WHY I STEP BACK. – Mary Lindow

Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words WHY I STEP BACK. – Mary Lindow

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    Ron McGatlin

    There are times that the Lord prompts me about what true resting and waiting looks like. It gives me rich fellowship with Him and I just love the fresh things He shares with me for specific ministry travels, gatherings, or “one on one” private meetings with other leaders. Sometimes I am called to do what Deborah did and sit in my office listening, praying with others who are hurting and counseling them.

    Waiting for the Lord to share fresh insights usually means for me to dial way back on commitments and accepting invitations to minister or socialize. It’s a complete break from “going and doing” and instead, is simply “being” quiet, and in the Presence of the Glory of the Lord.

    No, it sure doesn’t look exciting on travel itineraries and often I’m asked why I’m not “out there ministering” at every conference invitation.

    Truly, there is nothing that “exciting” or powerful worth sharing, if I myself have not first been drinking deeply from the cup of fellowship with my King. Until I know that He has put a fresh fire in my heart and a message for those whom He sends me to, I am willing to sit at His feet, and learn from Him.

    Easy? No way!
    Worth it? In EVERY WAY!

    “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”

    Mary Lindow 2017

    Image may contain: ocean, cloud, sky, text, nature, outdoor and water
    William Evans

    So so true…

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