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December 15, 2024 at 6:32 pm #28450Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipant
Two Days of the Lord:
1 Thessalonians 4:16 When the Command is given, when the Archangels voice is heard, when God’s Trumpet sounds, then the Lord Himself will descend from heaven…
This prophesies the glorious Return of Jesus to gather His faithful Christian peoples to where He is; in Jerusalem. Matthew 24:30-31, 1 Thessalonians 4:17
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 About dates and times, my friends, there is no need to write to you. For you know perfectly well that the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
While other people are saying: Now we have peace and safety, then; sudden destruction will come upon them…. and there will be no escape.
Are these prophesies talking about the same event?
The Book of Revelation is where we can find a sequence of the end times events.
In Revelation 6:12-17, the terrible Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, by fire, storms, earthquakes and tsunamis is described, plus over 100 other prophesies also describe this Day of vengeance, His fury and anger against the nations. The Lord is not seen on this Day. Psalms 11:4-6, Habakkuk 3:4 BEFORE the Return!
The Day of the Lord’s fiery wrath, as the Son of Man, is the sudden, shocking and unexpected Day, a world changer, which will set the stage for the establishment of a One World Govt. Daniel 7:23-27, Revelation 13:1-8
The faithful Christian peoples, will pass safely through this literal Day of worldwide disaster. We are told what to do: Call upon the Name of the Lord and you will be saved. Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13
The Day of the Lord’s glorious Return; As the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Much has to happen before we get to Revelation 19:11-13, where Jesus is described as coming in garments already splashed in blood. Got from His previous Day of vengeance and wrath. Isaiah 63:1-6 and Revelation 14:17-20
It will NOT be unexpected; heralded by God and the angels and NOT a surprise, as He will Return exactly 1260 days, [42 months] after Satan desecrates the Temple. Daniel 9:27b, Revelation 13:5
Jesus destroys the attacking armies at Armageddon by the Sword of His Word and chains up Satan. He just separates the nations at this time. Matthew 25:31-33
Jesus then commences His thousand year earthly reign, on David’s Throne, in the new Temple in Jerusalem. As Isaiah 65:18-25, Zechariah 14:16-21 describe.
Conclusion: 1 Thess 4:16 and 1 Thess 5:1-3 are about 2 separate Days, several years apart. Paul; like the other Prophets, doesn’t write them into their correct sequence.
The final Judgment happens after the Millennium. Matthew 25:46, Revelation 20:11-15 Then comes Eternity
July 16, 2024 at 12:11 am #27928Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantOur Hope for the Future
It seems that there are as many views of what God has planned for the end of this age, as there are people who study the subject. But there is only one actual future for us and those who teach false theories will be judged more severely. James 3:1
Then there is the bulk of Christians, who just simply don’t want to know, or find the prophetic Word just too hard to comprehend.
In our Bible, we are told: God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants. Amos 3:7 Paul says: We are not in the dark, the Day of sudden destruction will not come upon us like a thief. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
We see in 2 Thessalonians 2:11… God puts those who do not open their minds to the love of the truth, under a compelling delusion, which makes them believe what is false. Then in Isaiah 29:9-14, talking to us, that is: the Christian peoples, the Laodicean Church of today; we are…. pitiful wretches, we attend ‘church’ but our hearts are far from the Lord. Our worship is by rote and made up of rules taught from men. Therefore once more the Lord will astound His people, shock and amaze us.
Most of us won’t know His plans, because the wisdom of the wise will be removed and the discernment of the intelligent will be lost. Matthew 11:25
The Day is coming; When the wicked and godless will vanish and all who love evil will be cut down. Isaiah 29:20-21, Isaiah 66:15-17, Psalm 83, Rev. 6:12-17
Then: In that Day; the deaf will hear the words of scripture and the blinded will see through the impenetrable darkness. Isaiah 29:18 & 24 The lowly will once again rejoice in the Lord, as the Holy Land is regenerated into a fruitful garden Land. Ezekiel 36:8, Amos 9:13-15, Isaiah 35
That Day of fire and tempest, Malachi 4:1-3, is not a Day for all who believe in the Lord to panic or be frightened, for Righteousness will rise among them, as the Lord heals the wounds [of spiritual and physical exile, Ezekiel 37] inflicted upon His people. Isaiah 30:25-30, Zephaniah 3:8-10, Revelation 7:9-17, Luke 21:26-28
This is what we look forward to, our great hope for the future:
Ezekiel 34:11-16 Now, [that is: soon after the Day of the Lord’s wrath against the nations] I, Myself will search for and gather My people, I will rescue them for wherever they are scattered after that Day of cloud and darkness. I shall lead them out of the nations, Micah 2:12-13, Psalms 107, Isaiah 35 and bring them home to their own country. I shall make a Covenant with them to ensure peace and prosperity and they will have good leaders. Ezekiel 34:23-31, Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11
After they are settled, Jeremiah 30 & 31, the Lord will summon Gog to come down from the north and invade the Land recently restored from ruin, whose people are gathered from many nations and are now settled and prosperous. Ezekiel 38:8
This is in order for the Lord, through His people, to show Himself great and holy to the nations. Ezekiel 38:16
Later, the Leader of the One World Government, a ten region confederation, Daniel 7:24, Rev 17:12-13, will come to the new nation of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, and make a seven year treaty of peace with them. Daniel 9:27, He will break it at the mid-point and invade Beulah. Zechariah 14:1-2
Those people who refused to agree to a treaty with the leader of the OWG, will be taken to a place of safety for the final 3 ½ years of this age. Revelation 12:14
Those who did agree, Isaiah 28:14-15, must remain. Zephaniah 14:1-2, Revelation 12:17
But this conquest of the holy Christian peoples, Daniel 7:25, Revelation 15:5-8, will trigger the Great Tribulation trumpet and bowl punishments.
Then; 1260 days later, the Lord Jesus will Return, destroy those attackers of Jerusalem, bind up Satan and commence His Millennial reign.
March 28, 2023 at 3:01 am #25352Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantJeremiah 33:1-3 The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah while he was imprisoned. The Lord says: If you call to Me, I will answer and tell you of great and mysterious things that you are unaware of.
Jeremiah prophesied to the House of Judah, many years after the House of Israel was taken into exile by the Assyrians. He foretold how things would be after the Babylonian conquest of Judah, but this was not completely fulfilled then or after the Roman conquest of Judah in 70-135 AD.
