The world today faces magnitudes of conditions and situations at levels never before known to mankind. Considering all the massive miraculous situations and the tragic wars and circumstances recorded in the Holy Bible and all the written books of history, nothing can compare to the massiveness of the world today.

“And there shall be a time of trouble,
Such as never was since there was a nation,
Even to that time.” Daniel 12:1b.

The world population has quadrupled in my lifetime. The world population was estimated at just over 2 billion the year that I was born. Today, it is estimated at over 8 billion people.

The masses of people alive on Earth are breathing its air, drinking its water, eating its food, and creating garbage and sewage.

In addition to that, consider the massive number of fuel-powered vehicles on the ground, on the water, and in the air, along with untold numbers of living pets and animals.

Consider the massive amount of grain to feed mankind and the untold massive number of chickens, cattle, and hogs alive in the world.

We will only mention the massive amount of minerals and other substances used to produce hundreds of millions, if not billions, of automobiles, cell phones, TV sets, computers, and a multitude of other items.

Amazingly all the basic needs of man, including water, food, clothing, and shelter, are supplied from the earth for most of the people of this world.

You may be thinking, “Ron, where are you going with this?”

I understand it reads like it could be leading into an article for a leftist move to world population reduction and controlled distribution of resources.


All the problems associated with population explosion, and all the disorder of the world come from the lack of mankind being in love with God. And all the tyrannical works of mankind attempting to alleviate or deal with the world’s problems originate in the same lack of in-love relationship with God.

Let me explain that in as few words as I can. Let us begin by considering this question.

Having water, food, clothing, and shelter, what is the greatest lack or need that remains and creates drive or strong desire in mankind? What strong inner desires drive us to do what we do in our natural lives?


There is in all mankind, since the fall of Adam, a vast area of emptiness in the heart of every person. Without understanding it, we all are driven to satisfy that emptiness in our hearts and lives.  

Good things that God has provided for our lives become out of balance when we seek to use those provisions to satisfy or fill our unrealized emptiness.

Any provision of God can be misused in this way, causing disorder in us and those around us and on out to the world. However, some are more specifically impacting the disorder issues we are facing today, such as overpopulation and severe man-devised godless corrective actions attempting to fix the situation.

There is a number one out-of-balance drive that has a lot to do with reproduction or population explosion.

SEX OR ROMANCE is one of the most common go-to provisions used by mankind to try to fill the unrecognized emptiness in our hearts and lives. It is not the only major God-given drive gone wild, so to speak, but it is one of the primary ones.

Communing with God in Spirit in love with Him fully satisfies our empty place so that the God-given provisions can move back into their designed place to do their proper function in our lives. This nor any other provision from God should be taken out of balance trying to fill the emptiness in our lives.

This specific population disorder and all the many disorders it causes will no longer exist in a world of people in love with God. Sex and romance will be even more pleasurable and good for us but will, along with all other provisions of God, no longer be used as a false god to fill the emptiness of our lack of Love reality in life.

Romance and sex are highly celebrated in modern culture. It is probably impossible to overstate their impact on our lives every day. The theme of romance and sex is present in most advertising and entertainment in the world. Yet, only a truly in-love communion relationship with God can fill the emptiness in our hearts and lives.


Let’s briefly consider some of the other false gods created in our lives today in an effort to fill our lack of being in love with God.

MONEY and what it will buy is another big one. Having money is good and right with God. However, loving it or being driven to get more leads to all kinds of evil. The drive for more money is an attempt to fill our empty place that an in-love relationship with God will completely satisfy.

SUPERIORITY, or being number one, or dominating over others, is another good thing from God that has gone out of order. Leadership gifting is intended by God to lead others to better places in their lives.

Domination or control of others is used to satisfy the empty place in our hearts. We become performance oriented and feel great when we are number one but are downcast if we are not. Again, a real in-love relationship with God fills the empty place in our hearts and these disorders will come into balance in love with God.

RELIGION is another major but often overlooked area or system that can become a major source of filling our empty place. The disorders of religion are easy for Christians to see in other religions especially in their worshiping idols, rituals, observing days, adhering to a set of rules, offerings, sacrifices, and so on. It is harder for us to see that religion may be leading us to worship church systems, days or times, incomplete or false doctrines, priests or pastors, or many other parts of religion without being in love with God.

These are only a few examples of how the world is suffering from not being in love with God. Any provision can become an idol. None of these or anything else can permanently replace our truly missing part of being married to God in a continuous in-love communion with God.


Literally, our emptiness can drive us insane. Psychologists and psychiatrists treat a huge and Growing number of people with human knowledge, earthly psychological therapy remedies, and mind-altering drugs. None of these provide a cure but can provide some temporary coping assistance.

Probably the deadliest treatment efforts are addictive legal and illegal drugs and alcohol. Both provide false temporary feelings of wholeness that numb the pain of emptiness and cause the mind to feel a false high for a short season.

When this effect wears off, the emptiness seems to have greatly increased to an unbearable level. We are then desperate to have more of the substance that has become our false god.


When we commune in love with God, we are lifted to the highest ever of the high places in our minds, hearts, and lives. Being one in love with Father God in Christ Jesus is the highest reality that exists.

Experiencing being saturated with pure, holy love in our hearts, minds, and lives is the highest of highs. There is no downside to abiding in Him as He abides with us. There is no emptiness or lack in our minds, hearts, or lives.

All things are possible to us in Him, and He in us. Love, power, and wisdom are with us in every moment of life. We walk on earth as grown-up or mature sons of God. Collectively, we are the manifested body of Christ Jesus on earth. Establishing His kingdom rule of love bringing all things into perfect order and balance.


The world is now and will continue to be transformed by the manifested love of God on earth in His people. All that is not of God will be brought down and replaced with the plans and purposes of God. The supernatural unlimited power of God and heaven are released to bring down all that is not of God and renew the world to His design.

Transition revival on a personal level is happening spontaneously and suddenly as LOVE is spreading like a virus from person to person, changing families that have been at odds for many years. Religion is melting away, and pure, holy, in-love relationships with God and one another are happening now.

Look for it at your house and among your family as Love spreads across His chosen people. The kingdom of Love is spreading like yeast in dough or grass in a field. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.” Matthew 13:33.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.

Ron McGatlin  

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