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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by
Deborah Taylor.
May 14, 2018 at 8:31 pm #9814
Deborah Taylor
ParticipantThe month of May is the season of the New Wine. New wine comes from pressed or crushed grapes. New Wine brings New Hope. Allow Yahweh to transform your life into fresh wine. This is the Year of the New, enter in by faith. I heard the Spirit of the LORD saying, “I AM raising up those who have been crushed and pressed in the last season. They are the carriers of My New Wine, a wine brought forth out of crushing, out of a covenant relationship with Me. I AM pouring out My Spirit on those who trust Me to bring forth wine ready to be poured into new wineskins.”
Be still. Many are racing to and fro in a hurry, going no where. “Allow Me to saturate your heart and mind in the stillness. Rest in Me and gain new strength. Be still and listen to My still small voice. Let Me lead you beside quiet waters. I will restore your soul. Silence your racing mind and stop trying to figure it out. I have it under control for I know that plans I have for you,” says the Spirit of the LORD. “My plans are to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future, and to give you peace. Be still.”
I heard a rumbling sound coming from the depths of the earth! The earth, the earth, the earth is crying out for the sons and daughters of God to get in place! “Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken, and only that which cannot be shaken will remain,” says the Spirit of the LORD. “Count it all joy when you fall in to diverse temptations. All who desire to live Godly will suffer persecution, but know it is only for a little while. The days are shortened for the elects sake. Draw close to Me and I will draw close to you. Hide yourself in Me until the storms have passed,” says the Spirit of the LORD. I heard the winds racing violently across the earth. I saw trees swaying and bowing in its presence. The Spirit of the LORD is blowing across the earth. Shhh… listen. Listen for in the sound of the wind is a fresh revelation for Yahweh’s people. “Take heed to what you hear. Take heed and listen,” says the Spirit of the LORD.
“Shun all distractions and keep your heart and mind fixed on Me” says the Spirit of the LORD! “Numerous distractions have arisen to take My people off the straight path. The cares of this world are too much for you to bear. Cast them on Me. Give Me your burdens, your concerns, your hurt, your pain. Saturate yourself in My presence. Keep Your eyes fixed on Me and not on the news or what you see. Stay focused and do not fear. I will lead you as you cast your cares on Me,” says the Spirit of the LORD.
Pray for America, especially pray over the water system, transportation, and computer infrastructures. Ask Yahweh to disrupt, cancel, thwart the attempt to bring fear, chaos, and destruction. Pray for the prophetic intercessors to arise.
Continue to pray for Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for God’s timing in all things.
Pray for exposure of the secret plans and alliances between Iran, Russia, China, and Mexico. Exposure is coming! Pray for Puerto Rico, Turkey, Afghanistan, Brazil, Canada, France (pray for angelic protection to thwart another terroristic attack). Pray for the President of the United States. Pray, pray, pray! It’s NOT about political allegiance or whether you like or dislike the current leadership. We are COMMANDED to PRAY for our leaders. Ask to see as God sees! The attacks of the enemy run much deeper! The enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy at a national level! Ask God to give current leadership spiritual connections, wisdom, and direction so that Yahweh’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
**If this message blessed you consider sowing a seed, no gift is too small.
Kingdom Blessings,
Released for prayerful discernment ©May 1, 2018. All Rights Reserved.
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This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
Deborah Taylor.
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Deborah Taylor.
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