Sherry Mohr replied to the topic Genuine or counterfeit, Led or Driven, Fear or Faith? in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year ago
Amen! Good to see you, Henry. May God bless all of you abundantly. Thank you for posting this now Word.
Thank You Jesus, Lord of Life!
Sherry Mohr replied to the topic I AM THE WAY in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year, 1 month ago
Amen. God bless you.
Sherry Mohr started the topic The Quiet Place in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 1 year, 2 months ago
The Quiet Place
I’m sitting at the table, I want to spend time with God, but it’s so loud in here. I can hear the tv, the air-conditioner, the air-purifier, the dehumidifier, and the constant white noise in my head. It is so loud, but as I sit seeking Him, I start to hear this faint music and as I focus on it, it becomes clearer and this is what I…[Read more] -
Sherry Mohr started the topic TENNESSEE! Get Ready! You're about To Be Flipped! in the forum VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words 1 year, 2 months ago
TENNESSEE! Get Ready! You’re about To Be Flipped!
On 8/29/2023, while sleeping, I kept hearing this; “Tennessee! Get Ready! You’re About To Be Flipped!”If this is a Word of Knowledge for someone, please comment and let me know.
Love In Christ Jesus the Beloved,
Sherry -
Sherry Mohr started the topic An Angel Encounter in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 1 year, 2 months ago
An Angel Encounter On 8/23/2023
The day was miserably hot and Jon just got home from work; he was on his way to the shower and saw someone walking down the road, and I watched to see if they were coming to our house. I saw that it was a girl I didn’t recognize and she was walking fast; I felt sorry for her and didn’t understand what she could be…[Read more]
Sherry Mohr replied to the topic Love of the Bridegroom in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 3 months ago
Awesome! This could be called “Song of the Bride” for I hear the Spirit in it.
Praise God for His goodness towards us
Sherry Mohr replied to the topic Something cool that happened today. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 8 months ago
That’s lovely! Made me smile; it’s like the Lord saying, “Here, I found your earing for you.” I love when He answers our prayers in such a way that we know it could only be Him that did it. God is good! It’s like He placed it right in your hand. How awesome is our God!!!!
Sherry Mohr replied to the topic Easter's Call in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION – Articles, Personal, Encouragement, Prayer, Testimonies, Fellowship, Missions , Revival, etc. 6 years, 8 months ago
Thank you for that; I got her book from a Chinese website; they have it online. I read it this morning, I really liked it. Did you find yourself responding to Jesus and Father while you were reading it? Some parts made me weep..LOL God is good. Now, I have to ask, cause I did… did you sing the songs! I bet you did! So, thank you for mentioning…[Read more]