Love invading hearts and lives in the deep darkness of culture is a burning light igniting explosions of love, destroying the darkness of death with the glorious light of love. Christ Jesus, Son of Love, is exploding into the world in the hearts of this generation of change!

True life in love with God is replacing the darkened culture with the culture of heaven. The past culture is smoke and ashes, and ahead is a living garden.

The sons of God supernaturally empowered by love, righteousness, peace, and joy, are more than conquerors dissolving the darkness of death with the Light of Life.

Father God in Christ Jesus from heaven, within His living sons by the Holy Spirit, will do NOTHING outside of love.

Love is the foundation of all creation.

All things from God, whether physical or spiritual, seen or unseen, were created in perfect order to work together in the harmony of love.


Any action outside of love is out of order, and the whole creation is affected by it to some degree. God’s design of checks and balances press it back toward the perfect order of love.

 A small action of diversion from God’s plan by mankind will cause a small natural disorder, which in turn causes a response toward rebalance. A large diversion will cause a large disorder and response.

These corrective responses are part of the natural systems designed into creation by the love and wisdom of God. God does not judge each disorder personally from the throne. Adversity is a natural response from the created world’s systems to correct imbalance.  

Things such as adverse weather, sickness and disease, wars, psychological issues, and many other disorders in the natural world are caused by the lack of man’s intimate relationship with God.

This does not mean that every personal issue of adversity is directly caused by the actions of the person or small group individually.

Mankind are all linked together overall and by groups such as the world, nations, tribes, families, and other groups. All the people, even the unguilty in a group, may suffer to varying degrees from the disorder and its resulting adversity.

Every adversity has a progressively decreasing effect from the original source of the disorder flowing out to the entire world. However, God knows how to protect and deliver those in love with Him. (2 Peter 2:6-9).

God designed Planet Earth and all its systems through love to provide for the continuing life of mankind and all the needs of mankind and the world in the perfect order of the love of God.

Our in-love experience with God causes our willing obedience to His Word, such as “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27.
“Come out from among them, And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” 2 Corinthians 6:17.


The reason for our creation and existence is first to be in love with God. God loves everyone, but only those who love Him back are in love with Him.  

Our part is to be His Bride and produce Sons of God in love, to take care of the world and all its created systems to the GLORY of GOD!

Being in love with God, we become of His nature, His love, wisdom, and power, bringing His righteousness (perfect alignment with God), peace, and joy on Earth as it is in Heaven.


“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth.” Philippians 2:10.

Love is the key to the power and wisdom of God from heaven on earth in His Bride, overcoming and annihilating all evil darkness on earth and releasing righteousness, peace, and joy to the Glory of God on earth as it is in heaven.  

For it is written:
As I live, says the Lord,
Every knee shall bow to Me,
And every tongue shall confess to God.
So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. 13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.” (Romans 14:11-13).


No mass destruction weapon of mankind can match the power of the natural earth’s giant earthquakes or even massive hurricanes or cyclones. And none of these can equal the unlimited, massive, destructive power of Love against all that is not from God. Love penetrates and dissolves darkness with light.

Only smoke and ashes are left of evil to fertilize or feed the growth of the new life of love in communion (or common union) with Almighty God in pure holy love. The beautiful and fruitful garden of the culture of heaven prospers the Earth.

All of this is happening now and is spreading from the remnant out to the church and the world.

Families that have been estranged by the confusion of political and religious corruption and family line generational curses are being set free of their bondage to love one another and be rejoined as one family in love with God. Thousands are coming to Jesus in open-air-gatherings across the world.

Many smaller open-air revival gatherings of hundreds to a thousand or more are now seeing hundreds coming to Christ.

Even in the small town that I live in, this week, over 300 people, including many young, received Christ Jesus as their savior in open-air meetings in Veterans Park.

More people truly in love with God are living on Earth now than ever before.

Yes, there is great darkness invading Western culture and taking over governance, threatening to eliminate God and His people from life on earth.

However, into this great darkness, the light of God is now shining brightly. The contrast is undeniable; people sitting in the darkness are beginning to see the light and are coming to God’s light and love.

Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
3 The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:1-3.

This is happening in our day and the days to come. Awaken and praise God with all your heart and life. (Psalm 57).

Come alive now. Awaken, go all in, and all the way, with all God has laid upon your heart to do. As an old saying says, “Make hay while the sun shines.”


Find God’s way for you to sincerely take that which God has given you outside the Church. Do not take the church system or structure outside with you. The smell of religion is death to the starving people. They are starving for LOVE and REAL life with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Spirit of Christ Jesus. They want to give their lives to something real and of significant, lasting value.

If you are gifted by God and can pray with people or inspire people in the love of God with music or speaking of the love of God, consider having your group gatherings in the park, the parking lot, the vacant lot, a rented space, the living room in the home, the business office, or buildings, open-air in good weather, or stadiums, and auditoriums or wherever. Any suitable location will do as long as it’s not associated with religion in the minds of the people. (Romans 15:9-11).

Among the love-starved people in the world is where the miracles and great works of God that demonstrate His love and power are done. Whether rich or poor, the people are hungry for the real love of God that satisfies their hearts and souls.

Sincere actions of loving kindness are comforting expressions of God’s love that open hearts to the reality and goodness of God.

This season could be a good time to pray earnestly in love groups seeking God’s leading of our part in this great time of world-changing presence of God. It may be a great time to gather in groups growing in love with God and one another, seeking our part in this mighty move of God.


We may not need to look back at past revivals or moves of God either in our lifetime or in biblical days and certainly not to some unknown day in the future. Now is the time that really matters and makes the difference between moving in reality or waiting in hope.

There is a time to wait, and there is a now time to Hear and Obey the blasting trump of the trumpets of God to be transformed and to transform the darkness of the world to the glorious light of the one true God of the eternal day.

Love Never Fails And
His Kingdom Never Ends!

Ron McGatlin










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