There is a significant increase of creative ideas being released from the Lord right now that must be paid attention to. Pay attention to those ‘random ideas’ and ‘creative ideas’ that suddenly drop into your heart and mind. Those things where you think “I have never thought of doing that, designing that, building that, starting that before.”

For these creative ideas that He is releasing right now are so important and strategic for what He is wanting to release. The Lord showed me that as these creative ideas are implemented they are actually becoming “portals of encounter”. These creative strategies and ideas that the Lord is releasing as you put your hands to it will see MAJOR encounters with Jesus and His goodness and love for those who come into contact with the creative ideas, strategies and things the Lord has had you build.

I heard the Lord say “Do not worry about provision”. I saw such increase of supernatural provision being released to see these creative ideas and strategies implemented.

These creative ideas and strategies range from “small things” to very “large things”. Don’t minimise the powerful impact that these creative ideas and strategies will have however small or large they are, for the Lord showed me that there will be such significant favour and powerful moves of His Spirit through these creative ideas and things He is leading His people to build, where MANY will come to know Jesus and encounter Him. 

I heard the Lord say “Even the most unusual, unexpected creative ideas will drip in My anointing and creativity and because of My hand upon them there will be powerful encounters with Me, My heart, My goodness, My love, My truth and My power. I am going to show up in and through some of the most unexpected and unusual places for I am the God who cannot be limited. These creative ideas and strategies I am releasing, some are so new and not done before, it will attract the world to come and see. These creative ideas and strategies will carry such freshness of My Spirit and My presence that many will be drawn from far and wide to see, and they will then ‘taste and see’ that I am good. Some life changing encounters are coming for many who know Me, and those who do not yet know Me through the vehicle of these creative strategies.”

“My people, do not fear when I place these creative ideas and strategies in your hands. I will confirm My Word to you and as you step forward in obedience to implement that which I have given you, you will see MAJOR provision. All will be provided for you. Do not be afraid to step out in faith. Do not be afraid to try what has not been done before. As I lead you, as I guide you, I will open the storehouse of heaven upon you to provide all for you. Great favour will fall upon you as you move forward in radical obedience.”


“Great fires of passion are being ignited in you My people as these creative strategies continue to increase in your hearts. You will know these creative ideas are from Me, as the fire of passion that will come with these ideas, the joy that will bubble forth within you and through you will not be able to be contained. Now is the time to build. Build with Me. Build in My pace, my leading and My timing. Follow My instruction and you will see the “Queen of Sheba” (1 Kings 10) marvel at My excellence and favour through you!”


I heard the Lord say:

“Watch the testimonies that will explode all around you as you implement My creative strategies and ideas. There will be a divine ripple effect of breakthrough and My power that will be seen through these creative strategies and ideas. The breakthroughs and move of My Spirit through these creative ideas that I am releasing are greater than you can imagine. This is bigger than you think. Your obedience meeting with My creative strategy and ideas will see a monumental outpouring of My Spirit and Kingdom extended through your life to bring explosive breakthrough and radical shifts and change.”

“It’s time for implemented change to take place through the creative ideas and strategies I am releasing. These portals of encounter will see lives changed as they encounter Me and My heart. Lean in and seek Me for My strategy, not the creative ideas of the world or man, but the creative strategies and ideas of My heart.”

“Listen not to the whispers of the enemy or the talk of others that says “you can’t”, listen to what I am saying. “With ME, you CAN” and I am empowering you to do what you never thought you could do or would do. I will shut the mouths of the naysayers with My favour, provision and anointing over the creative strategies I am releasing to you.”

“Continue to ask for wisdom in the stewardship of these creative ideas and strategies. Follow in the winds of My creativity and strategy, build only where I am building and brace yourself to see greater impact of My Spirit through your life than you have never seen before. It’s time!”