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December 2, 2023 at 11:38 am #27046
ParticipantThought of the Day, December 2, 2024: The new gathering of the saints: A wheel within a wheel: A new breed of leaders is arising!
It is time that we put away our church services, meetings, conferences as we have done them in the past church age.
The new breed of God’s leaders have gone past the outer court ministry of being saved, the holy place ritual acts of worship of services after services with a planned agenda and ritual where the gifts operate, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the need for 5 fold ministers keep people seeing more of men then more of God.
They have gained the apostolic understanding of Hebrew chapter 9 and understand that the holy place ministry is a sign and type of this age, that in it gifts are given as ritual acts of worship, but they are incapable of perfecting or maturing the saints
This new breed will not settle for the outer courts ministry or the holy place, they are entering into the very glory realm behind the veil into the Holy of Holies and they are being changed from glory to glory ready for God’s end time work on the earth.
The late Keith Green said it best, “going to church does not make you any more of a Christian than going to McDonald’s makes you a hamburger.
Ministers of God can’t you see the slow pace of the sheep of God in coming to maturity when all they eat is a Sunday service, a Bible-study, special speakers, more outreaches and programs?
Beloved they are not maturing as mature sons and daughters of God because the church age ministry is consumed with the spirit of Laodecia in it which has produced a lukewarm people ready to be spewed out of the mouth of God.
No where in the Bible will you find the Lord instructing us to have “services” or even the form and pattern we use today. Actually the pattern for gatherings is found in 1st Corinthians 14:26 and in the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David as in Amos 9:11.
David, a man after God’s own heart changed the pattern of worship that was given for 1000’s of years. When it was time to bring the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem, David did not put it back in Moses Tabernacle, He established a new one completely different then the one God instructed Moses to build.
So it is today, the outer courts and holy place ministry is in able of completing and maturing the conscious or hearts of a believer because in the holy place we bring ritual acts of worship over and over again, Sunday and Sunday.
We must change the flavor, the tune, the harmonics to look different. We bring different series, topics we think people want and need, yet we never bring them face to face with the King of Glory.
Moses Tabernacles only lets a few near God and only one to enter the glory realm. David’s tabernacle allowed every one to approach God and to enter His glory realm but it required one thing, radical worship and love.
Before David did one thing to rule over Jerusalem, the first think he did was “build a tent of meeting for himself and God’s people to meet with God face to face.
He hired and paid 3000 singers and musicians to one thing minister to the heart of God with praise and worship to the beauty of God’s holiness.
He taught the people that if you want God’s governmental reign in a nation first God’s kingdom government must be established in the hearts of God’s people to rule in them before they can rule over the nations.
David brought into that tabernacle psalmist like himself who knew how to minister to God’s heart, seek his face and lead the people upward into the very chambers of God’s heart.
He commanded the singers to sing, the musicians to play, the dancers to dance before him, the floggers to wave their flags, the handmaidens and menservants to minister at his feet in pure love, tears and adoration.
He positioned the scribes to write down everything that was happening in the tent and to record all God said to them with instructions and directions for His people
In David’s tabernacle everyone was welcome to come and minister to God’s heart and to function as a royal priesthood chosen by God not through the Levitical priesthood, but truly the Melchizedek priesthood Jesus would share with us 1000 years later.
In David’s tabernacle there were no ritual acts of worship. Everything was spontaneous because it was not a formula of service, but a place to worship the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind.
It was a place to praise him freely and unhindered by time frames, agendas, specials, programs and themes that we think people want.
In that tabernacle the Word was read, heard and received in the power of pure holy love and the Lord’s manifest presence was there for all to see and know.
David knew if he were to rule and reign over Isreal, that seeking the heart of God, ministering to His needs first was where the authority to rule over a nation came from.
Though God has been showing this for many years now to the church leadership in this nation, so many to this date have shut their hearts to the new restoration of David’s Tabernacle and cling to Moses tabernacle and refuse to leave the holy place to go behind the veil into the Holy of Holies.
They bring ritual acts of worship every Sunday but just change the flavor. The services have a time limit, the worship has a time limit.
There has to be commercial announcements, then offering time, then a 40-60 minute message from the same person the Pastor or Apostle because they alone have the word of the Lord for the people.
I personally did this as a Pastor for many years because that is what we had known and what was taught. Yet, God wants us to enter the new and not cling to the Laodecian church attitude that thing the Holy Place ministry with the gifts of the Spirit, Baptism of the Spirit and the restoration of the 5 fold ministries and rest abolishing the Apostles is the end all, because it is not. HARDLY!
