Today on Planet Earth mighty secrets hidden from the foundation of the world are being uncovered and coming to light. Kingdom wisdom is being revealed in the weakness of human frailty amidst the failing of natural human understanding.

In the weakness of the weakest and the frailest of the frail, a roar of earth moving power from perfect rest in fathomless peace is emerging out of the deep darkness of the unknown. It is an infilling of the pure holy light of limitless love of Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

By the power of love, the young child or the weakest old man will defeat the fierce tyranny of evil armies of hatred and violence.

Multitudes of wasted lives will be delivered from running to and fro seeking that which cannot be found in their intense labor and strife driven by their heavy burdens of need and desire.

It is in the realization of our condition of weakness without God that turns us to leave our fruitless self-propelled vehicle of strife-filled hard labor and devious competitive scheming to finally decide to seek first the love filled kingdom of God.

It is in our acknowledgment of human weakness that we fall on our faces before God and repent (turn) to the mercy and forgiveness of God that opens the way for God Himself in the Holy Spirit to marvelously become one in and with us. We arise in humility to stand in His total love, power, and wisdom as Christ by the Holy Spirit fills our being.


The full grace empowerment of God in us and us in Him can now do all things. Nothing is impossible to us as the faith of Christ in us opens the floodgates to all of the provisions of understanding, wisdom, and power of God to accomplish all of God’s plan in and through us. (Galatians 2:5 KJV) (Philippians 4:13) (Mark 9:23).

As we walk in the Spirit of Christ in us, His strength is made perfect (complete) in our weakness. “And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Our human weakness makes room for His strength. Our human strength can leave no room for His strength to flow in and through us. True humility is our weakness standing tall in God’s strength.


One of the most frustrating problems to Christians is striving to do the work of ministry or business in our human strength. Church leaders, Christian business leaders, and every person who attempts to live godly and be a useful servant to God are vulnerable to the error of trying to get things done with human strengths of natural knowledge, understanding, and persuasion.

Probably the most frustration comes from trying to get things (projects) done properly and on time, especially involving other people. Discouragement and burnout can lead to catastrophic failures even premature deaths. Our human strength connects into our pride and goes before our downfall. (Proverbs 16:18).

Frustration is not of God no matter what the circumstances and no matter what others may be doing or saying. God always has a way of escape and still uses all things for the good of them that love Him and are called according to His purpose. (1 Corinthians 10:13)  (Romans 8:28).

Being in love with Him creates obedience to do and say only what we hear and see our Father doing and saying. God in us can do all things. It is Christ in us by the Holy Spirit who connects with heaven and all life in this world. If God is not doing it, we are probably trying to do the wrong thing or at the wrong time or at least from the wrong source of strength.  (John 14:21-24) (Philippians 4:13).


The big reveal is that the wells of supernatural spiritual miracle-working power of God are uncovered to us as we give up our strength and turn to Him with our whole hearts. Come to Him like a child completely trusting in His strength in all areas of life.

As we seek God’s kingdom first, we will abandon our religious and secular prideful self-effort to serve God by doing ministry or business for Him. Whatever we may have been allowed to do in the mercy of God by the strength of man apart from God is now in this season crumbling and shutting down for those entering the kingdom governance of God on earth.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29).

Christ Jesus, on earth as a man, did and said what He heard Father saying and doing. He will do the same in us, HIS BODY NOW ON EARTH, as He did while He was incarnate in His earthly body on earth. (John 5:19).

The power of the cross of Jesus is in His resurrection, ascension, and return in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

The marvelous miracle revelation is that we can experience the power of His resurrected life today as Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit arises within us to fill our entire spirit, soul, and body with His life. We can become one with Father God by Christ Jesus in us and us in Him by the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 5:31-32) 1 Corinthians 6:17).


The power of Christ in His people coming forth is the ending of the false reign of Satan and the powers of darkness on earth.

This is why the powers of darkness now prevalent in deceived mankind on earth are inflamed with desperate hatred for Christ Jesus and all of the people in whom Christ Jesus now lives by the Holy Spirit. The name of Jesus strikes great fear and extreme response in the deceived people entrapped by the spirits of darkness. Fear drives the people into a rage of terror against Christ Jesus and the people in whom he now dwells.

Terror is the weapon of the devil trying to destroy faith in God in the people. Fear of the terror of the devil is faith in the works of darkness. Fear of terror is giving respect to the devil and the powers of darkness.

Perfect love casts out fear and releases the power of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit that completely overcomes and destroys the works of the powers of darkness. Faith in God in us by the living Christ eliminates the works of darkness. Satan and all demons are powerless against the presence of the resurrected living Christ in His people. (1 John 4:18) (Luke 10:19).

Terrorist and acts of terrorism are common in the news reports of our current world. All such activity stems from the fallen depraved condition of mankind unredeemed from the fall of Adam and driven by powers of darkness. Continuous tension exists between the unredeemed people of darkness and the redeemed people of Christ Jesus.

The great tension on earth today is caused by the kingdom of God invading the kingdom of darkness with the power of the light of the love of God from heaven.


The kingdom of God is the only true and rightful governmental system for this world. The great leverage to move the world from darkness to light is the kingdom of God in Christ Jesus, Yeshua Messiah, in the people of God by the Holy Spirit.

The small seed of FAITH with the leverage of Spirit God is multiplied to move the world from darkness into the light of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.


Christ Jesus is the source of LOVE and FAITH on earth in man by the HOLY SPIRIT.

You and I have the seed of faith and the light of love to move the world. “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Jesus said it this way, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23.

Be encouraged even through the exploding darkness. The times of great trouble are the end of the old night. The new day of the dawning of the love powered rule of the kingdom of God is before us, and is now within us. Only believe!

Ron McGatlin

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