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  • #13623
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    This is the day of the great falling away but it also is the day where many have made the choice to build themselves up upon their most holy faith by diving into the truth of God’s word.

    Many say many versions are tainted and not pure.  They have material in them that have been added in and there are most important words that have been taken out.   God said to not do these things.

    Many are being lured away unto another agenda, which is not God’s will.  There are these little rabbit trails that you are being taken on away from the Truth of God’s Word and these add up.  A little bit here and a little bit there seems not that important when you feel you are gleaning so much more on the whole.

    This is the deception!  Anything that takes you on a mission that is being out of God’s perfect will is the snare.  If God said to not add or take away from His word and you deny this and go ahead doing it, you are in rebellion to His truth and will and are opening yourself up to deception.

    This is the day God has called us to examine our heart to find those “little foxes” that spoil the vine.  Yes, what is that vine but our union with Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life?  God is calling us to die out to our way of doing things and to grasp hold of His way.  Yes, this is calling for a dying out which can be painful.

    The enemy says that if you do it that way, you will be missing out on a blessing.  He says to take and eat of that apple.  It won’t hurt anything.  But yes, it will for partaking of any form of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil produces death.  In doing so it builds up the self-life within us.  It builds up pride and independence, which is witchcraft in manipulating God to do things our way.

    Yes, God is calling us to die out to the traditions of men and the pride of life.  He’s calling us to die out to the lusts of the flesh and the eyes.  He’s calling us to take Him by the hand and follow Him trusting Him that His ways are perfect.

    He will give us what we need and not what we think we desire.  His spirit will lead us on paths of righteousness, which are full of His pleasures…. those things that cause us to be fulfilled beyond what we ever could hope or imagine.  His paths are full of that deep and pure peace, that great joy that continually revives us, and that Love that is ever flowing.

    Yes, this is the day we are called to choose life by following Him even in those little areas that seem to be unimportant but in Him every little thing He calls us to be of great importance.  They are what truly build up His character in us.  Think about that!

    M. Lindow

    Beautiful truths here Yolanda. Love you much!


    Yolanda Ballard

    Thank you, Mary!  Lord bless you and I love you too!

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