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Tagged: 02 02 2002, faith, football language, God speaks, harvest, miracle, ready, response, Revival, ripe, super bowl
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Ron McGatlin.
February 8, 2020 at 3:09 pm #17708
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“The Super Bowl, Revival & 11 Practical Responses”Jodie Hughes, Graham, TexasI want to share with you some prophetic insight that God has highlighted to me regarding the Chiefs’ recent Super Bowl win; here’s what I see:
There are some amazing prophetic sign posts in the numbers from the Chiefs’ win at the Super Bowl, and I’ll mention a few of them, but this is not the main point of this word, so I’ll leave the rest to others.
It’s hard to ignore these amazing facts from the game:
• The date was 02/02/2020.
• It was coach Reid’s 222nd career win on 2/2/2020, and it just happened to be at the Super Bowl.
• It’s been 50 years since Kansas City Chiefs played in a Super Bowl; it was a jubilee win that broke the drought!
• It was a double digit comeback that has set NFL records.
• There is a viral prophetic word many people are sharing from Bob Jones stating that: “When the Chiefs win the Super Bowl you will know that revival is about to come…”
• Bob Jones was buried on 2/22.
God Is a Master Communicator
These are all amazing prophetic markers to take note of. What I love most about the prophetic sign post of the Chiefs’ Super Bowl win is that it shows God is still speaking in “everyone heard in their own language” (see Acts 2:6-8).
God speaks football! Why? Because one thing I’ve learned since living in America is this: football is currency. Football is more than a national past time, it’s a way of life that consumes culture, conversations, friendships and everyday life.
After Pentecost, and when the Holy Spirit fire was released, the FIRST thing God did was ensure the crowd gathered and heard the preaching in their “own native language” (Acts 2:8)! The whole crowd that gathered around heard what God was saying in their own language; the language that they were comfortable and fluent in; the language they learned as a child. What a miracle right there! Many nations and people who gathered that day heard a God-inspired, anointed message in their own tongue, simultaneously. God is a master communicator.
God still speaks in the language people are most comfortable with, and fluent in. If football is the language of a people, then it’s no surprise that God speaks football. God is still a master communicator.
The next question to ask ourselves is what is our response?
In Acts 2:12 when God released this sign and wonder, the Bible says, “So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, ‘Whatever could this mean?'”
One thing we can know is that when God is speaking our language, He is wanting us to know something. The Super Bowl was simply a modern day parable and sign post that He is bringing revival to America and the nations. God is saying that if He can speak through a football game, you can rest assured that He still knows how to speak the heart language of every single person and reach them with His love…including your loved ones.
“I Know You, America”
God is saying, “I know you, America, and I know how to reach you and speak your language.”
Get ready to be astounded – and not just by a football, double-digit comeback story – but by your own comeback story in 2020. Revival is making a comeback in America and the nations. The Third Great Awakening is brewing!
So what’s our response? Pray. Stir your faith and believe that God can still win a nation. Speak faith-filled words when you talk about what God is doing. If God is building expectation of harvest and outpouring, don’t be found mocking what God is doing. Acts 2:13 says that “others mocked” what God was doing and pouring out in their midst. When the crowd heard “God” in their language, sadly, many only mocked and missed what He was saying completely.
Look to the Fields! “You’ll Be Surprised Who Is About to Praise My Name”
God wants America to know this: “I’m pouring out My Spirit on all flesh in an unprecedented way…you’ll be surprised who is about to praise My name!”
“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35)
God is asking us to recognize, look and see, that the harvest is not off in the future, but that He is readying hearts and souls NOW. People who we used to say were hard to reach, God has been making ready. America, the harvest is ripe; it’s not “four months” away. When God is speaking through an international sporting event, we can know that God is saying it’s harvest time now, and “the FIELDS” are ripe! I know this is a play on words, but I believe the Lord is saying, “Through a football field, America, the fields are ripe for harvest!”
Personally, I believe this is just another sign of many things God is saying – that revival is upon us and the time is urgent. However, being aware of the season helps us respond accordingly.
11 Practical Responses
If you are not already, here’s some practical ways to partner with what God is doing:
1. Pray for your family members that need a salvation encounter.
2. Pray for your nation to have a comeback turnaround to Jesus.
3. Surrender your heart afresh.
4. Expect God to use you, everyday, just by being you.
5. Look for opportunities to share God’s heart in your everyday normal life, because hearts are not hard, they have been made ready.
6. Speak with faith expectation about revival; not fear, not mocking and not unbelief.
7. Honor and pray for those who are “working in the harvest fields.”
8. Ask “the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38).
9. Search your heart and repent if needed. Receive grace and forgiveness if you need to. And get your own heart and life “ready” to be enlisted in the greatest harvest season you’ve ever seen! Everyone is needed; don’t disqualify yourself.
10. Expect that the God who raised Lazarus from the grave is going to astound you with incredible comeback miracle stories. Watch, in amazement, who and what He brings out of the grave.
11. Start stretching and expanding your faith now. This is important! Jesus still does MORE where He finds faith. Unbelief and lack of faith hinder miracles (Matthew 13:58). Be a target for miracles and revival…stretch your faith now!
“Be Dressed and Ready”
“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning.” (Luke 12:35)
Be expectant, friend. We need oil in reserve every day to keep our lamps burning and ready. God is always moving, and always looking for those who He can partner with on the earth.
In revival season, you’re needed on the field, burning and ready. Be dressed and ready. Everyone is needed in the team.
Jodie Hughes
Pour It Out Ministries
Email: info@pouritout.org
Website: http://www.pouritout.orgBen and Jodie Hughes are the founders of Pour It Out Ministries and have been in ministry together for more than 20 years. Recently relocating to the United States from Australia, they, along with their adult daughter Keely, travel full-time around the world as revivalists, with an emphasis on releasing and equipping for revival, breakthrough prophetic worship, prophetic ministry and preaching the Gospel with miracles, signs and wonders following. Ben and Jodie are known for recently hosting the Pineapple Revival in Australia which saw thousands come from all over, initially going non-stop for 22 weeks and extending for 18 months. In addition to being full-time itinerant revivalists and prophets, they have pastored and planted several churches, trained hundreds of ministry students, recorded worship albums and other writing projects as well.
Source: http://elijahlist.com/
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