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Kevin Barrett.
February 25, 2018 at 7:03 pm #8601
Kevin Barrett
ParticipantWord from the Father:
My people, listen to your heavenly Father this day. I come to you all with open arms of love and with exciting news. I know that many of you grieve over the loss of the well-known Billy Graham, in whom many were so fond of. But I would have you to know this; he has entered into his rewards. However, there is something much greater that you should rejoice in besides this fact.
For I tell you, the passing of Billy Graham has heralded the passing of an old era and a new one has begun. The mantle of Billy Graham will be handed down to many for the saving of many souls. Howbeit, there is something else even more wonderful than that. Even though it is a wonderful thing for just one soul to turn to Me, it is a much greater thing for just one soul to <i>become</i> one with Me.
This is the greater thing regarding Billy Graham’s passing. The passing of the old has ushered in a new era in which many will have their eyes and ears opened to the truth and many will forsake the pleasures of the world to become one with Me. For the old era has taught the name of Jesus, but for the most part, has not taught the truths of My kingdom and the reality of a glorified, sinless, and perfect life, fully united with Me in oneness with My Spirit.
This shall be the new message of the day; to prepare a people for My habitation and for Me to be glorified in earthen vessels. And many shall die to themselves so that they may become one with Me, and that I may be glorified in them. And in this, My power shall be greatly revealed in the earth through these ones.
Oh, My lovely ones, this is My desire for all of you. However, this comes at a great price, and that price is your own self-life which not many are willing to give up. But these are the last days and I have reserved a remnant who shall be willing to give up all the world has to offer in order to be one with their God.
Listen well. Now is the time for an abundance of My grace to be poured out upon anyone who would choose this. Howbeit, do not take this invitation lightly, nor agree to it in haste. First, you must consider the cost. Are you willing to give up everything dear to you, even your own flesh and blood? Are you willing to walk away from your job or business to never look back if I were to ask you? I tell you, this choice shall be the undoing of everything you hold dear. But the reward shall far outweigh anything the world has to offer.
So then, I do not ask of you today to make this choice, yet I ask of you to consider the cost and ask yourself if you would be willing to take up your cross and give up all to follow My Son wherever He leads you. If you would do this, and truly begin to seek Me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; then I shall see from heaven and pour out an unprecedented measure of My grace upon you for this journey.
The days are short and the end is near. Therefore, I need those who are willing to carry My glory to the nations. But only those who have died to their self-life shall be My glorified ones in these last days. Oh, I will still have those on the earth who shall carry My anointing, yet even so, it shall not be the same as My Glory. For no man, save Jesus Christ Himself, has ever walked the earth in the fullness of My Glory. However, I tell you that there shall be those in these last days who shall be glorified and walk in the fullness of My Spirit and Truth just as My Son Jesus did. Yet know this, even My own Son was glorified through the betrayal of Judas and His death on the cross. So then, how much more do you suppose that you must also die to yourselves in order to be glorified?
Oh, do not fret over the thought that this is an impossible task. For surely, I tell you that what is impossible with man is possible with Me. And I SHALL have a remnant in the earth who will be My habitation among men in these last days. Do not be as the Israelites of old who saw themselves as grasshoppers compared to the giants in their promised land, and then doubted and feared. Even though your flesh and sin may be as giants to you, the battle is Mine.
I tell you all, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what I have in store these last days for those who truly love Me. But I shall reveal these things to My remnant who will carry My Glory to a lost and dying world.
Do not miss out on this great opportunity. For I tell you; I am no respecter of persons, and this call goes out to whosoever will. Don’t believe the lies of the enemy that this calling is only for the anointed leaders in ministry. For I tell you, even very few of them, if any, will answer this call because many have chosen to love their ministry more than Me. Therefore, those who are unknown, of lowly reputation, and who have chosen to follow Me and make themselves least in the eyes of the world, will be the ones who are greatest in My kingdom.
I love you all, and how I desire this for all of you. But ultimately, the choice is yours. For even though I may call many to this calling, few will ultimately be chosen because few will consider the cost to die fully to self and endure to the end. Yet, even so, I do give this call for all those who <i>would</i> consider the cost. Surely, it will be well worth it……
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