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December 7, 2017 at 9:54 am #7446
ParticipantWow every one. Clu, Quo, Ivonette, Dan, Thanks for your comments and what you posted. Today I read all that you wrote such an excitement has arisen in me. A new day is here. A new hour has come. His awakening kingdom servants are arising to take their place. I have written two articles on God’s awakening servants and their function, and I don’t know why God is showing me His army, some of it’s operation and how each will be able to do their job and not break ranks. Ezekiel’s dry bones coming together now, and the word where Paul writes, The Lord arranges the body as He wills EACH PART SUPPLYING what the other needs.
I live in Gulf Breeze Florida and we are surrounded by Air force, Navy, Marines, Army and Coast Guard. These brave men and women put their life on the line every day for the defense of our nation and they function together under one government ” what ever branch they are in” to preserve and defend us under on ultimate head, the President of the USA.
We are now coming in a divine alignment by our King of Kings and Lord of Lord to be stationed where we wants us which may require some to change geographic location to be fitted with the other body parts they were made to be connected with.
Some in the army will be sent out like special forces to pray, spy out and do special ops in the spirit work for the Lord. Some will be sent out marines to establish spiritual beach heads in cities and regions. The key thing God is impressing on me is that none will be “alone any more.”
So many of the sons and daughters who God is about to activate and send out have been alone. They only know how to function alone with the Lord. So the new will require then to be fitted and knitted together with those God has ordained them to be with.
We have all been part of “something” in the past, and most of us know this alone place because of not fitting in, being rejected, or not even desiring to be part of a religious system that is going no where spinning their wheels.
But God is beginning to knit us together with the right body parts in the right places and in the right time.His pure holy love for God is going to knit us together with Him and then one another like we have never seen before. There will be a real love for each other, care for each other, help for each other, and a laying down our lives for each other just as you would have in a military unit.
Call it the “spiritual band of brothers.” They will stick together, fight together, love together, forgive together, give to each other as God would have, but they will be one people, one unit, under one commander in chief Jesus.
There is a war to be finished and won as the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God. When the man-child is caught up to heaven, A war breaks out. This is so important because as these mature sons of God are caught up to reign in the heavens, Satan is kicked out the heavenly air realm which he stole and thrust down on the earth where he makes war. The man-child company will have power over his works and will be the ones Jesus will walk in to put his enemies under his feet.
I believe as that true spiritual war breaks out. God is positioning his people now to change spiritual atmospheres over towns, cities, states, regions and nations that will open the door way for the advancement of the transformation of the nations to become the kingdoms of our God.
Yes, we are the family of God, but we are also the army of God, His physical bodies he must rule and reign through upon the earth to destroy all the works of the devil so the end time harvest can come in, first in the house of God and then the lost.
This is why things may seem so “changing” and they are changing moment by moment. On December 1 anther spiritual shift has come, and throughout this month many aftershocks are coming so we need to stay sensitive to the leading of the Spirit to know exactly what he wants, where he wants us and to instantly obey his commands.
For some they are going to get “minute men” assignments. This means on short notice God will send them to a person, a city, a region to go to obey his instructions there. It may seem weird because he may not give much details until you get there, but that is by design. It is about our heart being obedient and to function together as a wheel within a wheel. We have to be trained to move when he moves and do only what he does and speak only what he says when he says it. This way we don’t just have a “word in season,” We become a “word in a season.
When John the Baptist was asked who he was he replied, I am a voice crying out in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord. That is what God is doing with his awakening kingdom servants the first part of the army being released. They are being sent out to transform the spiritual atmosphere in the desert places God will send them to be one thing. A VOICE CRYING! John’s voice was so strong they came out of the cities to hear him and Israels spiritual atmosphere became changed to prepare the way for the Messiah’s voice to come and transform the whole earth. As it was then, today God is rising up a corporate John the Baptist of awakening kingdom messengers.
They are the forerunners to this releasing army that God is now bringing together as the divine alignment and shifts of the Spirit do their work. It is in incredible time to be with the Lord and his end time purposes. Let us keep our ears on his breast to continue to hear his heart beat. Amen!
If you haven’t read the articles on the awakening kingdom servants they go alone with the articles God gave me called the Divine Convergence, The Roar of the Lord and the Awakening Kingdom servants. I think together they be forming a road map. Please know this is all a small part that connects with the other instructions the Lord you are all are getting, and just a few piece of the puzzle God is now putting together.
May His grace and love overwhelm you all and may he bring the clarity of direction and instructions we all need now in Jesus name. You all our treasures of the Lord that we love much.. Blessings!