Jeremiah 33:4-5 & 10 The houses of this city and the great buildings of Judah which are now destroyed by the sword of judgement, will be filled with dead bodies. They are those slain by the Lord Himself, because He has turned away from them. The Lord says: See this Land, now in ruins and devoid of people and animals.
Again; not fulfilled as yet. Jeremiah 9:10-11, Isaiah 4:3-6, Zephaniah 1:1-18
Ezekiel 21:14…swing the great sword of slaughter three times, whirling about Judah.
As Ezekiel says: there will be a triple fulfilment of the punishment of Judah. Two of these have happened, by Babylon and Rome but the next is ‘by the Lord Himself’, by the means of a Coronal Mass Ejection, an explosion on the suns surface. Isaiah 30:26 This event is prophesied and graphically described over 100 times in the Bible, as ‘the terrible Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath’. The entire Middle East will become ‘ruined and devoid of people and animals’. This was not the case with the two previous punishments. Ezekiel 6:14, Hosea 4:3, Zechariah 3:10
But for now, as we await this sudden and terrifying Day that the Lord will take action, we must:
Isaiah 35:3-4 Brace the arms that are limp, steady the knees that give way, say to the anxious: Be strong, fear not. Your God comes to save you, with His vengeance and retribution. Jeremiah 30:4-11, Zephaniah 3:16-20, Hebrews 10:37-39
Isaiah 35:5 THEN the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Isaiah 29:24 The confused will gain understanding and the obstinate will accept instruction. Isaiah 6:9-10
The truth about this coming event is not generally known among believers. The reason is due to beliefs in false theories, Isaiah 29:9-12, or a lack of interest in prophecy. They remain ‘in the dark’ about what will happen. 2 Thess. 5:1-11
Only during or after it happens, will understanding be given to all those who have been unable to comprehend the Prophetic Word. They will say: It was there; in plain language, but I couldn’t see it!
Soon after that, many prophesies say how the holy Land will be regenerated;
Jeremiah 33:6-9 In this Land, will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness, of weddings and celebrations. People will shout: Praise the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever’, as they offer thanksgiving in the House of the Lord. By the Word of the Lord: In this place and in all its towns, now ruined and cleared of all peoples and animals, flocks and herds will once more graze. My people will receive all the blessings that I have promised to them. Ezekiel 36:8-12, Amos 9:13-15
Isaiah 35:10 The Lord’s people, set free, will come back and enter Zion with shouts of triumph, with great joy and singing praises to their God. Suffering and sorrow will flee away. Zechariah 9:16-17, Romans 9:24-26
Great are the promises the Lord has made to His faithful Christian people. We will indeed ‘sing praises to the Lord’, when we are settled into our inheritance, all of the holy Land.
The House of the Lord: The new Temple will be built in Jerusalem. Haggai 2:6-9
August 16, 2022 at 3:44 am #24026Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantMalachi 4:1 The Day comes, burning like a furnace, all the arrogant and evildoers will be as stubble – that Day will burn them up, leaving them neither root nor branch.
Amos 5:18-20 Woe betide those who long for the Day of the Lord. What will that Day mean for you? It will be darkness, not light. It will be as when someone runs from a lion, only to be confronted by a bear, or as when he leans on a wall and is bitten by a snake. The Day of the Lord is indeed darkness, not light. In no way is this about the Return of Jesus.
Zephaniah 1:14-18 The great Day of the Lord is near and coming fast, no runner is so swift as that Day. That Day is a Day of wrath, of anguish and torment, a Day of destruction and devastation, a Day of darkness and cloud, a Day of trumpet blasts and battle cries against fortifications. I shall bring dire distress on people, they will walk like the blind because of their sins against Me. Their blood will be poured out, their dead bodies like dung. Neither their silver or gold will avail to save them on the Day of the Lord’s wrath. By the fire of His jealousy, the whole land will be consumed, for He will make a sudden and terrible end to all who live in the land. This is also the “third swing of the sword” Ezekiel 21:8-16, the final judgement of Judah and cannot be at the Return.
Psalms 37:20 The enemies of the Lord will perish like fuel in a furnace, they will go up in smoke.
Isaiah 9:18-19 Wicked men have been set ablaze, like a fire fed with thorn bushes. They are wrapped in a pall of smoke, the land is scorched by the fury of the Lord and the people are fuel for the fire.
Isaiah 24:19-20 The earth is shattered, it is convulsed and reels wildly. The earth lurches like a drunkard and sways like a watchman’s shelter, because the sins of its inhabitants weigh heavily upon it, and it falls to rise no more.
‘falls, to rise no more’, from the chapter context, this is not complete or permanent, therefore the world recovers from it.
Revelation 6:12-17 I watched as the Lamb broke the Sixth Seal. There was a violent earthquake, the sun turned black and the moon red. The starry host [satellites?] fell to the earth, like figs blown off the tree and the sky rolled up like a scroll. All peoples were terrified and hid themselves, calling out: Who can hide us from the One who sits on the Throne and the wrath of the Lamb? For their great Day of vengeance and wrath has come and who can stand? Isaiah 34:4
Isaiah 2:12-22 The Lord has a Day of doom prepared, for all the proud and ungodly peoples. He alone, will be exalted on that Day. Everyone will throw away their idols and their money, they will crawl into hiding places when He comes to strike the world with terror. Ref: REB. Some verses abridged
All these verses listed above match with the Sixth Seal, an event that takes place before all the other Revelation happenings, such as the trumpet and Bowl judgements, the beasts, the fall of mystery Babylon and the rescue of the ‘Woman’. As it can be shown, the first five seal judgements have already been opened, therefore the next prophesied event that we can expect in our world will be the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath – a powerful and terrible judgement, by fire from the sun, that will destroy His enemies. This will make ‘a sudden and terrible end to all who live in the Land’, that is all the area from the Nile to the Euphrates, when enemies commence their attack on Israel. ‘all peoples will be terrified’, this will affect all the world and enable the formation of a One World government, also the gathering of the Christian Israelites into all of the holy Land.
August 8, 2022 at 12:14 am #23972Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantThe Future of Jewish Israel:
As we come closer to a showdown between Iran and the Western world, over Iran’s overt and now successful nuclear program, we Bible believing Christians should look closely at what we are told by the Bible Prophets.
