Yolanda Ballard posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
Shared by Yolanda BallardMany try to keep The Ten Commandments, which no man can live by The Law.
If you break one of the laws of the Old Testament, you are guilty of breaking all of it, which the penalty of it is death.
That is why they continually covered their sins with blood sacrifices. Jesus is the One and only sacrifice that is eternally received for the forgiveness of all our sins, granting us eternal life with Him.
I’ve been studying on The Ten Gates of Nehemiah, and it is the spiritual growth of a believer in a nutshell.
It is amazing how they all flow together, and if we strive to make sure all these Gates are strong in our life, we will never go wrong.
It is like putting on our Armor, because we will be putting on The LORD Jesus in obedience to Him.
We are to make sure these Gates are strong in our life. One Gate flows into the next in our growth with Him.
First you have The Sheep Gate.
This is where we first get saved. We become a new creation. The old nature is passed away and we become brand new receiving a fresh new start.
Second you come to The Fish Gate.
This is where we share the Good News that Jesus died for our sins; reconciling us to the Father, cleansed by The Blood of the Lamb. We receive the call of reconciliation, to evangelize.
Third you come to The Old Gate.
We are to return to a life walking by Faith and Obedience to The LORD, being totally delivered from religious works from the religious system.
Fourth you come to The Valley Gate.
This is where we go through trials and tribulations. We learn to allow The LORD to live through us. When we are weak, He becomes our strength.
Fifth you come to The Dung Gate.
The LORD purges us of all the dross by the fire of His love getting us ready for what is coming.
The LORD prepares us for spiritual growth by delivering us from the legal rights of the enemy.
Sixth you come to The Fountain Gate.
This is where many fall short and do not understand what our call is to be. We are to be baptized with His Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and moving in the gifts of His Spirit.
This is where we receive the power to fully live our life with Christ living through us. The religious spirit binds most from coming to this Gate.
Seventh you come to The Water Gate.
This is where we are made strong being washed by the water of His Word.
We are to dive in and allow our mind to be renewed. Even though we are a new creation we must learn to think like Jesus thinks. We receive the mind of Christ, through His word.Eighth you come to The Horse Gate.
This is where we learn to be active in spiritual warfare with the enemy pulling down strongholds over our own life, our community, nation, and the world.
Ninth you come to The East Gate.
We are ready and looking towards the return of The LORD Jesus Christ.
Tenth and the final gate is The Miphkad Gate. (This is also called The Inspection Gate.)
This is where we come before The LORD to gain or lose rewards. This is where we need to be conscious of.
Even though we are saved by Faith and can never lose it, but we can lose rewards. If we continue to do willful sin, or neglect to do what you are called to do, we can lose rewards.
We will be rewarded for good works of evangelizing which is our main call and focus as a believer in Christ.
How can we share The LORD Jesus Christ with others, sharing His Good News [Gospel] if we don’t know Him personally?
It is more than just praying here and there, and reading The Word occasionally. It is about communing with Him, really knowing Him, walking with Him, and allowing Him to live through us.
The Great Commission is not an option — it is a command.
We are to die out to the selfishness of the Christian life, but to be self-giving by caring that others receive salvation.