for sale.  They insisted that she was supposed to have their place.  They lowered the price and structured the sale and the loan to fit her budget.  It was the exact spot the Lord had revealed!

    I had a large family with eight brothers and sisters plus me.  Once my sister had moved north, one by one we all began to move to the same area(Dad had passed on before this).  This occurred between the fall of 1991 and the Spring of 2002.

    The Pastor and members of the church in which we had grown up, and our friends, were amazed and wondered what was going on.  God had wonderfully and miraculously joined us together years before that.  This was radical, unexpected and they did not understand.  They had not heard and seen what we had heard and seen.  We definitely sought the Lord for more than one confirmation as to this huge change.  And He confirmed it wonderfully and miraculously.  He left no doubt, even with some of my sisters that were doubting.  And yes!  We definitely felt that it was according to the word we had received in the earlier prayer meeting.

    Later, there was more added to that word, the Lord said, “If I remove and come to a new place, how shall I come there unless I have departed from the other?”  Needless to say,  again, this was not easily shared nor understood by us or others.  But it was revealed that a ‘great separation’ had begun among God’s people, and that He would remove His Presence from the ‘former’ as the ‘new’ became established.  This went hand-in-hand with a Scripture He had given us, “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.  behold!  I do a new thing!  Now it shall spring forth.  Shall ye not know it!?”(Isaiah 43:18,19)  And also… “Behold!  I create a new heavens and a new earth.  The former shall not be remembered, nor come to mind.”(Isaiah 65:17)

    Over the years many of us have witnessed this ‘separation’ as it has actually taken place.  Many have been moved here and there.  The Lord instructed me that there were spiritually and naturally strategic locations that He had created from the beginning, and had preserved just for this very time.  And that He would bring His own to these as they heard Him and obeyed.

    As God moved my entire immediate family and established us in our new places, we invited all of our extended family and friends for gatherings here in the new.  They loved  it!  They felt the love and peace of God overflowing everything.  They wanted to live here.  We offered to help them in moving and what not, but one by one, they answered as to why they could not come.  This continued for some years as different members of our family and friends have passed on, one by one, to be with the Lord.  Many loved ones are now gone.  Things have changed, and are changing.  Things are different.  An entire generation is in the final stages of passing on.  Very few remain.

    So, this is part one, an introduction to what the Lord wants to share concerning ‘The Final Separation’.  Part two will be close along behind…  Love and Grace to all, and Peace that passes all understanding…  

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
    David Jones

    Sorry for the word processor jumble…  and ‘edit’ is not showing now on my screen?  Seems with the trouble I am having posting this, our enemy does not want it posted???  Thanks for your patience…

    Ron McGatlin

    I look forward to Part 2.

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