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Tagged: America, atheisist, blood, Christ, cross, culture, flood tide, fresh plan, ideas, invasion, media, miracles, power, resources, resurrection, secular progressives, supernatural, take a stand, temple courts, total commitment, words of life
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
Ron McGatlin.
February 9, 2020 at 7:16 pm #17711
Ron McGatlin
Posted on by mariomurilloministriesMario Murillo Ministries was born different. From the jump, we faced persecution. While still in high school, I preached in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, which was ground zero for the ‘love and peace’ movement. Moving across the bay to Berkeley meant going from the frying pan into the fire.
The instant we hit Berkeley, we had to decide. What would we preach? How would we preach it?
If our message was of human origin, the crucible of Berkeley would have blown it to smithereens.
Instead, unexplained power appeared at each point where the ministry was threatened. Something supernatural from God would always step in…providing words, resources, ideas and miracles, exactly when we needed them.
Not once in that cauldron of revolution, did we feel the need to rebrand Christ or present a new and improved gospel.
For years, modern pastors, including the Pope, have told us to keep our faith to ourselves and to “tone it down.” This advice cost us a generation of Americans.
We retreated into a cultural bubble. We entertained, amused, inspired, and distracted. We did everything but preach the Gospel. We did everything but convert Americans.
Worse still, the preaching dumbed-down the average Christian. They were unable to defend their faith. They could not explain God’s view of a ‘one man, one woman’ marriage. They didn’t see the Bible as the inspired Word of God and therefore were scripturally illiterate.
The reason the Church adopted this “indirect approach” was to try to get society to like us. Boy! Did that backfire! It fueled even greater contempt for the Church.
The media maligns Christians every day. Atheists call us a threat to human progress. Secular progressives condemn us as hating the poor, homosexuals, and women.
We’ve seen this before. The same Holy Spirit Who empowered us with wisdom and miracles to face Berkeley will mount a fresh invasion, because God has given us a fresh plan for invading America. But we must do it before it is too late.
The verses below reveal a three-point plan that was given by an angel to the disciples when the church was gravely threatened.
Acts 5:19, But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and, leading them out, said, “Go, take your stand in the temple courts and declare to the people the whole teaching concerning this Life” (the eternal life which Christ revealed.)
Using those simple words, the Holy Spirit has commanded me to do three things.
1. Take a stand. We cannot judge other ministries. We can only answer for what God has asked us to do. He has ordered us to take a stand. There is no confusion about what the angel was asking the men of God to do. He was telling them to stake-out their ground in their nation. This is not just a physical act; it is also moral and spiritual. We must take a stand against Satan’s agenda for America and we must take a stand for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We, all of us who believe, belong in the national conversation. America has a drug, divorce, suicide, anger, and atheism problem. We carry the cure for everything that is hurting America. The angel reinforced to the disciples that their message was both valid and urgent.
2.Take your stand in the temple courts. The temple courts were the heart of Jerusalem. The angel is unambiguously instructing them to raise their voices in the very center of their culture. Our message should not be hidden in religious safe zones.
In that same way, we must go where the biggest lies are being told. The angel gave them an exact location where they were to take their stand—and that location told the Apostles: God is serious about making a difference in the culture.
3.Tell all of the words of this Life. What a scathing rebuke to popular Christianity! While Christian celebrities scurry to and fro to find buzzwords to replace the core doctrines of the Bible, here is an angel telling the disciples that they must tell all the words of Life. They cannot leave out one single benefit or command from the message of Jesus Christ.
How right that angel was. There is Life in those words. There is Life in the blood of Christ, the cross, and the resurrection. There is Life in them so amazing that no mountain of eloquence or cunningly devised sermon can begin to match.
We disavow the notion that we should tone down the Gospel. We must tell all the words of eternal Life! Not a message condemning men to hell, but a clear and loving warning to escape not only eternal hell, but the hell they are in right now.
Millions are innocent bystanders. They have not rejected Christ. They are just caught in the middle. They only hear the haters who make up the secular media who tell lies skillfully, while the church tells the truth badly.
Let us take supernatural miracles to these millions!
Let us bear the offense of the Cross of Christ!
Let us proclaim the glory of His Resurrection!
Supernatural power will overtake what we preach. Our results will greatly surpass the results of popular preaching. Society will not balk at Jesus’ requirement of total commitment, because they will see mighty breakthroughs in their souls, minds, and bodies.
There will be neither compromise nor lack of power in our Tent. Our God will grant a flood tide of miracles that will overflow the Tent and become the river through the heart of California, and then, America.
In Chico, Roseville, Modesto, Fresno, McFarland and Bakersfield, we will take a stand in the heart of each city, and tell all the words of this life! I hope you will come and join us!
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