There is so much more to know and experience God than that, and there is a remnant of God, a new breed of people, a new breed of people who won’t be contained by a religious structure that refuse to go behind the veil into the holy of holies and is actually keeping people from going there themselves.
They are spiritually pushing their way through this old religious guard as respectfully as they can, but they will not settle for what is passing away, they want the more of God.
Generation X, Y, Z and the Millennials are pushing their way out of that old guard, old boy system of hierarchy that buries them in the pews to come and find the people and places where David’s Tabernacle is being rebuilt on the earth,
They are leaving the church and left the church by droves because they want more of God. They don’t want another Sunday service, Wednesday bible study, outreaches to the lost, single ministries, youth ministries when they are despearate and passionately in love with the Lord.
The Joshuas and Calebs of my generation won’t settle for that either. They are now becoming pioneers with a John the Baptist anointing to make a way for the Lord’s coming,.
The new breed in my generation are seeking the face of God and coming up the mountain of the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart to lift up their head as gates and everlasting doorways to see the return of the King of Glory.
They are entering into the glory realm of God and they are letting God change them from church to Kingdom, from church works, to God’s kingdom plans from the spirit of prophecy and 7 spirits of God.
They are the ones God is giving the mantle to rebuild David’s tabernacle on the earth. They are done with services as we have known them.
They are done with ministry as we have known it to be and they are being prepared as Joshua the high priest was made ready to walk in the glory realm in Zechariah chapter 3.
God himself is rebuking satan from touching them and putting him away from them. He himself is removing the filthy garments of the mixture of flesh and spirit from the Laodecian lukewarm church.
He is putting royal robes and a royal turban ( a new way of revelation and understanding of the kingdom of God and the glory realm). He is removing the iniquity of the church age off them in a single day for one purpose.
He calls Joshua and those with him a Brand plucked out of the fire or Firebrands!
He has only one word to Joshua, if you will listen to my voice and obey my commands I WILL GIVE YOU ACCESS HERE IN MY COURTS IN HEAVEN AND TO WALK WITH THOSE WHO ARE WALKING WITH THE LORD BEFORE HIS THRONE.
The new breed of leaders are bringing people to God himself. They are not bringing them to them or their ministries or churches or their great vision and plans.
This new breed of leaders are being trained by God Himself like David to minister to the heart of God as they gather to the Lord.
They are approaching the Lord with the right protocol of approach with is pure love and worship first unhindered and unafraid.
They are teaching and traingin this young generation how to minister at his feet, to express their burning love for him in radical worship, dance, leaping, praise, flags, instruments, arts, tears and how to pour their alabaster box of oil on his feet.
They are teaching them how to wait upon the Lord, wait for his leading, his instructions and then to follow him where He leads in their gatherings.
They are not seeking to preach a message but to become one. They are not seeking to take the pulpit, but to allow the Lord to be seen alone.
They are not facing the people in worship, but they are facing the Lord. They are not worried about the words on the screen to sing, but teaching God’s people to sing the new songs of love that is in their heart.
This new breed of leaders is gaining spiritual insight to see each person as the Lord does and is allowing the Lord to use whom he will at the gatherings from the youngest to the oldest.
They are not trying to be “the lead guy” or senior leadership apostles as so many do today. They are seeing only Jesus in their midst. They are desiring only Jesus to be seen and known through His mult-members body.
This new breed is not structuring a time frame for the gatherings or setting an agenda, or planning a message, announcements or time for prayer to get everyone home in 2 hrs to watch football or be about their lives.
This new breed understands the heart of God and his desire to fellowship personally with his people individually and then collectively as a multi-membered body with each part supplying what the other needs.
They wait for God to use whom He will, speak and minister through whom he will and allowing the children to stay with the and to be used as God would desire.
In these gatherings this new breed understand there are no big people, no little people, just God and His people like David did when he pitched that tabernacle made of ordinary skins for all the people to be priest and minister to the heart of God.
This new breed of leaders understand that time to gather and meet will change as God desires. They also see that God is going to pour on hot spots in different cities, states and nations and that God may want them to be part of that.
The new breed is not stuck in the old “local church” church age mentality that everyone has to go there and be part of that community as in the past.
They understand that a new corporate bride of Christ a New Jerusalem city is being formed by the hand of God.