God has given us much information about what will happen when Iran and their allies try to attack Israel and America, as they have plainly said they intend to do.
The best description of what the Lord will do at the moment of attack is:
Psalms 7:12-16 The enemy sharpens his sword again, strings his bow and makes it ready. It is against himself that he has prepared his deadly shafts and tipped his arrows with fire, he is in concert with iniquity, he has conceived mischief and given birth to lies.
The enemy has dug a pit and made it deep, but he himself will fall into the pit he has made. His nefarious plans will recoil upon himself and the violence he planned for others, will fall upon his own head. Joel 3:4
This scenario is confirmed by Jeremiah 49:35-37 and Ezekiel 32:24-25
However, the fulfilment of these Prophesies will also result in disaster for all the peoples in the Middle East, including Judah, now represented by the Jewish State of Israel, living in a small part of the holy Land.
Ezekiel 30:1-3 ….. the peoples of Egypt, Cush, Put and Libya, and the Arabs, will fall by the Sword of the Lord on His Day of Reckoning.
Zephaniah 1:4 I shall stretch My hand over Judah, over all who live in Jerusalem, I shall wipe out their false worship, ….erasing all memory of them.
Zephaniah 1:14-18 The great Day of the Lord is near and is fast approaching. …..a day of dire distress upon the people, because of their sins against the Lord……
Nothing will save them from the fire of His retribution and vengeance, the whole Land will be affected, for He will make a sudden and terrible end to all who live in the Land.
Amos 2:4-5 For crime after crime of Judah, I shall grant them no reprieve, because they have spurned the Word of the Lord and have not observed His decrees…….
Therefore I will send fire upon Judah and Jerusalem will be destroyed.
Jesus made it clear too:
Matthew 8:12 Those who are born into the Kingdom will be thrown out…..
Matthew 21:43 I tell you: the Kingdom will be taken from you Jews ……
Revelation 2:9….those who claim to be Jews, but are not as they are really a synagogue of Satan.
Isaiah 29:1-4 tells us how a faithful remnant of Christian Jews, will survive the disaster which the Lord will send that will clear and cleanse the entire Middle East. Deuteronomy 32:43, Romans 9:27
Bible Prophecy is sure: this will all happen as Written. We are the generation who will see it all and for a Bible believer to not be aware of it: is very unfortunate and may result in some difficulty and a loss for them.
Keraz August 2022
July 28, 2022 at 10:48 pm #23930Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantJudgement of Edom
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Ezekiel 35:1-5 Look toward all the lands of the Edomites and pronounce judgement upon them. The Lord says: I shall stretch out My hand to strike your land, I will reduce it to a desolate waste and your towns will be ruined. Then you will know that I am the Lord, for you have kept up an ancient feud and shed the blood of the Israelites by warfare, during the time of their punishment. [by exile]
Ezekiel 35:6-9 Therefore as I live, says the Lord: I shall make blood your destiny, since you do not hate killing and death, that will come upon you. Your land and cities will become desolate wastes forever and no one will travel there. I will cover the hills and valleys with the dead, your towns will not be inhabited.
Ezekiel 35:10-14 You say: the two nations and two countries [The ten tribes of Israel and the two tribes of Judah] will be our possession, even though the Lord has been there. Therefore your anger and jealousy will be repaid, for I will do to the whole of Edom what you have done in your hatred for My people. I shall be known among you – for the way I judge you, you will know that the Lord has punished you. [by the means of a CME sunstrike, Isaiah 30:26-30] I have heard all your blasphemous talk about the Land of Israel, saying: the Land is ours to occupy. You have boasted and spoken against Me without restraint. So, now I will destroy you., while the whole world rejoices, As you rejoiced at the inheritance of the House of Israel, when it was desolated, so I will do to you, all your lands will be devastated. Reference: REB, NIV, KJV. Some verse abridged
The Edomites can be identified as those nations and entities – that hate My people and have kept up their ancient feud with Israel, those peoples who currently occupy a large portion of the area promised to the Patriarchs and who now threaten the Jewish State of Israel with annihilation. Psalms 83:13-15, describes how the Lord’s Day of wrath will deal to them, as they commence their attack on Israel. Isaiah 30:26, Psalms 7:12-16, Isaiah 8:9-10, Obadiah 1:15, Micah 4:11-12
Psalms 83:12 informs us that the goal of this alliance is total possession of all the Land of Israel. This is exactly as the Charters of Hamas and Fatah state; they are not interested in a two State solution, all the Jews must either leave or be killed. THEY love killing and death. Ezekiel 35:6
Many people believe that the next prophesied event in our world will be the Gog/ Magog invasion. Others say it’s the tribulation – preceded by a rapture of the church. Some think the Return of Jesus will be next. That it will be none of these is told to us in the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, chapters 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 & 39 they all speak about the Israelites, who are now all of God’s faithful people; being gathered out of the nations and settled into the Holy Land of Israel. Those chapters are written in a fairly obvious sequence of events. Ezekiel 34:12-13 ‘I will rescue My sheep [people] from where they were scattered in the Day of cloud and darkness, I will lead them out of the nations and bring them home to their own country’. Amos 5:18, Isaiah 13:9-10
Then comes Ezekiel 35, where it is explained how this gathering and resettlement can take place.
This attack by the peoples surrounding Israel will result in their destruction, but the Bible prophecies also say that Judah too, will be judged at this time and ‘only a holy remnant will survive’. The Land is not polluted by radiation and as the CME the Lord will use, quickly passes, the vegetation soon regenerates. Psalms 68:9, Ezekiel 36:8 You, Land of Israel, grow your trees and bear fruit, for the homecoming of My people is near. This opens the way for all the faithful Christian peoples to emigrate to their heritage. Later will come the invasion by Gog/Magog – a different list of peoples and nations. They attack the Israelites ‘gathered from the nations and living in a land recently recovered from ruin’. Ezekiel 38:8 Their total destruction is ‘to show Myself Holy and make Myself known to many peoples’. Ezekiel 38:23 The rest of the prophecies will then unfold – the rise of the Anti Christ, the Tribulation and then, the culmination of the age: the Return of Jesus for His 1000 year reign.
