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Tagged: A D 26, Behold the Lamb, Christy Johnston, church, follow the cloud, fullness, glory, humpback, old friend, prodigal returning, river, Roaring 20s, splendor, unrivaled outpouring, unvailed, whales
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
Ron McGatlin.
January 23, 2020 at 10:48 am #17572
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“We’re in the Roaring 20s! The Roaring Lion Against the Forces of Darkness”Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, AustraliaA Dream of the Synagogue
In September of 2019, I had a vivid dream where I was inside an extravagant and opulent ancient synagogue. As I began to walk around, I saw people of every nation, tribe and tongue. When I looked around I noticed that the crowds began to stream outside in a sudden stampede. Something outside was grabbing their attention and they were running toward it. Then, everyone dispersed into the lavish gardens that graced the surroundings of the synagogue.
As we all spilled outside, a person grabbed my attention. He was someone that I knew in my youth, a particularly hard man who had held a lot of pain from his own youth. He caught my attention because he looked significantly different…he was almost unrecognizable as the person I once knew. He was remarkably softened.
As I walked closer to him, I noticed that he was looking up at something with tears streaming down his face, and as I approached him, I said, “This is amazing to see you here. What are you doing?” And he responded, “I’m here for the same reason you are,” and then pointed up at the doorway of the synagogue which he had been staring at and crying over.
I turned and looked up at the synagogue and saw an old marking inscribed just above the large wooden doorway. It read, “AD – 26.” Rather perplexed at its meaning, I then turned to watch where all the crowds were streaming to. They were pouring out of the ancient synagogue, through the gardens, and into a river that wrapped around the large structure.
I left my old friend and started to follow the crowds down to the river where my husband and children had gone ahead of me. People were RUSHING into the river and, in their desperation, they were doing all kinds of childish and fun things to get in. It was almost like a big party where adults had changed into children, running in fully clothed. They were doing dive bombs and jumping and dancing as they splashed into the crystal-clear waters.
It was then that I noticed something else; two whales were sitting at the water’s edge, one was a mother humpback whale and the other was her newly born calf. Some people were coming right up to them and patting them in awe, while others made a wide berth of avoidance – yet, as they swam past, you could tell they were visibly intrigued but somehow scared.
As my family and I made our way into the water, I couldn’t help but get up close to the mother whale and swam to where I could see her eye. I can’t explain it, but there was overwhelming and immense joy in the atmosphere. Laughter filled the airwaves and there was great rejoicing. Everyone began making their way across the river and emerged out the other side. As we did the same, the moment our feet touched the luscious grass on the other side, I woke up.
The Church Will Follow the Cloud
I believe the ancient synagogue itself is prophetically pointing to the Church, the Bride herself – you and I. She is inherently glorious, ornate, opulent, marvelous and magnificent. She is made up of God’s people of every tribe, nation and tongue, and she has been in a place of preparation. Within her are the windows of invitation to experience the stories of God. God has been preparing the Church in this past season for what she is about to step into.
The pillars that stood out to me in the dream speak of her being reliable and strong, they speak of Christ Himself, the Church, the Holy Spirit and the resurrection. We find pillars all throughout Scripture, but this one speaks to me for this moment of time: “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people” (Exodus 13:21-22).
The Holy Spirit is the fire and the cloud, and He has been leading His people through a season of transition, a global migration, and moving them into prime position for such a time as this. I believe that countless multitudes within the Body of Christ have found themselves caught up in this movement and many have been wondering what it’s all been for. God has been leading you into a position of authority for legacy. He has been guiding you in order that you might seize the land He gives you; it has been a repositioning in preparation for His glory.
Notice that in my dream there was movement; the people began to move outside. God is moving us “out” of the four walls and “into” the gardens of the earth. Where many within the Church have settled for a Sunday service, I believe the Holy Spirit is leading the way – much like the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night – into an era of UNRIVALED OUTPOURING. We won’t be moved to follow our regular ‘routines,’ per se, but we will be moved to follow the CLOUD – His Spirit. I believe that many of our services are about to be interrupted by visitations of His glory. The question is, are we willing and ready to embrace Him?
The Old Friend – Prodigal Children Are Returning
When I moved outside in the dream and saw an old friend who looked remarkably different and softer, I believe this was speaking of the prodigal sons and daughters who are about to come home. We are going to see a mass migration; a coming home of the lost sons and daughters. Sons and daughters who have lost their way and have been stuck in the pain of the past will experience the gentle embrace of the Father in this new era.