They see that God himself is building up a spiritual house made of living stones and they will not get in the way of Jesus the Master builder from building His own house.
This new breed of leaders understand the functioning of the 5 fold ministry from the glory realm and in the gathering they function completely different from having to preach from behind a pulpit or bring a hot new topic and revelation to his people.
This new breed of leaders flow as one with the King of Glory, they are filled with the 7 spirits of God and operate from the spirit of prophecy which is the testimony of Jesus.
As they surrender fully to the will of God, they allow God to form them into a kingdom of Priest and Kings unto God that can rule and reign with him and a people who are completely submitted to the headship of Christ as mature sons and daughters.
This new breed of leaders understand that everything has changed and they have the tribe of isachar anointing on then to know the times and seasons of the Lord.
They are being instructed and taught continually from God’s glory realm in the way that they should go and they are being guided by the eye of the Lord, and they are teaching God’s people to do the same thing.
This new breed is seeing the new order of Kingdom government not going back to the book of Acts, but seeing the Bride all adorned in white coming down on the earth as a New Jerusalem city to rule and reign on the earth with him.
They are not looking back to the past revival, or past moves of God to try to recreate them, they are looking forward to the city whose architect and builder is God.
These are God’s readied one, his mature sons and daughters, his over-comers, his man-child company, His bride without spot and blemish who are now arising and shining on the earth for their light, the King of Glory and now the glory of the Lord shall be seen risen on them.
They are the rebuilders and repairers of David’s Tabernacle that he said would be rebuild for the day of the Lord coming on the earth.
Surely, God has done a new thing. Surely, God is bringing forth a kingdom wineskin of a new breed of leaders and people. Surely, God is pouring out a new wine that can’t fit the old wineskin of the church age services and structure.
The sooner 5 fold ministers we recognize this fundamental change Jesus has come to bring as David did.
David knew the ark of the covenant was never going back to Moses Tabernacle and neither are we going back to remain in the holy place or outer courts.
David pitched a tent for the ark of God for all to come before and minister to the heart of God so His glory could be known in the nation and the nations.
Then God put in him to build a temple to house the ark of God for a season as a permanent place for his glory to remain. The present new breed of leaders know that that temple is not a building, an outreach ministry or work for God, that our bodies are the very temple of the living God.
The new breed of leaders understand that we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God which is our reasonable worship. They have given and taught God people to give the entirety of their being to seek his face continually.
They have given God, all that are, all that they have, and all they ever will be. These are the ones that God rising up as His generals in this day to lead God’s people into the promised land where the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God in Christ
Surely, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
For God has done a new thing, can you not percieve it. It is time to pur away our lives as have known it or lived them.
It is time to put away the old wineskin of church services as we have known them and let God bring us into Kingdom glory filled gatherings of the saints in each town and city.
It is time to get off the throne by setting the agenda of services to meet with God face to face and to bring God’s people to him directly.
To those that will, you will be lifted up into the glory realm of God, prepared and positioned to be propelled with His glory to overcome everything that will come in this nation.
You will be kept safe as a Goshen during the hour that is coming on the earth, yet be the very army God will use to shake and transform the kingdom of this world into the kingdom of our God in Christ.
You will be the very trumpets of the Lord executing the judgments that are written to leaders and nations, and overcoming army of priests and kings unto our God who will rule the nations with a rod of iron as an over comer.
You will be the people Jesus speaks of in Revelaton 3:21, to he that overcomes I will give the right to come up and sit on my throne as I overcame and sit on my fathers throne.
Our eternal destiny as overcomers, mature sons, a bride all adorned in white, a man-child company, a wheel within a wheel, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a spiritual house of living stones, a chosen generation is about to arise and manifest on planet earth.
Will you be part of that which is unfolding or part of what is passing away? If your heart is to be part of the unfolding kingdom of God?
Then dearest leaders, join now with your brethren who are doing that very thing. It is time for you to put away the service structure, the ministry structure, the outreaches and all that you have been doing and lay it down to get the new of God and how He wants you to function with Him and his people.
The holy of holies, the glory realm in the depth of his heart is our desitnation. From there we will function under his complete headship as the Lord Jesus Christ in a new and even more glorious way than that which you put down.
Will you hear the voice of the war trumpet of the King of Glory to hear the voice speaking to you and turn around? Will you open your heart and eyes to see Jesus revealed in you as the King of Glory as John did on the isle of Pathmos?
The choice is yours, and let those who have an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of God says to the churches.
Shalom, Shalom!
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