May 4, 2022 at 12:52 am #23490Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantThe Lost House of Israel:
What everyone seems to have missed, is where the holy family lived from when Jesus was 12, until He was 30. His last appearance in the holy Land was when He was 12; Luke 2:41-52
His next Bible recorded appearance is His Baptism. Matthew 3:13-17
The time after the birth of Jesus and His teaching in the Temple at age 12, is taken up by at least several years in Egypt. Matthew 2:13-15
It seems that Joseph, Jesus’ father by law, died soon after the Temple incident and it was His kinsman, Joseph of Arimathea [uncle?] who took Mary and all her children to Britain, where he had mining interests and they lived in Glastonbury, as recorded by tradition. The hymn: ‘Jerusalem’ makes this assertion.
That Jesus was away for about 18 years, an alien after He and His family returned to Nazareth, is proved by how He had to pay the Temple tax imposed on strangers. Matthew 17:24-27
Jesus was also unknown to most of the 12 men He selected as His Disciples. If He had been living in Nazareth for all of His 30 years, they surely would have known Him.
The truth of all this, raises some very interesting and important questions. Who are the British people? Where did they originate?
It is provable from the archaeological, historical, heraldic and Biblical records, that they are part of the House of Israel, who migrated across Europe from Assyria. Specifically; the tribe of Ephraim: Prophesied to become a multitude of nations; the British Commonwealth. Genesis 48:19
Blessed with good land and strength. Deuteronomy 33:13-17
That these facts are rejected and are unable to be comprehended by scholars, is because God wants it to be secret until the end times, then God’s amazing mystery will be revealed.
Abrahams descendants by faith: all His faithful Christian peoples, kept ready for their destiny of being the occupiers of all of the holy Land during the end times.
August 5, 2021 at 5:45 pm #22012Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantAmos 8:11-14 The Lord says: The time is coming when there will be a famine on the Land, not of hunger, but for hearing the Word of God. People will search for the truth, but will not find it. All who swear by false gods will fall, to rise no more.
Amos 9:1-15 I saw the Lord standing by the altar – He said: break down the buildings onto the heads of the people and any who are left, I shall put to the sword. Wherever they hide, I will find them and destroy them.
At the Touch of the Lord, the earth shakes, all who live there mourn. He is the One who created the heavens and the earth.
Are not you Israelites like the Cushites to Me? I brought you up from Egypt. My eyes are on this sinful nation and I will judge them.
Yet, I will not completely destroy Jacob’s posterity. I shall give the command to sieve Israel among the nations, without one pebble falling to the ground. All the sinners among My people will die.
On that Day, I shall restore David’s fallen house and rebuild it as it was long ago, so that Israel may possess what is left of Edom and all those nations who were once named as Mine.
A time is coming when the Land will prosper and be fruitful. I shall bring back My exiled people, they will restore their towns and vineyards. They will enjoy the produce of the Land. Once more, I shall plant My people in their own soil, never again to be removed from the Land that I have given them. REB [abridged]
My contention that all Israel; who are now every faithful Christian, will gather and settle into all of the holy Land before the Return of Jesus, is reinforced by this passage from the prophet Amos. The sequence of events is clear – firstly a lack of good Bible teaching. Then, in Amos 9:1-8, describes the Day of the Lords vengeance, when disaster will fall onto all these peoples attacking the State of Israel. As per Amos 1.
The Jews too, will be judged. Jeremiah 12:14-17, Amos 2:4-5
But the descendants of Jacob, that is all 12 tribes of Israel, including those grafted in by their faith, are known to God. He will gather and judge them all. Ezekiel 20:34-36, Isaiah 1:25, Deuteronomy 32:36.
- 11-12 Then, “On that day, I will restore David’s fallen house”. This will fulfil God’s promise to David, that His royal line will continue forever. “so that Israel may possess what is left of Edom”, all of the holy Land, cleared out by the Lord’s Day of wrath.
This enables the Lord’s Christian people to be a ‘light to the nations’ and preach the gospel of the coming Kingdom. It also fulfils God’s promises to the Patriarchs, that their posterity will live in peace and prosperity in ALL the Land promised to them. Deut 30:36
The Lord will bestow on His people all those amazing blessings as promised throughout the Bible. There will be times of difficulty, and testing as when the Anti Christ stops the offerings in the New Temple, Daniel 9:27, but those who hold firm to faith in God, will see Jesus Return in His Glory and will reign with Him.
Amos 9:13-15 Behold, the days come, says the Lord….. the mountains shall drip sweet wine……. and I will bring again the captivity of My people of Israel and they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them. They will plant vineyards and drink the wine thereof…….. and I shall plant them upon their Land and they shall no more be pulled up out of their Land, which I have given them, says the Lord thy God. KJV Bible.
July 2, 2021 at 3:33 am #21822Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantHabakkuk 2:1-20 I will stand on the ramparts and learn what the Lord is saying to us. The Lord says: Write this down and make it clear for all to see; The prophecies await the appointed time, they speak of the time of the end and will not prove false. Though they delay, wait for it, all will surely come before too long.
The reckless will lack an assured future, while the righteous will live by being faithful.
As for the person who is proud, arrogant and treacherous; they will not win in the end, because they are as greedy as the grave. The nations and peoples follow in this error, but surely they will face ridicule and those who have ill-gotten gains will be scorned. Their debtors will suddenly rise up and the creditors will become victims, instead.
Those who have shed blood and inflicted violence to cities and have plundered nations, now; the rest of the world will plunder you.
Woe betide those who seek unjust gain, their schemes will bring dishonour and put their lives at risk.
Woe betide those who build their lives on crime and lies. Those nations labour for a pittance and their peoples exhaust themselves for nothing.
Woe betide those who make others drink the outpouring of God’s wrath, they will be filled with shame when it is their turn to face judgement.
Woe to those who seek guidance from idols or divinators, they are useless and of no value.
The Lord is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth be silent in His presence. Reference: REB, NIV. Some verses abridged.
