“Worldwide Revival and the New Prophetic Power Generation” John Veal

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    Ron McGatlin

    “Worldwide Revival and the New Prophetic Power Generation”

    John Veal, Chicago, Illinois

    We are currently going through unprecedented and life-changing times. It’s very similar to the birthing process. The earth is groaning and travailing in this season, preparing to give birth to something new entirely. Think it not strange that there are protests, pandemics, political strife, rioting in diverse places, storms brewing, and unrest among the people. During this challenging season, prophetic people are dreaming like never before! Their dreams are in alignment with current and future global events, leaders and regions.

    This is the time for us to exude the humility of the Lord and pray as never before; not only for our friends and families, but for our worst enemies! I hear a shift coming that will use your supplication as its foundation. It’s warfare from a place of genuflection (on your knees in prayer). Your sincere and faith-filled petitions will shift storms, exhaust hurricanes, stop looting and stave off the assaults of the devil!

    The Prophetic Power Generation

    There is a new generation that will persevere in prayer and action until results manifest. Though they look different, God will raise them up as a people who generate His power as never before! They will operate in such dunamis (explosive power) that the spiritual missiles sent by the enemy toward our lands will drop or explode in the sky! (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

    I hear the Lord saying that prayer can literally change the course of satan’s intended history for our lives! Just as the enemy thought that he could disappoint your year, the tables have turned! His own strategy against you has been disappointed by the power and authority of the Almighty!

    Worldwide Revival

    Just as worldwide rebellion is breaking out, so is worldwide revival! Before godly revival, there is often some type of war. That’s what we’re experiencing at the present moment. I sense an imminent, divine reversal in this current tide of war. The fire that the Lord placed inside you is being reignited, even as you are reading this! I heard “New Power Generation” in the spirit (and I’m not referring to a secular music group).

    Again, there is a generation rising up now that will walk in a new exousia (authority) and a new Dunamis (power)! They won’t be afraid to prophesy and speak (dabar) the truth to world leaders. They are literally “Micaiahs” in the spirit realm; unafraid to speak the Lord’s truth.

    Supernatural Trailblazers Will Pray With Fire and Oil

    The discontent felt by the emerging next generation (the new power generation) is a godly indignation against all that is evil. Their unrest will infiltrate their oil, providing much needed endurance or fuel for the race set before them. As they run, I see a trail of fire! And I hear the word “trailblazers”! Glory to God! They will walk in the supernatural as if it was the natural. Adverse situations will start to turn around when their prayers are accompanied by oil (the anointing of the Lord). Their place of prayer, after leaving it, will hold a residue that will anoint anyone who comes to sit, pray, preach or teach!

    Pray as never before! You will walk in new wine, oil, and power! Fear will be replaced with faith. Mighty acts will be your portion.

    Obedience Is Key to Breakthrough in This Season

    At this time, doing what the Lord instructed you to do is paramount. When you do, you’ll experience the turnaround and blessings you’ve been waiting for. I see that some of you have been running from your assignment, like the prophet Jonah. Like Jonah, God is shaking up your boat (your environment) and allowing you to be ‘thrown off’ on purpose, for a purpose. While in the water, you initially tried to stay afloat by your own power and will. This caused you to be swallowed up by the very problems which hid your promise. God used these issues to transport you to where He was trying to get you to go in the first place! (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

    While in route to the place that the Lord has for you, time in the belly of your adversity will cause you to hear His voice as never before. You’ll be situated in the “belly of the beast” long enough (free from distractions) to truly listen to what He’s been saying to you all along. This will escort you to your mandate. God is allowing your problems to move you closer to what He wants you to do.

    When released, you will have gained a new perspective and resolve to declare what the Lord speaks! Then will the deluge of blessings begin to fall upon you like rain! Before, the water (issues) encompassed you while you were in it; now, on dry land, the rain (blessing) is falling upon you! Now I see you being naturally and spiritually renewed by it.

    Rejoice in your season of rain! It’s the rain that revives and heralds the revival. Selah!

    * Please don’t miss our emerging and newly found prophets! Subscribe here.

    John Veal
    John Veal Ministries
    Email: supernaturallyprophetic@gmail.com
    Website: Johnveal.org

    Dr. John Veal is the senior pastor/prophet of Enduring Faith Christian Center and the CEO of John Veal Ministries, Inc. He is passionate about pursuing God’s mandate to preach, teach, impart, and activate people within the prophetic. John is a regular contributor to Charisma Magazine Online, The Elijah List, IMAG, Spirit Fuel, Reformation Today, Rejoice Essential and others. John has been featured on various media outlets, including Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Something More and Elijah Streams. Dr. Veal is a highly sought-after conference speaker due to his uncanny prophetic accuracy, humor, candor, and unconventional preaching style. He has traveled the nations, presenting a myriad of prophetic training and ministry. John currently resides in Chicago, Illinois with his wife, Elisa, and their three children. For more about Dr.

    Source: http://elijahlist.com/

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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