“Your Loneliness Will End”

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    “Your Loneliness Will End”

    by Lonnie Mackley Feb. 12th, 2017

    For many of you that have been in the Wilderness for many years now, God has separated you from people in order to limit the hindrances, distractions, and idolatries that could have resulted from those relationships. There has even been a wall between you and certain other Christians whom the Lord had a purpose with you and them at one time, but that purpose ended and the grace was removed. One by one you have seen many precious people come and go, and this can cause someone to feel very alone, as it seems that all of those you have loved and valued are now gone, and you sit alone like a ghost in a body wondering if life will ever change for you.

    But take hope, God is about to do something fresh where you are going to be joined with many new people that are coming out of their Wilderness, and who are just like you. Where there has been no grace for relationships, these new relationships will carry a super-grace from God where you will feel very drawn to these people, and they will feel very drawn to you. So try not to take all this alone time personal, as God needed to have you to Himself for a time while He was changing you. So in a very short amount of time you are going to go from an empty house into a very busy home, full of people praising God and working together to bring in this last days harvest with you!

    PS 68:6 God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land


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