David Seargent started the topic Discerning God's will & Spheres of Influence in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 2 years, 1 month ago
In 17th. Century England, God raised up a prophet named George Fox, the founder of the Quaker movement. Unlike reformers such as Luther and Calvin, Fox had no great theological dispute with the “official” church of his time, but unlike most preachers of his day he saw Christianity as something to be experienced and not merely believed as an…[Read more]
David Seargent started the topic Christ-as-us & Kingdom of God in the forum KINGDOM TEACHING – Articles, Videos, Discussion 5 years, 8 months ago
That great saint of last century, Norman Grubb, preached the rule of Christ within us, as us (i.e. as the Source of our life) and through us. It follows that if we were always obedient to Christ within us, the Kingdom would be manifest here and now. Please read article at daffydd.simplesite.com regarding this vital message.
David Seargent replied to the topic Growth in the Kingdom – By Janelle Hatten in the forum KINGDOM TEACHING – Articles, Videos, Discussion 6 years, 5 months ago
We can only grow if we are broken; if we no longer act from our own ego, but from the Spirit of Christ within. Meditate on Gal. 2:20 until this becomes, not just part of our theology, but part of our life. Our true life is from Christ within. Any other “life” is sin and ultimately death, no matter how “good” we might seem to be. If possible,…[Read more]
David Seargent started the topic God has placed us on a special planet in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 5 months ago
If astronomical science has shown us anything in recent years, it is just how special the Earth is! Although many science textbooks still say that the Earth is “average” and “not special” those astronomers who study the conditions for life in the universe tell a very different story.
Compared with the other rocky planets in our solar system,…[Read more]
David Seargent replied to the topic Jesus Crucified during a Solar Eclipse? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 5 months ago
This is an interesting suggestion, but there are some serious problems with it.
For one thing, the length of the darkness was too long for a solar eclipse. The partial phases are not really “dark” – in fact, the eye adapts to the reduced sunlight and hardly notices the “twilight” phase, making the few minutes of near-total darkness at totality…[Read more]
David Seargent started the topic The Kingdom & Christ Living in Us in the forum KINGDOM TEACHING – Articles, Videos, Discussion 6 years, 5 months ago
Recently, God led me to a little book called “It’s As Simple As This” which, although not specifically about the Kingdom of God, has shed much light on that subject. The simple title and brevity of this book gives little hint of the depth of teaching that it contains, but of chief relevance is the light that it sheds on the teaching of Paul summe…[Read more]
David Seargent replied to the topic The Kingdom of God is within. in the forum KINGDOM TEACHING – Articles, Videos, Discussion 6 years, 6 months ago
Further to the above, I should add that the “Kingdom consciousness” is also the awareness of the old sinful self having been crucified with Christ and therefore DEAD, GONE, VANISHED. It can no longer “compete” with Christ within for control of one’s life, so temptation to sin no longer arises from it. Such temptation is from Satan or the human…[Read more]
David Seargent replied to the topic The Kingdom of God is within. in the forum KINGDOM TEACHING – Articles, Videos, Discussion 6 years, 6 months ago
When Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within you, the “you” seems to have been collective and is sometimes translated as “in your midst”. Nevertheless, the presence of Christ within us by the Holy Spirit is strongly taught in the New Testament. The”religious consciousness” approaches Christ as Other, in a sense of worship. The move to the…[Read more]
David Seargent started the topic Self Development courses – sinful? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 6 months ago
In the opinion of that great saint of last century, Norman P Grubb, “self-development” is impossible and its pursuit is sinful! His reason for saying this is because the belief that there is a (more or less) neutral natural human ego (fallen, but able to be redeemed) is an illusion. On the contrary, we are either governed by “the sin that is in…[Read more]
David Seargent started the topic Evil in the best of all possible worlds in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 7 months ago
The philosopher, G. F. Stout, taught that because God is all-good the only world worthy of His creation is the best of all possible. But by this he did not mean the “safest” or the one in which humans would be most comfortable. Stout meant the one that contained the maximum number of virtues. But some virtues can only exist in a struggle with…[Read more]
David Seargent started the topic Inner transformation & Kingdom of God in the forum KINGDOM TEACHING – Articles, Videos, Discussion 6 years, 8 months ago
<p align=”left”><span style=”font-family: Times New Roman, serif;”><span style=”font-size: medium;”>The Kingdom of God is surely central to Christianity. We may note that the opening petition of the so-called Lord’s Prayer (which should really be called the “Disciples’ Prayer”, as it is really the model of prayer given by Jesus to His followe…[Read more]
David Seargent became a registered member 6 years, 8 months ago
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