Where Are You Going?

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  • #25994
    Steven Bliss

    The angel of the Lord met Hagar at a spring in the desert
    on the road to Shur and said, “Hagar, slave of Sarai,
    where have you come from and where are you going?”

    She answered, “I am running away from my mistress.”
    He said, “Go back to her and be her slave.” Then he said,
    “I will give you so many descendants that no one
    will be able to count them.”
    Genesis 16:7-10 (GNT)


    Where are you going? Where have you been?
    Let me guide you to the right pathway,
    to show you the way I have for you.

    Stop going down the old rabbit trails and
    walk with me. Don’t stumble into the past.
    I have more for you to experience.

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