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Ron McGatlin.
December 25, 2017 at 5:07 pm #7582
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“The Year of Dominion and Rulership”David Tomberlin, Pasadena, CAEvery year I take time to seek the Lord and ask for a message that will be an encouragement to Believers for the new year. This year, without even asking for a yearly word yet, the Lord spoke to my heart, “2018 will be the year of Dominion.”
Let me preface this by saying, like all words, this word is for people who will believe it and act on it. Almost all words are subject to obedience, faith and a right heart. This word is no exception. Included in this message I also provide some prayer targets that I hope will be instructional as we enter the new year.
We Need All the Characteristics of God to Be Displayed
Dominion means to control or rule. It’s where we get the words dominate or domicile from. I believe this is the year the Lord will release the rulership in the earth which the Lord has ordained for the Body of Christ. Jesus said that He has been given ALL authority in Heaven and on earth, and in the same way the Father sent Him, so He sent out His disciples. Jesus had all the authority there was to have, and He gave that to His disciples. I believe this year He is releasing the manifestation of that authority on earth to the Body of Christ.
“When dominion comes, judgment and grace come with a ferocity.“ I have noticed that many in the Church seem to avoid what I like to call the more “masculine” side of God: confronting, contending, ruling, rebuking and reigning. As a result, words like dominion, control or rulership can often be taken as negative or “religious”. Don’t get me wrong…the nurturing, gentle and tender characteristics of God are desperately needed! Yet there seems to be an imbalance with the Church capitalizing more on the softer attributes and allowing for only some aspects of the Personality and Person of the Lord to come through when there is much more to Him.
Jesus didn’t have a confidence problem and He was God, in the flesh, with both masculine and feminine characteristics being manifested. I believe we shouldn’t have a confidence problem either. We should boldly let all aspects of God’s character shine through!
I believe this year the Church, all together, will get in touch with both its feminine AND masculine side. When this happens, we will be have strong leaders and leadership, aggressive and proactive faith, and unapologetic preaching. “Taking the Kingdom by force” will surge and will happen as we step into our place of ruling and reigning. Authority will be reestablished. (Photo via Pinterest)
I believe great boldness will come back to the Body of Christ and preachers will worry more about offending God than man. I’ve learned that when you care too much about other people’s opinions, others often don’t care what you think, but if you say what you really believe, then people will actually be interested in what you think. It’s the President Trump effect. People listen to him, largely because they know he will say what he really feels.
Release of the Glory
The anointing comes when the truth is preached and the preacher is unconcerned about even his very life. God won’t endorse a half or feel-good Gospel. Signs and wonders are to “confirm the Word” but where the Gospel has been neutered the miracles won’t flow. The whole Gospel must be preached, not just the parts that feel good or please our sensibilities. It’s then that the Lord will put His stamp of approval by releasing miracles, signs and wonder.
We, the Church, are called to rule and reign on this earth, to take dominion, and to have authority. Instead, we have often backed down, cowered, been politically correct, sought to people please or be the cool guy. The Lord wants to raise up men and women who understand the power and authority of the Kingdom and are willing to pay the price to carry His presence and His miracles, signs and wonders.
Jesus said, “But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you” (Luke 11:20). The rule and reign or Kingdom of God came, then God’s dominion came. The will of the Father was done through Jesus, by Jesus having authority, taking control, proactively doing what the Father called Him to do. He came to destroy the works of the devil. When ministers preach a prophetic message that cuts like a sword in the Spirit it will show the dominion that God is calling His Church to walk in.
What to Expect in a Place of Dominion
Some things to expect when we step into our rightful place of dominion:
1. Relational order. God will bring about the right relationships in family, ministry and business. Alignment will come in ministry where those called to follow you will come, and those you are to submit to and be a covering for you will be provided. “God’s choice” for your relationships will come.
2. Financial order. Christians and ministries are called to flourish financially. This is not to discourage anyone struggling financially, but to bring hope to those in that situation. The Bible promises as we honor the Lord through generous giving, that we will be “made rich in EVERY way, so that we can be generous on every occasion” (2 Corinthians 9:11). Ministries will be on their knees asking God for wisdom in what to do with the abundance of finances coming. Christian business people will be elevated in this hour and move from millions to billions at a rapid rate. This will be a result of dominion.
“The Lord wants to raise up men and women who understand the power and authority of the Kngdom…“ 3. Spiritual Dominion. Jesus only struggled in His ministry in Nazareth, His home town. This was caused by lack of honor and a spirit of familiarity. I believe as we step into dominion, the lower operation of the gifts will cease and the truly awe-inspiring signs and wonders, miracles and healings, will gradually come up to a Biblical level and beyond. I believe many will begin to step into the greater works. Devils will tremble in the presence of Believers and not the other way around.
4. Identity. Today, so many have a hard time knowing who they are. There is so much confusion on the earth. A lot of that has to do with people not really understanding their position, privilege and responsibilities of being a child of God. If the Church doesn’t know who we are in God, how can we expect the world to have any understanding of their identity? As we begin to walk in dominion, people will understand their identity in Christ like never before, and we will properly relate to the Father and walk in confidence.
5. Discipline. As I travel around the world, I meet all kinds of people. Most are nice, kindhearted, sincere people. But I’ve also seen those who are not progressing in their faith and taking new ground. Year after year, I see many of the same people hovering around the same level spiritually, dealing with the same problems and fighting the same devils.
Discipline is a missing ingredient in much of the Body of Christ today. When dominion comes, it will demand discipline because the Kingdom is a fast moving train. Today when leaders call for discipline they are labeled religious or controlling. Scripture teaches that being disciplined is a key to life in God. Dominion will resurrect that idea.
6. Suddenlies. When dominion comes, judgment and grace come with a ferocity. I have seen it happen in my nearly two decades of ministry. I have seen people propelled beyond their wildest dreams and I have seen judgment come like a wrecking ball. To whom much is given much is required. Ananias and Sapphira misrepresented an offering. They didn’t steal, they gave, but they had an agenda. They were quickly judged.
In a time of dominion, everything happens quickly and ferociously, and it’s a good time to remember that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Suddenlies of judgment and grace come at the same speed and measure of God’s presence and anointing that is poured out. Dominion brings great blessing and also swift judgment.
I pray that 2018 will be a year of dominion in the spirit and in the natural for you and your family.
David Tomberlin
David Tomberlin Ministries
Email: info@davidtomberlin.com
Website: http://www.davidtomberlin.comSource: http://www.elijahlist.com
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Ron McGatlin.
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