Dear friends, after growing up from the last days of the “Great Depression” through “World War ll” from a heritage of the “Wild West” in the northern half of Texas, as a heathen, red-blooded American male becoming a “Mild West” “honkytonk cowboy,” that met Jesus and became a successful “Dallas Businessman” and raised five children and now having a hundred thirty-something and increasing rapidly grand and great-grandchildren and outliving two wives and three sons, I have witnessed great outpourings of the Spirit in major revivals, renewals, reformation, and lots of world events including, several wars, significant moral and social degradation of our nation, and much more.

After all that, I can truthfully say that what I see is beginning to manifest now, and in the days and months ahead is the most incredible season of God’s moves on Earth I have ever experienced.

Over two thousand years of history is coming to a climax beyond imagination. As someone has said, “You can’t make this stuff up!”


The written word of God, especially “The Book of Revelation,” is filled with allegories and word pictures of God’s intervention, bringing immeasurable correction to this world. To some people, this will seem like hell on earth and the end of their world. At the same time, to His prepared and chosen people, it is heaven come to Earth. No one will be left untouched and unchanged by the intervention of God and the armies of heaven on Earth as the Spiritual and the natural become one.

The blood of the martyrs of two thousand years, along with the slaughter of many millions of babies born and unborn over the ages, cries out unto God.

The sins of the world are the sins of man. God has not done this thing, and the devil has no power of his own. He only has the power usurped from or given to him by mankind.


Even the fact that God is answering these “why” questions is an indication of the time. God usually does not answer why questions directly and specifically, as He is doing now. Today, there are those among us with eyes to see and ears to hear these answers.

Step by step, God has been preparing people who will truly lose their lives to allow His life to live in them by fully responding to His unconditional love for them and this world, thus becoming true manifested sons of God on earth.

This powerful remnant of true sons had to be in place before the major intervention could occur. This remnant of true sons are the seeds of the kingdom of God to repopulate and rebuild the world to the full reality of the perfect plan of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven to the GLORY OF GOD.  

This has nothing to do with human standards of religion, callings, education, physical or mental strength, law, wealth, social status, or any other work or talent of the natural man in this world. This first and primarily has to do with one thing that determines everything else in Spirit or natural life in this world and eternity.

This has everything to do with completely falling in love with God, Spirit, soul, and body!

Once we are the connected Bride by marriage to God in Christ Jesus, everything else begins to fall into its proper place, and nothing is impossible to God in His people.

In terms we understand, this is becoming one with God. It is marriage as a faithful Bride, each of us yielding all our life to love and worship our loving, all-powerful Husband and Father who has given His only son as a sacrifice for us and is worthy of our total respect, honor, and pure, holy love.


Peace is an inner state of God’s glory. Peace is the joy of God’s glory at rest, the joy of the Lord at rest abiding within us. It is strength, clarity of mind, and supernatural power flowing through the peace of God’s glory.

Peace is NOT determined by nor derived from circumstances.

Love is the Father of peace, and a crucified heart is the mother of peace. Selah. (Selah = “pause and think about that”).

Peace is a child of Father God in a crucified heart.

The grown-up child (peace) is the glory of the joy of the Lord in a resurrected heart. Selah.

A crucified heart is the loss of this life. Another term that applies is a broken heart. A broken heart is a part of the transformation from the natural fallen life to the glorious resurrected life of Christ in us. It is the place of falling in love with God. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart – These, O God, You will not despise. Psalm 51:17.

There can be no resurrection until there has been a death. Only after the death of our ability to get by and do life is destroyed can we fully experience being fully in love with God.


In our new resurrection life, we will no longer strive to serve taskmasters but are free to do that which God has planned for us, which is a great pleasure and satisfaction for us to do in love. God’s empowerment and the fresh life of wisdom and Spirit guidance make us more productive, and more is accomplished than before, yet it all is a joy and not a striving burden to us.

We are more aware of the needs of others and how what we do is to be part of serving God by meeting the needs of others and the world around us. We find joy in doing a good job of providing and caring for others and the world around us.

We have more energy and focus on the production of our lives with no drama and disorders from things around us getting in the way and causing our focus to be on them instead of on our production. We just are not concerned about the actions or words of others that once troubled us and stole some of our attention and energy.


We do not have to conform to the social order or value systems of the world. We can go only as far as pleases God in aligning with the world’s systems.

Going further always leads to our temporary failure. As we suffer and repent and turn from following a person or system into the ways of the world, God is there to receive us and reinstate us on our journey of serving God and bringing forth His plan in those who are willing.

As children of God, we do not need to know right from wrong to make decisions in life. We only need to know what God is saying and doing and present that to the world. Listening to and following others only works well when they are filled with God and sent to us as elders, which are those more mature in the Lord who are walking ahead of us as brothers and not above us as taskmasters.

Trying to learn right and wrong is partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Partaking of the Tree of Life is communing with God and doing that which we hear and see Him doing and saying.

Knowing the written law of God is our mind’s measuring stick that condemns our ungodly actions and lifestyle. This is to turn us to God in Christ Jesus as our savior and receive Him as the LORD of our lives. As Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit fills our lives, we have open access to the in-love experience with God.

Christ in us fulfills all the law and empowers us to live godly lives of peace to the glory of God.

Only if we turn away from the life of God in us will the law manifest again to condemn us and turn us back toward our journey into a pure, holy, in-love relationship with God in His glory.


The glory of God and heaven is the destiny of mankind and Planet Earth. Mankind and this world must move through the veil into the unknowable and unimaginable, indescribable glory of living fire of the Glory of pure Love; God is love beyond all measure and understanding. Truly sufferings of this life are not worthy to compare with the glory that has now come near and is beginning to touch Earth with tiny sparks of heaven’s glory light.

The touch of heaven’s love light is beyond all revivals, Holy Spirit outpourings, and moves of God in history. All that has come before has been moving toward the fullness of the glory on Planet Earth as a showplace to all creation of the GLORY of the LOVE of GOD.

“We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other.” 2 Thessalonians 1:3.

9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.

Ron McGatlin   


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