Brother Henry
December 4, 2017 at 7:58 pm #7409henryfalcone
ParticipantHi Quo,
I didn’t get it so here are two of them you can try: henry@flameoffire2007.org or henryjfalcone@gmail.com
December 4, 2017 at 1:54 pm #7406henryfalcone
ParticipantDear Quo,
God’s blessings upon you. You nailed it, I was talking to another brother in the Lord, and he has heard the same thing and has written a tremendous article about God’s covenant of peace that is now coming forth through his full grown sons and daughters. I am waiting for his permission to post it. It helps bring what we both are hearing along with other sons and daughters the urgency of the day. Like you the Lord, told me to separate myself apart to Him for this month, and not get caught up in the holiday, but to be caught in him. He told, January will be to late to start this separation that he has begun it now. YOU SO ARE A CONFIRMING WORD TO ALL OF US AS WELL FOR THIS.
I know this post is going to get lost among so many other awesome words that God is bringing but this post is a clarion sound, a shofar blast of the spirit to “make ourselves” ready for 2018. I know Donn and I are doing this, you and I believe many others as well for what is about to be released through his full grown sons and daughters.
The Lord has speaking to my wife and I about miracle and the workings of them and the glory that is about to be seen. What you wrote about the month of November and December is awesome and is what this set apart time is for. Yes and the festival of light that are about to come together upon the earth in here.
God has burned in me that Jesus said, A Body you have PREPARED FOR ME, which is what is happening in us now, Here I AM, coming to do your will oh God that which is written about me in the books. With those words he abolished the first covenant and established a better one where Paul pleads with us, I beg you in view of all the mercies of God to present your BODY, our DIRT MAN and Spirit to him as a living sacrifice, holy and blameless to prove what the acceptable will of the Lord is as Jesus lives his perfected life and does the will of God in us and with us in our “earthen vessels.” Know ye not, you body is the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.! Yes it is, and the day of vengeance has now come to complete the work that HIS HOUSE SHALL BE A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR THE NATIONS. Can you send me your email address to henry@flameoffire2007.org I would like to share some things with you that I felt God wanted me to share and ask of you. Blessings my dear and precious fellow bond servant of the Lord. Thanks for sharing!
November 10, 2017 at 10:55 am #7145henryfalcone
ParticipantWhat a testimony Clu. That blesses me so much and would love to see that picture.
October 2, 2017 at 12:53 am #6580henryfalcone
ParticipantQuo,. That is an awesome testimony and witness that today something has birthed in the spirit to bring forth that army as a wheel within a wheel. Praise our God. Also nice to hear from you Quo as always. Pray God continue to bless you and your family.
September 4, 2017 at 10:46 am #5750henryfalcone
ParticipantWow, this is a sure word that I have witness to. I have seen these tornado’s coming to shake cities and nations, but they are first coming to the Household of God. Judgment begins in the House of the Lord, and God is bringing a change of governmental leadership in house that is aligned with His Kingdom reality. I keep hearing over and over in my spirit. Old things have passed away all things have become new.
I felt the Lord say, “hold unto nothing, not what you have, not what you have learned, but be open for me to breath upon what you know with a fresh wind of my spirit so I can bring these truths into my full Kingdom glory.”
This has changed Donna and I so much in the last year. Like he writes in this word, we started to hold unto the chairs. But we too heard the Lord say, “don’t hold unto them, let it all go. I am doing a brand new thing, don’t you want to part of the Kingdom glory being revealed now?
We said, “yes Lord” let it go. As we have done this, God is unfolding the new before us. We have no idea with this will lead us, but we are willing to follow the Lord wherever He goes. There is freedom, great freedom of letting go of what is passing away and fading away of this present age and life to embrace the new that is coming forth from His Kingdom glory that is unfolding in this new day.
I hope this article blesses you as it has me!
Henry Falcone
http://www.openheaven.comAugust 28, 2017 at 3:58 pm #5639henryfalcone
ParticipantYes Lord, This is breaking forth in our nation now. The New Wine is available to all those who are entering into the “marriage supper of the Lamb” that is now available to us. The Lord spoke to me as well as the winds of Glory Change coming to our nation now. God is speaking to us through the voice of many waters in this hour. Let us pay heed to it and not just say “another nice word.” These are more than “nice words” since nice is not even in the Bible. These are the very PRESENT WORD OF GOD IN SEASON to them that are weary. Let us be like Mary the mother of Jesus when she received prophetic instruction from the Angel Gabrielle She said, “Be it unto me even as thou has spoken.” This is a spot on word!
