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All conflicts and disorders of the world and mankind are directly or indirectly traceable to a lack of God’s love in man.

Each person is designed to have a part in the life and management of the world. By God’s design, people do not all think alike.

A group of people could hear or see an event or word from God and hear or see it differently according to their bent or calling. The many parts are not meant to all think alike.

In His wisdom, Father God has given every person a built-in bent or aptitude toward a specific area of service in this world. Every believer can also have the powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit to help accomplish their part or parts of the needs of mankind and the world. 

The design of God calls for everyone with their various and different parts to fit together to provide the whole and complete plan and purposes of God in this world.

Even God is three distinct Spirit persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with somewhat different parts of the one function of the One Almighty God. These three are made to be only One in perfect love. God is Love. Pure holy love of God can make many become one.

The different thinking of today’s world without love from God in the masses of people has caused rampant divisions and separations that lead to competition, conflicts, and wars.

Only the real love of God in man can bring the masses of people and nations together to function together with each supplying its part.

Love opens the door to the greater plan of God coming together. Respect for the other parts builds after coming together first as brothers and sisters in the love of God in Christ Jesus.


The devil’s people of darkness see no light at all in God or His people. They are inverted and see light and love as darkness and hatred. Darkness has no part or fellowship with the light and love of God. The light and love of God expressed through mankind destroys darkness.

Many people walk in darkness and will come to the light when they see it increase in brightness amid the gross darkness. Many will run to the light and be converted. Others will never come toward the light and will continue to see it as evil and their darkness as light.


Apocalyptic events are occurring with increasing frequency at this time in history. Satanic conspiracies and subversive invasion of foundational institutions and systems of natural life in this world are being exposed by the increasing light of God.

The fundamental systems in the Western world that were once thought to be the building blocks and protectors of the good life have been invaded and taken over to some degree by these cunning evil deceptions.

Some of the major compromised institutions and systems are: education, mass media, big business, churches, most religions, governments, entertainment, health care, and all areas of life in this world are affected if not controlled. 

These things are not at all new. However, they are just NOW BEING EXPOSED. The increasing light in the people who have fallen in love with God are receiving revelational light of the kingdom of God coming to earth in Christ Jesus within His people of love. In the increasing light the corruption is being exposed.

Falling in love with God and receiving revelational light cannot be taught. It must be experienced within each heart.

How can masses of people experience and truly be filled with Love’s Spirit life?

Falling in love with God is more than being saved or a born-again experience.

The first answer is that the person must come into the overwhelming manifest presence of God and be overcome by His love and saturated in His righteousness, peace, and joy.

Okay, I got that. Now tell me, how can that happen for real in this world of darkness today?

Why does even experiencing the presence of God not seem to have a long-lasting effect on many people and some no effect at all?

Please read this next part very carefully.

God is revealing mysteries of great value to our lives and the world around us.

The people of the Western world have full and over-filled lives of humanistic good endeavors required to fit into the culture of the age.

It is somewhat like someone has planned our days, years, and entire lives for us. Every day is filled with that which we must do. It begins in preschool and kindergarten. We must study and learn as a small child to prepare for further education and work or a profession so that we can have the necessities and desires of life in the world. It never ends. We feel a responsibility to furnish a lavish lifestyle of things for our family, especially our children.

Social order rules and demands fill our lives so we can “have a good life” and be the best at something.

It seems there is just not enough time to be truly in the Spirit. We feel that the best we can do is add into our lives some time for the things of God within the bounds of some religious structure on some Sundays and private moments of focusing on something of God at home or on the road.

We look forward to retirement, when we will have more time for God. However, when we get there, we may find that we are still busy trying to be somebody or do something for ourselves or others. So even in retirement, we are too consumed with the things of this life to really have an in-love relationship with God all day, every day. In retirement, we may begin to look forward to dying and going to heaven, where we can be free of this life’s demands and truly become one with God. Whoa! This is not God’s plan for this life.

Our reality is that WE ARE IN LOVE WITH THIS LIFE.

In our darkness-infested intellectual minds, we can come up with countless reasons why this is not true, and that we are serving God by our busy lives of serving the culture. And we could also probably come up with some scripture to back up our actions.

That all has some truth in it and is possibly the best we could do in the past. However, IT IS NOT WHERE WE ARE NOW AND WHERE THIS IS GOING AS GOD IS INTERVENING IN THIS WORLD.

The devil is doing all that he can to destroy the world and all the people. The lack of an in-love relationship of the people with God has allowed the devil extreme opportunities to bring catastrophic attacks of death and destruction upon the people of the world. God has warned us over and over to come out of Babylonian darkness lest we suffer with the ungodly. In this apocalyptic season, many good people will endure some of the devil’s workings. It seems to hard to come out of the Babylonian culture and be so different toward the things and people of this world.

God is love and love is rescuing the world and taking what the devil means for destruction and using it to bring forth real love in His people and all that will receive His presence.


The catastrophic events of the devil will destroy our lives that had no time for God. When the disaster is seen, people are broken within with great pain, and SUDDENLY, God fills their hearts with love, and they leave their past and jump into surviving and LOOKING TO GOD WITH THEIR WHOLE HEART.

When they recognize they have survived, their hearts fill with love for God.

Alas, here it is: people lose their past lives and are completely in love with God. They are filled with God’s love, righteousness, peace, and joy even in the midst of digging out and burying the dead.

They and many others bow their whole lives before God and become the planters of the kingdom of God after the time of tribulation is past. What the devil meant for evil, God uses for the good of His people and His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

God loves us and His created world too much not to rescue those who are truly in love with Him from our past troubled busy lives and the catastrophic events to establish us in His kingdom on earth. “For God so loved the world.”…

This is all part of the fullness of the finished work of Christ Jesus at the cross and His resurrected life now on earth in His people, the Army and Bride of God in Christ Jesus our LORD and KING.

The Apocalypse is the destruction of evil darkness in preparation for the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. 

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.

Ron McGatlin


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