A seed must fall into the ground and die to grow into a very different living reality producing the good fruit that the seed could not produce when it was alive.

The good fruit that it produces is first a blossom of some sort. The blossom is open to pollination, which can change some of the characteristics of the fruit. The new seed in that new fruit will usually retain the new changes and carry them into the next generation.

When a living fruit-producing plant comes to the end of its ability to bear fruit and sustain its own life, it dies, making room for the new generation to grow. If the old non-producing plant continues to live it may rob the new of its needs for growth and fruit bearing.

There must be moisture and nutrients in the soil and sunshine on the plant for it to grow into place. If the existing old plant did not eventually pass away, it would consume the available moisture and nutrients from the soil and shade the new plant from the sun.  

The death of the first seed can help the new producing plant. The second death is the plant dying after completing its fruitful purpose on earth. Then the substance of the plant body becomes nutrients in the soil for the next generations.


These are major principles of God’s design for all creation in and on Planet Earth. It is the pattern of cycles and changes of the continuing existence of life on Earth. These principles of life are in some way applicable to natural life and reproduction, whether physical or spiritual, botanical or animalistic, seen or unseen.

Even God’s restoration of fallen mankind bears these patterns from its beginning, as recorded in the Bible, and the history of God’s dealing with mankind through the ages.

From the first bloodshed of the slaughter of an animal in the Garden of Eden for a skin to make a covering for Adam and Eve, to the many sacrifices and offerings unto God of the Old Testament that pledged their honor and trust to God and maintained a connection to God. Through the generations of maintaining a limited connection with God, the restoration of mankind changed into the full Old Testament or Old Covenant, laws of instruction, feasts, rituals, and sacrificial offerings.


This continued until the final blood offering provided by God of the sacrifice of His only begotten son, Christ Jesus, on the cross. The death and resurrection of Christ Jesus began a whole new tree from the changed seed of the old tree that would no longer bear fruit.

From that major shift, all worship and communion with God should have changed. God no longer wanted or needed our continued sacrificial offering and striving to keep the law of the past generations. Jesus gave His perfect sinless life to fully and forever redeem mankind and is still working in and with His people to restore us and this world to the same life and status as before the fall.

All the systems of law and sacrifices that were before are like the plant that had borne good fruit but was no longer fruitful but has not died. It continues to live and rob the needed moisture of the Spirit and the word of the pure holy love of God that is now restored in an intimate love relationship with Father God by Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit.


The keeping of traditions of religious actions as a token sacrificial offering to God while continuing to live our old lives in the world as we have done for many centuries is the result of keeping the old unfruitful tree still alive in the world. Religious traditions of symbolism in keeping routines, behavioral codes, recited written words or prayers, programmed services, certain days and feasts, and multitudes of other religious remembrances and activities are a form of the old fruitless tree.

Yet, even all of these have been used to keep a form or symbol of a true love relationship with God bearing some good fruit in the seeds from generation to generation. These have been very valuable in keeping the written word, the Bible, available and leading people into faith in Jesus saving us for heaven when we die.


The recent centuries of freshly pollinated fruit and seeds by the Spirit implanting fresh revelation in the generations has begun the change in the people of God. Over the past five to six centuries, pollination of the seed has been changing the fruit step by step, from generation to generation.

The fresh pollination is the progressive revelation, piece by piece, of the original plan and purpose of God in and with mankind as true offspring of Father God.

There is now, in this century, a major underlying move of God in the new generations to abandon the old tree of mixed religion and make room for the new fruitful tree of the REAL life of IN-LOVE with God that Christ Jesus came to redeem and re-establish on earth as it is in heaven.

The emphasis of the new move is not the destruction of the old tree but the greater reality of intimate love relationship and constant communion with Father God through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. The appreciation for the past prevents the new generations from cutting down the old tree. However, as they abandon it, the enemy will cut it down, thinking he is destroying the work of God on earth.


As the people of God fall completely in love with God and live in communion with Him, His wisdom, power, and authority are released directly from the throne of God into His people. Holy angels of great power begin to move on Earth at the request and direction of God within His chosen people. Hebrews 12:22-24.

All that is not of God is shaken down, and only that which is of God, which cannot be shaken, will remain. The glory of God will cover the earth as the kingdom of God and His righteousness rules on earth as it is in heaven. Hebrews 12:25.29.

Praise God and worship Him in pure holy love with a thankful heart that we get to be some part of this marvelous work of God on Earth, IF we lose our life to become the REAL life of Christ Jesus living in the life we now live. Galatians 2:20.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. 25 He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:24.

“He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 10:39.

Ron McGatlin




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