August 19, 2017 at 9:38 am #5503henryfalcone
ParticipantThis is such a true and powerful word of the Lord. The Lord has been speaking to my heart about how he has opened the doors for new divine connections, appointments and engagements and we must listen for intimations, or his promptings. He is speaking and leading us more than we were aware of but now in the time of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. His is like a bridegroom speaking secret things in his wife ears, or leaving little trails of love through notes, flowers and actions gaining our attention to his hearts desires in new ways. The new and deeper intimacy for those entering this season of the marriage supper will lead us into these divine appointments and strategies the Lord is giving to us now. Praise God for this posting Nathan.
I needed to hear it today for this word is for me in this present season God of sending forth to gather his wheat. Thank you Brother!
August 19, 2017 at 9:38 am #5502henryfalcone
ParticipantThis is such a true and powerful word of the Lord. The Lord has been speaking to my heart about how he has opened the doors for new divine connections, appointments and engagements and we must listen for intimations, or his promptings. He is speaking and leading us more than we were aware of but now in the time of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. His is like a bridegroom speaking secret things in his wife ears, or leaving little trails of love through notes, flowers and actions gaining our attention to his hearts desires in new ways. The new and deeper intimacy for those entering this season of the marriage supper will lead us into these divine appointments and strategies the Lord is giving to us now. Praise God for this posting Nathan.
I needed to hear it today for this word is for me in this present season God of sending forth to gather his wheat. Thank you Brother!
August 11, 2017 at 9:21 am #5396henryfalcone
ParticipantThis is an awesome word from the Lord Joe. It is quite an encouragement. It is spot on for those hungering to go on deeper with the Lord. Thanks for writing it and thanks to God for giving it to you.
July 23, 2017 at 8:08 am #5066henryfalcone
ParticipantAwesome word, the Lord is speaking to me as well about certain cities now coming into divine alignment with God for an outpouring of glory that will begin to change their regions and our nations. Full grown sons and daughters of God are now coming into their divine position that will change the spiritual atmosphere from darkness to light, as the light of God shines in them and through them the darkness will not overwhelm it but be dispersed. Praise our God for that which is now to come forth by his presence and glory!
July 17, 2017 at 9:59 pm #4991henryfalcone
ParticipantGod Bless you Dear Quo, it is good to hear from you, and I am blessed God is using these post to speak to us all. Pray all is well with you!
May 18, 2017 at 7:44 pm #4021henryfalcone
ParticipantWhat a powerful word from the Lord. This is absolutely true. I felt the Lord impress in my spirit to constantly put the word in Joel chapter 2:25-32 before me.
“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,</span>
The crawling locust,
The consuming locust,
And the chewing locust,
My great army which I sent among you.You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the <span class=”small-caps”>Lord</span> your God,Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I the Lordyour GodAnd there is no other.My people shall never be put to shame.May God bring this forth in the power of the spirit now to us His people. It is time!
Henry Falcone
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May 18, 2017 at 7:44 pm #4020henryfalcone
ParticipantWhat a powerful word from the Lord. This is absolutely true. I felt the Lord impress in my spirit to constantly put the word in Joel chapter 2:25-32 before me.
<span id=”en-NKJV-22337″ class=”text Joel-2-25″>“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-25″>The crawling locust,</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-25″>The consuming locust,</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-25″>And the chewing locust,<sup class=”footnote” data-fn=”#fen-NKJV-22337a” data-link=”[a]”>[a]</sup></span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-25″>My great army which I sent among you.</span>
<span id=”en-NKJV-22338″ class=”text Joel-2-26″><sup class=”versenum”>26 </sup>You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied,</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-26″>And praise the name of the <span class=”small-caps”>Lord</span> your God,</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-26″>Who has dealt wondrously with you;</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-26″>And My people shall never be put to shame.</span>
<span id=”en-NKJV-22339″ class=”text Joel-2-27″><sup class=”versenum”>27 </sup>Then you shall know that I <i>am</i> in the midst of Israel:</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-27″>I <i>am</i> the <span class=”small-caps”>Lord</span> your God</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-27″>And there is no other.</span>
<span class=”text Joel-2-27″>My people shall never be put to shame.</span>May God bring this forth in the power of the spirit now to us His people. It is time!
Henry Falcone
May 10, 2017 at 1:17 am #3890henryfalcone
ParticipantThis is a powerful word from the Lord full of divine strategies and plans from the Lord that we need. I am reading it and rereading it to allow the Spirit of God to quicken in me that which He desires in it. I encourage others to read it slow, and let the Holy Spirit bring forth the deep he has hidden it. In it are blueprints, instructions for your life. Lord give us an ear to hear what the Spirit of God says to the churches.
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