Bible prophecy does tell us what will happen ‘at the appointed time’. James 5:7-11
The proud and arrogant peoples will be brought low. Psalms 5:5-6 While the godless face insecurity, those who discern the end times and understand the prophetic Word, will maintain their faith and live in quiet trust for a blessed future. Isaiah 30:15, Proverbs 3:5
The ‘cup of God’s wrath’, is symbolic of His anger. Jeremiah 25:15-38
In Noah’s day, God’s wrath came as a flood, but now we are told: the earth is reserved for burning…2 Peter 3:5-7 and in Deut. 32:22 & 34-35 I have sealed up in My storehouse, a fire, set ablaze by My anger, waiting the Day of punishment and vengeance. Psalms 50:3-6
It will be poured out upon all the world, Isaiah 2:12-21, Revelation 6:12-17, but especially onto the Middle East region. Psalms 83:1-8, Ezekiel 30:1-5, as the great and terrible Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, a C.M.E. sunstrike, that will be a world changing event. Huge numbers will be killed, Jeremiah 9:22, Isaiah 66:16 and as the survivors recover, they will form a One World government. Daniel 7:23-24, Revelation 17:12
Meanwhile, those who have kept their faith and trust in the Lord, Jeremiah 7:7-8, will be motivated to emigrate to the Holy Land, where they will settle and live peacefully. Isaiah 62:1-5, Psalms 107
Those who follow their own lusts and desires will ‘lack an assured future’, that is they may survive the forthcoming fire judgement, but must face the Great Tribulation. On the other hand, the righteous will live under the care and protection of the Lord. Amos 9:13-15, Isaiah 24:4, Jer. 33:12-13, Colossians 1:11-12
The Shekinah Glory will return to the new Temple, in Jerusalem. Ezekiel 43:2 Then, after all that is prophesied in Revelation, from 6:12 to 19:10; has taken place: Jesus will Return to reign for 1000 years.
June 30, 2021 at 11:32 pm #21816Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantHabakkuk 2:1-3 I will stand on the ramparts and learn what the Lord is saying to us. The Lord says: Write this down and make it clear for all to see; The fulfilment awaits the appointed time, it speaks of the time of the end and will not prove false. Though it delays, wait for it, it will surely come before too long.
Bible prophecy does tell us what will happen ‘at the appointed time’. James 5:7-11
Habakkuk 2:4 The reckless will lack an assured future, while the righteous will live by being faithful.
Those who follow their own lusts and desires will ‘lack an assured future’, that is they may survive the forthcoming fire judgement, but must face the Tribulation. On the other hand, the righteous will live under the care and protection of the Lord. Gal. 3:11
Habakkuk 2:5-7 As for the person who is proud, arrogant and treacherous; they will not win in the end, because they are as greedy as the grave. The nations and peoples follow in this error, but surely they will face ridicule and those who have ill-gotten gains will be scorned. Their debtors will suddenly rise up and the creditors will become victims, instead.
The proud and arrogant people will be brought low. Psalms 5:5-6 While the godless face insecurity, those who discern the times and study the prophetic Word, will maintain their faith and live in quiet trust for a blessed future. Isaiah 30:15
Habakkuk 2:8-19 Those who have shed blood and inflicted violence to cities and have plundered nations, now, the rest of the world will plunder you.
Woe betide those who seek unjust gain, their schemes will bring dishonour and put their lives at risk.
Woe betide those who build their lives on crime and lies. Those nations labour for a pittance and their peoples exhaust themselves for nothing.
Woe betide those who make others drink the outpouring of God’s wrath, they will be filled with shame when it is their turn to face judgement.
Woe to those who seek guidance from idols or divinators, they are useless and of no value. Reference: REB, NIV. Some verses abridged.
The ‘cup of God’s wrath’, is symbolic of His anger. Jeremiah 25:15-29 It will be poured out upon all of the people mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-21, Isaiah 13:9-15, Rev. 6:12-17, on the Great and terrible Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, a judgement of fire, that will affect all the world. Huge numbers will be killed, Jeremiah 9:22, Isaiah 66:15-17 and the survivors will slowly recover, then form a One World government. Meanwhile, those who have kept their faith and trust in the Lord, will be motivated to emigrate to the Holy Land, where they will settle and live peace and prosperity. Amos 9:13-15, Isaiah 35
Habakkuk 2:20 The Lord is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth be silent in His presence. Psalms 11:4-6
The Shekinah Glory will return to the new Temple, in Jerusalem. Ezekiel 43:1-6 Then, some years later, Jesus Returns to reign for 1000 years
April 29, 2021 at 7:19 pm #21479Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantIsaiah 63:1 Who is this; coming from Edom, from Bozrah with His garments stained red, moving in His mighty power? It is I; proclaiming victory, I who am strong to save.
Edom refers to all the ungodly peoples, all those opposed to the purposes of God.
Bozrah means ‘sheepfold’, and is used here as a metaphor for those nations where His sheep – the lost tribes of Israel and all the Christian peoples are at present. Matthew 15:24
The Lord, in His mighty power, proclaims victory and saves His people. This is His great Day of vengeance and wrath. Isaiah 34:1-8, Isaiah 66:15-17, Zephaniah 3:8, the Sixth Seal worldwide disaster; Revelation 6:12-17
Isaiah 63:2-6 Why are Your clothes splashed with blood? I resolved on a Day of vengeance, I trod the nations in My anger and My clothes were splashed by their blood. No one came to My assistance, by My own might, I brought victory. I shattered My enemies in My fury, their blood spilled on the ground.
Luke 20:43 & Acts 2:35 The Lord said to my Lord: sit at My right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. Psalm 110:1
Hebrews 10:12-13 Christ, having offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, took His seat at God’s right hand and now waits until His enemies are made His footstool.
From these verses, it is made quite clear that Jesus does not Return in His glory until His enemies are ‘made His footstool’. That is they are punished and defeated. But it is ‘the Son of man’– that is: Jesus Himself who actually instigates this Day of vengeance. This accords with; Luke 3:16-17…the chaff He will burn on a unquenchable fire.
Psalm 18:7-15…He makes darkness His covering, hail and glowing coals go before Him.
But on that Day, He will be revealed to His people, those who believe and trust in His salvation.
Zechariah 9:14-16 The Lord will appear over them, His weapon will flash like lightning – He will save His people. Ezekiel 20:9-11 & 36
Isaiah 60:1-3 Over you the glory of the Lord has dawned, though darkness covers the earth, on you the Lord shines and over you His Glory will appear.
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10….the Day the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire, punishing the godless peoples, He will reveal His glory among all believers.
