The Love of God Will Lift Our Nation – Nancy Taylor Warner

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    Ron McGatlin
    “And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.” Luke 11:4
    I have been greatly challenged as I have read about the life of William J. Seymour, truly a remarkable man. Though he grew up in abject poverty, suffered social injustice and poor health, he pressed into God not only for himself, but opened the door for others to also receive from the Lord.
    It is easy to criticize, to point at faults. But who can make a difference for good today? Hate only brings a downward spiral. As a nation, how we need the love of God to touch our hearts, lifting us up into a higher plane of living.
    That love begins with you and with me, as we refuse to give in to the prevailing spirit and instead contend for His presence in the various places God has us.
    Effective spiritual warfare involves more than declarations or even prayers. As carriers of His presence, there is a lifestyle that breaks strongholds, bringing the presence of God into given areas, as collectively in Christ we stand.
    When confusion descends, it is hard at times not to be impacted by it. May God strengthen us today to walk in wisdom, truth and love. To know the still, small voice of God, and to recognize His nudging. To be a people led and governed by the Holy Spirit.
    Like William J. Seymour, a man who made a difference for good in history, may we know what we are looking for, what we hope for, and go after it! That not only we, but others might enter into what God has for us today.
    In the teaching Jesus gave on prayer, He taught us to pray that we would not be “led” into temptation, but delivered from evil (Luke 11:4). In the Aramaic, this same verb also means not “to suffer defeat, succumb or fail.”
    That is my prayer today, that we would not suffer defeat, succumb, or fail in temptation, but be delivered from evil. I pray that we would stand strong in the calling of God to be as salt, that which restrains corruption and preserves that which is flavorful, pleasing in His sight. That we would not be pulled down by all that is going on around us, but maintain our vision, that which we hope for, and go after it! That like William J. Seymour, we too might help shape history by our prayers, faith and the lives we live.
    May the Lord strengthen and bless you today! There are many teachings written by Wade Taylor and others, as well as audio files (Messages to Hear & See are videos by Wade Taylor; Messages to Hear are audios by Wade Taylor and myself) which are a present word for today.
    The Prayer Chapel: Almost always, there is something happening here at the Parousia Ministries Prayer Chapel the 2nd Saturday of the month! November 11, Steve Porter will minister. On months without a scheduled speaker, we have Tea, Coffee & Prayer. What special times these have been! More information is on our website. Please, ALWAYS confirm if you plan to come, in case there are schedule changes!
    Wade Taylor Publications: is a separate part of my dad’s ministry that was close to his heart. On this website, you can buy Books, CDs and DVDs by Wade Taylor. Also a prayer ministry, they can be contacted by calling 800-349-0340, or by emailing Contact information is also on their website!
    It is my prayer that a present word will continue to be available to you through this ministry, that you might be spiritually edified and receive an impartation of our Lord’s presence through the teachings.
    May you increasingly prosper, both spiritually and in your life circumstances, beyond all that you have experienced in the past, and also, may you be blessed in life, in health, and in all that is before you.
    Prayerfully yours,
    Nancy Taylor Warner


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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