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Tagged: captivity, come out, complete assignment, Liberation, light, praise, released from prisons, shakles
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
April 13, 2019 at 12:25 pm #13845
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“I Hear the Lord Say, ‘Throw off the Shackles! You Are No Longer Bound!'”
Emily-Rose Lewis, Herndon, VARecently I was given a powerful vision and word from the Lord that fits so nicely to what He has spoken to me for 2019. I believe there is holy fire on this to break chains off of people and send them on their assignments from the Lord.
Liberation from the Prisons of Doubt, Dread and Despair
I hear the sound of prison doors being opened and metal shackles clanging to the ground. There are exhilarated shouts echoing down the corridors as God’s people are being released from their prisons of doubt, dread, and despair. I see a stronghold on the top of a steep hill with people pouring out the doors like a dam that has burst and is gushing forth with the full magnitude of a long, built-up, heavy weight of pressure, eager to break free.
There are wildly joyous and exuberant looks upon the faces of the multitude as they run, dance, and leap in celebration of their liberation from captivity. As they plunge forward and down the mountain, their gray and tattered clothes are renewed, transformed into radiant shades of crimson, gold, and purple; the colors are as brilliant in hue as the brightness of the sun.
Light radiates from the faces of those in the great crowd of worshipers. Their hope is set ablaze by the realization of the unexpected turn of events that transferred them from the deep darkness of bondage and into the glorious, new day outside the bonds of the slavery they had become accustomed to through years spent behind the thick walls of their prisons.
They move forward, as numerous as ants, making their way from their home, compelled into the day by a powerful instinct to divide their labor to get the job done. Spread out and moving in all directions, they are a society determined to communicate and move in unison to invade whatever area they will be introduced to as they set out, moving further and further from the place of their former captivity.
Supplied Through Praise
A closer look reveals that when individuals raise their hands in praise, those lifted hands filled with weapons, tools, and various supplies. One by one they hoist their arms toward Heaven in a posture of surrender and are in turn filled with the supplies that are needed to fulfill their assignments. Intuitively, they are drawn into various-sized clusters with others whose heavenly gifts align with their own, confident that the partnerships are needed to complete the work that they were released to do.
I am struck by the contrast of the divine order of it all in light of the vast diversity of the size, gifting and structure of the factions. These people are clearly being compelled by inward instructions that are by no means random, even though to the natural eye no particular order can be deciphered.
“Despise the Darkness and Come into the Light”
I hear the word of the Lord, “Freedom. Freedom. Freedom to the captives! I have come that you would live free. My Spirit is coming like a mighty, rushing wind to blow open the doors to prisons that have too long held My people captive.
“Come out. Come out. Come out from among them and be separated. I have chosen you out from among the people of the world to be My holy possession. Separate yourselves unto Me by rushing through the open door. Do not hesitate. Come quickly into the light, My beloved children. Despise the darkness and come into the light of My presence and be free.
“Throw off the shackles of sin and death. You are no longer bound. The Blood of My Son has purchased you. You belong to Me now. My treasured possessions; My adopted sons and daughters. Come out from among them and take your place at the table that I have set before you. Feed on the bread that has come down from Heaven. Refuse to eat the tainted food offered by your former captors and feast on Me.
“I will fill you and your life with every good thing, but you must come out from among them. If you love the world, you will be blinded to the truth of the open door that I have placed before you this day; you will remain a captive, a prisoner in a prison of your own making.
“Join the throng of those who have been justified by placing their hope and faith on Me and escape the destruction that is coming on this world that is passing away. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up and be received into your new royal family. I am clothing you in the righteousness of the spotless Lamb, the Holy One of Israel. With humble and contrite hearts, boldly come forth from the grave and walk in My presence.
“My favor and My protection will enable you to complete the assignment that I have prepared for you from before the foundation of the world. Take My hand and walk with Me; all of the grace that is needed to move through this earth in the position I have fashioned for you in My Body will abound unto you as you step out in faith.
“This is the season for My people to be gathered together in their set apartness from the world to infect every place that I place them with My Kingdom. Carry out the assignments I have given you in the earth. No more delay! Move forward in hopeful procession with all of the saints that have assembled together in My name.
” Converge on the towns, cities, and nations I am sending you to with the sole purpose of making My name known. Go boldly with the resources of Heaven that I have placed in your hands. Gather to Me My chosen ones from among the people that I am sending you too.
“The harvest is ripe. You are My workers being sent into the fields to reap My reward. Go fearlessly as one sent on assignment by the Maker of all things. What I have purposed will be accomplished. Go now and do not delay. Today is the day of My salvation. Carry out My purposes in the earth while there is still a today. How do you know if tomorrow will come?”
Emily-Rose Lewis
Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries
Email: info@emilyroselewis.org
Website: http://www.emilyroselewis.orgEmily-Rose Lewis is a prophetic speaker, author, and coach with over 17 years of service in the Kingdom of God. She founded Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries to bring healing and restoration to the Body of Christ through teaching, coaching and prophesying. Emily-Rose is the author of Blooming Where You’re Planted: 52 Prophetic Words for Being Fruitful In and Out of Season and Fasting From Glory to Glory. She has studied dreams, visions, and the supernatural, developing deep revelatory understanding into the ways the Lord desires to bring healing, guidance, and prophetic insight into peoples’ lives and futures. Emily-Rose walks in the miracle working power of God and has seen countless miracles of healing in both body and soul. Her prophetic writings are featured regularly on Elijah’s List and Spiritfuel.
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