Luke 17:29-30 On the day Sodom was destroyed, fire and sulphur rained upon them and killed them all. It will be like that on the Day the Son of Man is revealed. Isaiah 24:23b
In Luke 4:18-19, At the commencement of His ministry, Jesus quoted only verse 1 and the first half of verse 2 of Isaiah 61:1-2. The second half is unfulfilled prophecy – ‘A Day of vengeance of our God and to comfort those who mourn’.
Many other prophecies confirm that this Day of vengeance and wrath is the next action of the Lord on the earth and as the rest of Isaiah 61:3-11 state, it is also the time He will ‘ comfort those who mourn’. That is: people who grieve for Christ’s death and trust in Him for their salvation.
Note that the Lord has blood stained clothes, then much later at His Return in glory, Revelation 19:13 He is ‘robed in garments dyed in blood’.
This proves that the Day of vengeance is before His Return.
Isaiah 30:26 The sun will shine with 7 times its normal strength on the Day I save My people.
Habakkuk 3:12-13 Furiously You traverse the earth, in anger You trample down the nations. You go forth to save Your people, Your anointed ones. You shatter the house of the godless to its foundations.
Zechariah 10:5-6 Destruction of enemies, then restoration for the true believers of God.
Ref. REB. some verses abridged.
Then: more than 40 prophecies categorically state how His faithful Christian people will gather and settle in the new country of Beulah.
February 27, 2021 at 11:17 pm #20981Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantThe Great and Terrible Day of the Lord’s fiery wrath:
Isaiah 13:9 The Day of the Lord is coming, a cruel Day of wrath and fierce anger, to reduce the earth to desolation and to destroy all the wicked there.
1 Samuel 2:10 Those who oppose the Lord will be terrified, when He strikes from the heavens.
2 Samuel 22:8-16 The earth shakes from the Lord’s burning anger. He comes, with fiery arrows.
Psalms 11:6 He will rain fiery coals onto the wicked, scorching winds will strike them.
Psalms 18:13 The Lord thunders from the heavens amid a hail of glowing coals.
Psalm 21:9 The anger of the Lord will engulf His enemies in a fiery furnace, it will consume them.
Psalms 79:5-6 Pour out Your wrath on godless nations. Your fury will blaze like fire.
Psalms 97:2-5 Cloud enfolds Him, fire goes ahead and consumes His enemies.
Psalm 144:5-6 Part the heavens and come down, make smoke and send Your arrows far and wide.
Isaiah 2:12&21 The Lord has a Day of doom for the ungodly. He will arise and strike with terror.
Isaiah 4:4b The Lord will cleanse Jerusalem, with His judgement burning like fire.
Isaiah 9:18-19 Wicked people will burn, the land scorched and the people fuel for the fire.
Isaiah 10:17 The Light of Israel will become a fire, in one Day it will burn up His enemies.
Isaiah 13:6 Wail, for the Day of the Lord is at hand, devastation from the Almighty.
Isaiah 21:1 A Day of storms, sweeping through the wilderness, from a land of terror.
Isaiah 22:5 For the Lord has ordained a Day of tumult, a Day of woe and disaster in the world.
Isaiah 24:1 Beware, the Lord is about to strip the earth and scatter its inhabitants.
Isaiah 26:21 The Lord is coming from His dwelling place to punish peoples for their sins.
Isaiah 28:21-22 The Lord will arise and storm with rage, destruction is decreed upon the earth.
Isaiah 30:26a The sun will shine with seven times its normal strength on that Day.
Isaiah 34:2-4 The Lord’s anger is against all the nations, they are given over to slaughter. The sky will be rolled up like a scroll and their host [satellites] will fall like ripe figs.
Isaiah 42:13-15 The Lord will go forth like a warrior, He will lay waste to the earth.
Isaiah 51:6…the sky will be dispersed like smoke and the people will die like flies.
Isaiah 54:16 It was I who created the destroyer- with coals of fire, to deal out havoc.
Isaiah 63:4-6 I resolved on a Day of vengeance, I shattered nations in My fury.
Isaiah 64:1-2 When You tear apart the heavens, fire blazes and water boils.
Isaiah 66:15 The Lord will judge with fire, testing all mankind and many will be slain by Him.
Jeremiah 4:7 The Destroyer of nations has risen from His lair, cities will be waste and empty.
Jeremiah 9:21-22 Death has come to our towns, corpses lie like dung in the streets.
Jeremiah 12:14 I shall uproot the evil neighbours from My peoples Land, Judah too I will uproot.
Jeremiah 25:30-31 The Lord roars from on high, heard everywhere – the godless peoples will die.
Jeremiah 30:23 See what a scorching wind goes out, it whirls around the heads of the wicked.
Ezekiel 20:47 I am about to light a fire, it’s fiery flame will not be put out.
Ezekiel 21:3 & 28 I shall draw My sword of judgement and kill the righteous and wicked alike from the Negev northward. A sword drawn for slaughter, flashing like lightning.
Ezekiel 22:20As metal is melted in the crucible, so I shall gather you in My anger and refine you
Ezekiel 30:3-8 A Day is near, the Day of the Lord, a Day of doom and reckoning for the nations.
Hosea 8:14 Israel and Judah have forgotten their Maker, I shall send fire to burn their cities.
Hosea 9:7 The Day of punishment and wrath has come. Because of your guilt no one can see it.
Hosea 10:14 The tumult of disaster will rise against peoples, fortresses will be overthrown.
Joel 1:15 The Day is near, it comes – a mighty destruction from the Lord.
Joel 2:11 The Lord thunders as he leads the host. Great and terrible is the Day, who can endure it?
Amos 1:1-15 I shall send fire on Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom and Ammon.
Amos 2:1-16 I shall send fire on Moab and Judah. Of Israel- their bravest warriors will flee.
Amos 5:17 There will be wailing in every vineyard, for I shall pass through your midst.
Amos 8:2-3 On that Day, I shall judge Israel, so many corpses laying everywhere.
Amos 8:8-9 On that Day, the sun will darken at noon and the earth will quake like ocean waves.
Obadiah 15 The Day of the Lord is at hand for all the peoples, their deeds will recoil on them.
Micah 1:3-4 Even now, the Lord is leaving His dwelling place, He comes down with fire.
Micah 4:11-12 Now, many nations are massed against Zion, they are gathered for the threshing.
Micah 5:10-11 On that Day, I will destroy your military and devastate your cities.
Nahum 1:1-3 The Lord is a God of vengeance, He will not let the guilty escape punishment.