If you have loved ones who are currently not walking with the Lord, begin to call them back. There is immeasurable GRACE in this hour to call them back home, to call them out of darkness and into His glorious light!
A.D. 26 – Behold the Lamb!
This part of the dream was probably the most intriguing to me. I remember waking up that morning and thinking, “What on Earth does ‘A.D. 26′ mean?” I began to research and discovered something that completely blew me away that I had no prior knowledge of. While there is much speculation surrounding the precise year that Jesus began His ministry, many biblical scholars agree – according to multiple historical facts which align with Jesus’ recorded history – that Jesus began his ministry in A.D. 26.
There are others who believe that it was John the Baptist who began his ministry in A.D. 26 and that Jesus began His in A.D. 27-30. We have crossed into a physical time frame of 2,000 years since Jesus walked the earth. I believe this is the moment of time where we will yet again hear the words that will resound throughout every corner of the earth, “BEHOLD! THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD!” (John 1:29b, emphasis mine).
If we look at the ministries of both John and Jesus, we see two significant movements of the Spirit: preparation and revealing. I believe that we have been in a season of preparation, and there is a continuous building of this preparation that is gaining more momentum as our hunger and desperation for the full revealing of our King grows. I believe we are going to see this continue as Jesus is revealed in a mighty way over this coming decade.
Many have been saying that 2020 represents 20/20 vision, and I agree, only I want to add that I believe it is pointing to the beginning of the world seeing Jesus with FULL CLARITY as He is UNVEILED in the FULLNESS of His splendor. They will see Him with 20/20 vision. John 20:20 confirms this. It tells us how the disciples SAW Jesus in His glorified and resurrected glory: “After He said this, He showed them His hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.”
The number 26 in Hebrew also points to agape love, and the name “YAHWEH” (Genesis 4:26). If A.D. 26 does indeed point to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, we find that it would correlate with Luke 4. While there is much I could draw from this chapter, I want to highlight these verses to you:
“When Jesus came to the front to read the Scriptures, they handed Him the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll and read where it is written, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, and He has anointed Me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, “You are set free!” I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.'” (Luke 4:17-19 TPT)
I believe we are in the kairos moment of these words that Jesus read from Isaiah 61. Amazingly, Luke 4 ends with Jesus moving from synagogue to synagogue, which leads me to the next part of my dream.
The River and the Whales
The humpback whales prophetically point to the prophetic voice of God moving through His prophets; they are the voices in the wilderness, like John, crying, “Prepare ye the way!” I believe that where there was a mother and a baby points to the fact that it will be a partnering of the older generations with the newer generations. Prophetic generals who have run for generations will come alongside the birthing of younger prophets (not necessarily in earthly age), and together they will prepare the Body for this NEW move.
So I encourage you, do not grow cynical toward the prophets like the many who were weary of them in my dream…they took a wide berth around them. But as I looked into the eye of the whale, it was as though I was beholding the eye of God.
The river that wrapped around the synagogue in the dream speaks of the Holy Spirit yet again. It tells of a coming move of the Spirit, an awakening and a death to self and moving into the Promised Land.
The Roaring 20s
I believe that this next decade is going to be a redefinition of the Roaring 20s. Just as the 1920s was a time of immense push back on limitations in culture, and I believe that the redefinition for our current decade is a push back of the limitations of westernized and religious thinking. It is a push back on the current cultural wars of darkness that are trying to invade our cities and nations. It will be the revealing of the ROARING LION against the forces of darkness. We will see Him as the Lion and the Lamb.
I want to prophesy this over you today that as you seize this word for yourself, you would run unafraid into the rivers of His outpouring, and you would not hesitate or become offended by what He is about to do, because it isn’t like anything we have seen before. Just like when Jesus came on the scene fully, it wasn’t what the people had expected.
Prepare your heart now, get ready to embrace Him in ALL of His fullness. RECEIVE Him. Your children are coming home. Your sons and daughters are coming from afar. Your family is being restored and God is restoring the broken pieces of your life. The Holy Spirit is hovering over you, waiting, watching. Are you ready?
“I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19 TPT)
Christy Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email: click here
Website: http://www.nateandchristy.coChristy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God’s sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.
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