Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic The Four Stages of Mankinds Redemption in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 day, 10 hours ago
1/ Our situation for the last 2000 years and now:
The acceptance of Christianity by many people, but mainly those actually descended from the House of Israel -the ten Northern tribes.
This is the fulfilment of Jesus’ Promise; Matthew 15:24 and of the OT Prophets about the restoration of Israel, but Spiritually, not genetic. Ezekiel 37:1-14,…[Read more] -
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Examples for our instruction: in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 2 months, 4 weeks ago
1 Corinthians 10:11 What happened to your forefathers are examples and were recorded as warnings for us, on whom the end of the ages has come.
Zechariah 2:1-5 I looked and saw a man measuring Jerusalem. It will be a city without walls because of the great number of people and livestock within it. The Lord says; I, Myself will be a wall of fire…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info replied to the topic END TIMES EVENTS in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 3 months, 1 week ago
Two Days of the Lord:
1 Thessalonians 4:16 When the Command is given, when the Archangels voice is heard, when God’s Trumpet sounds, then the Lord Himself will descend from heaven…
This prophesies the glorious Return of Jesus to gather His faithful Christian peoples to where He is; in Jerusalem. Matthew 24:30-31, 1 Thessalonians 4:17
1 The…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Thus says the Lord in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Thus says The Lord to all diviners, false prophets and dreamers of dreams, even to all who speak falsely in My name, sharing visions of escape and avoidance of testing:
You shall by no means escape the Day of The Lord’s anger when it comes, for you have caused My people to err. You have led them astray with lies, by many false theories and by y…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic One World Government in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 4 months, 1 week ago
It seems to me that many people don’t see how the Bible prophesies tie together to make a whole coherent picture.
There is no doubt that Daniel and Revelation have many parallel prophesies, that can also be seen; giving more details, in the other Bible books.
Regarding a One World Government: This concept has been around for a long time and m…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Peace be upon the Land of Israel. in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 6 months, 1 week ago
Isaiah 58:1-2 Shout aloud without restraint, declare to My people: Israel, their sins. They seek guidance of Me day after day and say they delight in knowing My ways, as if they were a nation which had acted rightly and had not abandoned the just Laws of their God. The Jewish State of Israel.
Isaiah 58:3-5 Why should we fast and work hard for G…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic END TIMES EVENTS in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 6 months, 4 weeks ago
We are now very nearly at the end of the Christian era. Very soon an attack by a confederation of the Islamic peoples of the Middle East will commence upon the Jewish State of Israel. As Psalms 7:12, 83:1-8, Isaiah 21:2, 22:6, +, plainly tell us.
But all of those Prophesies go on to say how this attack will bring forth the wrath of the Lord.…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info replied to the topic The Truth About our Future in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Our Hope for the Future
It seems that there are as many views of what God has planned for the end of this age, as there are people who study the subject. But there is only one actual future for us and those who teach false theories will be judged more severely. James 3:1
Then there is the bulk of Christians, who just simply don’t want to know, o…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic The Truth About our Future in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Jeremiah 33:1-3 The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah while he was imprisoned. The Lord says: If you call to Me, I will answer and tell you of great and mysterious things that you are unaware of.
Jeremiah prophesied to the House of Judah, many years after the House of Israel was taken into exile by the Assyrians. He foretold how things would be…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Redemption then Restoration in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Isaiah 41:1 – Keep silent before Me you coasts and islands, let the peoples renew their strength. Let them draw near, let them speak up, then: together we shall go to the place of judgement. Isaiah 49:1-6
Five steps are mentioned here by the prophet; keep silent – When ancient Israel migrated from their captivity in Assyria, they remained hi…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic The future Days of the Lord in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year, 1 month ago
The Lords Day of Vengeance and The Great Day of the Sovereign Lord:
2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 … when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in blazing fire. Then he will mete out punishment to those who refuse to acknowledge God and who will not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the penalty of eternal…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Be Warned, Testing will Surely Come in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year, 1 month ago
Isaiah 24:1-6 Be warned, the Lord is about to strip the earth, split it and turn it upside down and scatter its inhabitants. Everyone will be affected. Luke 21:34-36
The earth dries up and withers, it is desecrated by those who live in it. They have broken My Laws and violated My covenant, that is why a curse consumes the earth and i…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic The Alternative to a Rapture in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year, 3 months ago
The Alternative to a rapture
Firstly; the general definition of a ‘rapture’, means being taken to live in heaven. This is believed by many, to happen before the Lord punishes the world and destroys His enemies. …[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Remember the Appointed Day in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year, 3 months ago
Ecclesiasticus 36:1-17 Look on us with pity, Lord God of all and strike fear into every nation. Lift Your hand against the heathen and let them see Your power. Let them learn the truth, that there is no God but You, the Creator of all things.
Renew Your signs, repeat Your miracles and win glory for Your mighty Right Hand. Rouse Your anger, pour…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Connecting the Dots in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year, 11 months ago
Connecting the end times dots – the first step is to have all the events yet to happen listed. Then, line them up correctly and logically.
1/ Lets work back from the main event, the one that we all agree on – the Return of Jesus in His glory to reign for 1000 years. At that time, Jesus destroys the armies of the Anti Christ, impris…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info replied to the topic Shock and Awe in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 2 years ago
Jeremiah 33:1-3 The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah while he was imprisoned. The Lord says: If you call to Me, I will answer and tell you of great and mysterious things that you are unaware of.
Jeremiah prophesied to the House of Judah, many years after the House of Israel was taken into exile by the Assyrians. He foretold how things would be…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Shock and Awe in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 2 years ago
Shock and Awe: the Lord’s Day of Wrath
How bad will the Lord’s response to the attack of Psalm 83 be?
When the sun explodes out a massive CME…. Isaiah 30:26, Psalms 50:1-3
When the Arm of the Lord descends in anger…..Isaiah 30:30, Zephaniah 3:8
When He flashes lightning and fiery coals onto the earth. Deut. 32:22, Psalm 18:13-14
When the Day…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic This Time I Shall Throw Everyone Out of the Land in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 2 years, 1 month ago
Jeremiah 10:1-5 Listen, Israel: This is what the Lord says: Do not learn the ways of the nations or be worried by signs and portents. It is the other peoples who are terrified by them. For the gods’ of the nations are shams, just as dumb as scarecrows. Do not fear them, they can do no harm, nor can they do any good.
Jeremiah 10:6-9 Where can an…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic The Prophet Zephaniah in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 2 years, 2 months ago
It was Zephaniah’s lot to speak on the most unpleasant subject in the Bible — the judgment of God. This is not the only place where this theme occurs, of course, but it is the most concentrated treatment of the judgment of God as the whole book is devoted to this one theme.
There are many people who would…[Read more]
Bruce McKerras Website: http://www.logostelos.info started the topic Cleanse and strengthen us we pray in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 2 years, 3 months ago
Deuteronomy 32:36-42 The Lord will judge His people and have compassion on His servants, for He will see that their strength has gone, all are affected. He will say: where are your false gods, those false idols in which you trusted? Let them be your protection! See now that I, the Lord, am HE – beside Me there is no other God. I hold the po…[Read more]
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