Habakkuk 3:13-14 You go out to save Your people, You shatter the wicked, they are swept away.
Zephaniah 1:3 I shall destroy humans and animals, I shall bring the godless to their knees.
Zephaniah 2:2 Seek the Lord, seek righteousness, it may be you will be sheltered on that Day.
Zephaniah 3:8 Wait for the Day, when I stand up and accuse the nations and pour out My burning anger upon the whole world.
Haggai 2:6 & 22 In a little while, I shall shake the heavens and the earth, I will break the power of the heathen realms.
Zechariah 9:14 The Lord will appear over them, His arrows will flash, with trumpet and storms.
Malachi 4:1 The Day comes, burning like a furnace, all the godless will be as stubble, set ablaze.
Luke 21 :25-26 Signs will appear in the sky. People will stand helpless in fear of what is coming.
Hebrews 10:27 For the godless, there is only the terrifying expectation of judgement, of a fierce fire that will consume the Lord’s enemies.
2 Peter 3:10 The Day of the Lord will come unexpectedly. On that Day, the heavens will disappear with a great rushing sound, the elements dissolved in flames and the earth with all that is in it will be brought to judgement.
Revelation 6:12-14 The Lamb broke the sixth seal. There was a violent earthquake, the sun turned black, the stars [satellites] fell to the earth like ripe figs, the sky rolled up like a scroll and every mountain and island was dislodged from its place.
Ref: Revised English Bible, some verses abridged.
These 72 Bible verses are most of those which describe the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath. They are quite different and separate from what happens at the Day of the Sovereign Lord, Revelation 16:4, that is at the return of Jesus. It is obvious that this terrible Day is before the Return, as ‘He will arise, He comes down, dense cloud enfolds Him’, etc. Psalms 11:4-6, Psalms 18:7-12 It is not and cannot be a manmade event, such as a nuclear exchange, that would not cause all the effects described and would leave radiation pollution in the Land.
This Day is the means whereby the Lord judges the nations, not individuals, as at the Great White Throne, much later and it is mainly those nations and entities that commence an attack upon the State of Israel. It is the fulfilment of Psalms 83 and Micah 4:11-12.
All of the Land promised to the Patriarchs will be cleansed and depopulated, excepting for a protected remnant of Jews in Jerusalem. Isaiah 4:5, Isaiah 37:31-32, Daniel 12:1
This event will allow the second Exodus to take place – all those whom the Lord will call – His people, those righteous ones who love and obey Him: every born again Christian, will travel to the new country of Beulah, to live there in peace, security and great prosperity.
Ezekiel 36, Jeremiah 30, Romans 9:24-26
‘Many’ of them will agree to a seven year peace treaty with the World leader, but he will break it by coming to Jerusalem and enthroning himself in the Temple. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Half of the Christians, those who did not agree to the treaty, will be taken to a place of safety for 3½ years – the duration of the Great Tribulation. Then the Lord Jesus Returns, to reign for 1000 years.
January 22, 2021 at 5:38 pm #20668Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantSuzanne, the Salvation that we receive when we accept Jesus’ Atoning sacrifice, is not the same as the promised new Covenant.
I posted the prophesies that say the NC will be made when the Lord’s faithful Christian people are together in the holy Land. Not before then. It will be for their peace and prosperity.
I shall set My Laws in your hearts…. Hebrews 8:10
This verse from the New Testament, is a quote from the O.T. –
Jeremiah 31:31-34…The days are coming when I shall set My Laws within them, writing them on their hearts…
Church teaching says we Christians are now under the New Covenant, the Old is obsolete: Hebrews 8:10-13. However, it is fairly obvious that this prophecy of how God’s Laws will be set into our hearts has not yet been fulfilled. The great prophecies in Ezekiel chapters 20, 36 and 37 tell us when, how and why this will happen:
Ezekiel 20:39-44 Now, you Israelites, [Scattered among the nations as at present, but now identified as every true Christian person. Romans 9:8] go and serve your idols. But in days to come, I shall punish you for your disobedience to Me and no more will you desecrate My holy Name with your idolatries. But after I have gathered you into the Land of Israel, you will serve Me and the nations will witness it. You will know that I am the Lord, [BEFORE the Return of Jesus, Ezekiel 34:30] when I bring you back to the Land that I swore to give to your forebears and you will despise your old evil ways and follow only My Commandments. You will know that the Lord has done this for you, not for your sake, but for the honour of His holy Name.
Ezekiel 36:1-7…the enemy boasts: The ancient heights of Israel are ours. [the current situation] Therefore the Lord says: The mountains of Israel, now occupied by other peoples and plundered and despoiled by them, so I will act in the heat of My anger against those Edomite peoples who have seized My Land as spoil. [Edom: the descendants of Esau, now identified as the Islamic peoples.] Jeremiah 12:14, Ezekiel 30:2-5
This will be the Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, an event extensively prophesied throughout the Bible – a literal Day of fire from the sun, earthquakes, tsunamis and powerful storms. All of the world will be affected, but the full force of this disaster will hit the Middle East, virtually depopulating the entire area.
These are the great promises of our redemption and the great gathering:
Ezekiel 37:11-14 The Lord said: These bones are the whole people of Israel, [every Christian person] They say: Our bones are dry, [spiritually bereft] our hope is gone [Acts 26:6-7] and we are cut off. [separated from the holy Land] Prophesy, therefore, the Lord God has said: My people, I shall bring you out of your graves, [your dead spiritual condition] I shall put My spirit into you, redeem and purify you, then I shall settle you into your heritage. Ezekiel 30:11-31, Ezekiel 20:34-38
Ezekiel 36:24-28 The Lord says: I am going to take the Israelites from where they are among the nations, I shall assemble them from every location and bring them to their homeland. I shall purify them from everything that defiles them, give them a new heart and put a new spirit within them. I shall place My spirit in My people, they will conform to My statutes and observe My Laws faithfully. THEN they will live in the holy Land that I gave to their forebears, they will be My people and I will be their God.
Isaiah 51:1-2…We Christians belong to the Seed from Abraham. Galatians 3:26-29
So, the sequence of events is: first, the great Day of the Lord’s wrath, next His people are gathered and purified, then they are settled into all of the holy Land. The Lord will then make a Covenant with all the people, as Isaiah 62:1-12 prophesies.
