David Darling started the topic Urgeny Prayer for the Nation in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 4 years, 9 months ago
There has been word in the news about a possible second wave of virus infections after this one is over. I have been praying about this for the last few weeks and now I know why! I think God had me do that because it is absolutely vital at this stage with the virus, many states are starting to re-open along with businesses and schools and it would…[Read more]
David Darling started the topic Operation Opera in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 5 years, 10 months ago
I ran across something very interesting on YouTube, it is a documentary on Operation Opera, a secret Israeli air force mission to destroy a nuclear reactor in Iraq that was being used to produce plutonium for a nuclear weapons program. The very survival of Israel depended on this mission as if Saddam Hussein got his hands on a nuclear bomb he…[Read more]
David Darling started the topic Jesus Crucified during a Solar Eclipse? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 9 months ago
Is this scientific proof of the authenticity of the Bible!? There is a scripture in Luke that describes the moment Jesus was crucified and passed away:” It was now about noon and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon because of an eclipse of the sun.” -Luke 23:44-45 NASA has confirmed there was a solar eclipse in 33 A.D,…[Read more]