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  • #20728
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    Right off I want to say I do not speak to draw in an audience or build a popularity following. I have been kicked out of the modern day prophecy schools because they restrict the true word of the Lord. They say that we must only edify and never give a strong word. This keeps the saints in the dark and in the high chair being spoon-fed baby food and not able to eat the meat!

    It is hard for a true worshiper to attend the modern day church. Most services start with man’s agenda and break up with the same. To sing three or four worship songs and then break to go to the announcements is teasing to one who loves to lose themselves in His presence and it also teases God because he delights to have our full undivided attention and love.

    How can anyone just turn off God’s presence to listen to the agenda of the church anyhow? Personally I rather not even begin to worship if I know that when I am truly engaged, I have to back off!

    Worship is to be a way of life where we place God first making sure we walk pleasing to Him. Many make their own plans without even acknowledging if He is even in their plans. Those in ministry make a name for themselves calling their ministry after their own name and not His. They build their own kingdom on what they choose out of the Word that would attract a certain group of people. His kingdom is to come and His will is to be done on earth and not the will of the church!

    Many embrace sale tactics of the world based on manipulation and witchcraft to draw in the money to reach what they say “the lost”. Many are so busy with their ministry that they don’t have time to truly worship the Lord, or to even draw their family into His presence. Maybe this is why many in the church are sick and that we don’t see the signs that are to follow those who believe.

    To have authority over the kingdom of darkness we must truly be following after that of the Kingdom of Light…. joy, peace, and righteousness. Freely you have received and freely we are to give of the gifts he gives us. To charge for prophecy is the same spirit that sorcerers move in. Rebuke that spirit and not support it and repent of being a part of it!

    Charging for prophecy, healing, counseling, prayer, and teaching when God says to gather together to equip the saints for their own ministry is so wrong! Now this has nothing to do with the gifts of art, music, writing, books, etc. That is a category that takes money to produce and we sell when God leads and how we are to do it.

    We are to let His spirit move and guide us. Yes, true worship is balanced and based upon grace and truth as a way of life following after the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

    This is the hour to really seek God to see if what we believe or what we are doing is truly based upon His truth and will!

    John Lawler

    I want to give a big AMEN TO THAT

    I want to give a big AMEN TO THAT!!!

    Richard Hoffman

    Bravo Sister

    I view America with God ready to release His trap as He did for King Jehosefat the evil ones will soon be caught. Our God has the final say and His enemies will be scattered and some giants will fall and some will find their time has ended. Heavenly truth and heavenly justice will reign.One night in prayer I was crying out for our country and I told the Lord how I had failed in my prayers His answer was “It is ok my son I am going to take care of it myself”I realized I was talking to the the Prince of Peace and the Lion of the tribe of Judah.Not one else will rescue us and the fear of the Holy God of Israel will circle the earth one again.

    amen and amen



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