Some years later, Jesus will Return for His Millennium reign.
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Bruce McKerras Website:
October 22, 2020 at 12:28 am #19864Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantIsaiah 51:9-10 Awake, Awake! Arm of the Lord, show Your strength! Awake as You did in days of old, how You defeated the enemies in ancient times, then how You made a path through the sea for Your people.
Awake now; Lord, bring on Your judgement against the enemies that now threaten the Holy Land. Act again now, as You did in times past to save Your people and to establish a rightful nation once again in the Land.
Isaiah 51:12-13 & 15 Why be worried and fearful of what may happen, of threats from oppressors and of the Lord’s wrath that makes the seas roar?
The Lord’s wrath….This is the many prophesied Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, an event described by the prophets as an explosion of the suns surface: a terrible punishment by fire that will affect the whole earth. One result of this CME will be tremendous ocean movement, Jeremiah 51:42, ‘that makes the seas roar’, Luke 21:25, causing gigantic tsunamis. This soon to occur, blast of superheated cosmic particles will mainly strike the Middle East region, Zephaniah 2:4-5, fulfilling all the prophecies that say how the Lord will clear and cleanse His Land. Isaiah 33:10-12, Deuteronomy 32:43
Isaiah 51:17-20 Get up now My people, you have drunk the cup of the Lord’s wrath, a double disaster has struck you; havoc and ruin and who can console you? Of all the sons borne to you, there is no one to guide the people, they have all been overcome by the wrath and terrible rebuke of the Lord.
Isaiah 51:21-23 Therefore, listen to this in your affliction, you that are drunk, but not with wine. Thus says the Lord your God: I will plead My people’s cause and take from you the cup of wrath, I will hand it to the enemies, who say: Let us walk over you, we will flatten you to the ground like a road for us to trample on.
Isaiah 51:14, 16 & 11 My people, will soon be set free, they will not be confined, they will not lack food. I keep you covered under the shelter of My hand and I put My Words in your mouth. The Lord’s people, now in exile, will come back and enter Zion with shouts of triumph. Joy will come upon them, while suffering and sorrow flee away. Isaiah 62:10-12 Ref: REB. Some verses condensed.
Of the true descendants of Jacob, only the Lord’s faithful Christian people will survive His wrath, as we are told in Isaiah 17:4-6 On that Day, Jacobs glory will fade…..only the gleanings will be left. Jeremiah 6:9, Ezekiel 20:37-38, Romans 9:27
His people are ‘drunk, but not with wine’. Amos 8:11-12 explains this: In days to come, I shall send a famine on the earth, not of hunger for food, but for hearing the Word of the Lord. People will stagger everywhere, searching for the truth, but will not find it.
‘The cup of wrath, handed to the enemies’. This will be the fulfilment of Psalm 83, Ezekiel 30:1-5, Revelation 6:12-17 and many other verses that detail this sudden and shocking disaster to those who want to take over the holy Land.
‘I keep you covered by My hand’. Isaiah 31:5 describes how the Lord will protect Jerusalem, but there are many promises how all who call on Him will be saved. Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, Isaiah 43:2
‘They will gather and settle into the Promised Land’. The great Second Exodus of all the Lord’s people, whether they be true descendants of Abraham or those grafted in, will live in peace and security, at last fulfilling their true destiny being a ‘light to the nations’ and proclaiming the coming Kingdom of Jesus.
May 23, 2020 at 12:12 am #18555Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.infoParticipantThe compromising church
Like most churches throughout history, churches today compromise on what is taught to their flocks, preferring teachers who rationalize, allegorize, spiritualize or simply ignore the prophetic scriptures. The church that believes Bible prophecies concerning the last days can only be understood allegorically or that prophecy is anything less than factual, is easy prey for Satan’s craftiness.
Satan, the great counterfeiter, deceives with half truths, often using scripture out of context, as he did with Jesus in the wilderness temptations. The same will be true with churches that say: yes these passages are literal, but they have no application to us, because they are trusting in the false assurance that they will be raptured away before those events occur. Once such people realize their great mistake, it will be too late to avoid the persecution of the Anti Christ. True believers in those churches will not lose their salvation, but they will endure suffering from which faithfulness to God and His Word, would have protected them. Thus genuine believers in the compromising churches may have to go through what Jesus described in His Olivet Discourse as the ‘Great Tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world.’
It is within the context of the Great Tribulation that Jesus warns the [allegorical type] Thyatiran and Laodicean church leaders– Rev 2:20-22 You tolerate Jezebel, whose teaching lures My servants into false beliefs, she refuses to repent, so I will throw her onto a bed of pain and those who commit [spiritual] adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they renounce what she is doing.
So those teachers who have misled Christians by not properly discerning the Word, will be punished and their flock won’t lose their salvation, but may be subject to the Tribulation. James 3:1 & Romans 5:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:10
On the other hand, believers who are spiritually prepared, faithful peoples, can look forward to the fulfilment of God’s great promises to His Christian people: great promises of protection during the next prophesied event – the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, and then their amazing gathering into the new country of Beulah. Isaiah 62:1-5, Jeremiah 30, Ezekiel 36, Zephaniah 3:19-20, Malachi 4:1-6, Hosea 14:4-9 It is those people, the holy ones of God, who will welcome Jesus at His Return with the shout: ‘Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord’.
Genesis 18:17-19 ....I shall not conceal from Abraham what I am about to do, because he must tell his descendants what is just and right.
Just as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is used as an example of the terrible Day of the Lord, that will strike all the earth, so the Lord has warned us to take care to discern His Word, in order that we may tell our children to keep the Way of the Lord and to be aware of His plans for this end time. Jeremiah 23:14
2 Peter 3:7 & 10-12 The world is reserved for a Judgement of fire and the Day of the Lord’ wrath will come unexpectedly. On that Day, the heavens will disappear with a great noise, great flames of fire will bring all the earth into judgement. Since all things will be tested in this manner, think what sort of people you must be, what devout and dedicated lives you should live!
This prophecy does not refer to the New Heavens and New Earth to come after the Millennium and does not match with the descriptions of the glorious Return of Jesus, as many prophecies clearly state that He will not be seen during this forthcoming fire judgement. Psalms 11:4-6, Psalms 18:11, Habakkuk 3:4
Ref: REB, NIV, KJV verses abridged.