The major transformation now taking place in our world is a change from the controlling influence of spiritual darkness to the loving influence of the spiritual light of God.
God’s light is the light of life.
Spiritual reality can be seen in natural creation. Natural creation is often a natural picture of spiritual realities created by Spirit God. The natural light of the Sun can help us understand spiritual light and life. The sun’s natural light can help us understand the light of God.
When the natural light of the sun is present, darkness cannot exist. In God’s presence, no spiritual darkness can remain.
Energy for all of Earth’s natural life is in the sun’s light.
The spiritual light of God supplies everything needed for life in the will and plan of God. The light of God transmits love that provides wisdom, power, peace, and understanding for an abundance of life.
Spiritual darkness prevails where there is no light and love of God. Darkness is only the absence of light. Less light is more darkness. Beyond the volume or intensity of light, another major factor is the COLOR of light.
The colors of natural light can be seen in the rainbow as the droplets of water act as a prism to separate the whole clear light. Into its different colors. Pure, clear light contains all the colors combined. If any color is removed, the light is no longer whole and clear but becomes a color or blended color.
Each shade of color is a piece or part of pure clear light. Total darkness is no light at all.
These things are true in the physical realm and are also true in the spiritual realm. Selah.
Our life is experienced as a very complex cognitive and subconscious experience of emotional and rational feelings and thoughts that become our reality of belief and affect our lives and the world around us. These feelings originate from the natural or the spiritual.
As spirit beings in a natural physical body, our spirit is key to the prospering of the body. Our spirit filled with the light and love of God causes well-being and health in our soul and body. The light or the lack of it in our spirit has a major effect on our lives. (Matthew 6:22-23).
If the light within our spirit is not the whole clear light of God, then it is a color or blend of colors. Our lives and the world around us are seen by us through or in the color of the light within us.
Mankind was created in Adam with the pure light of God breathed into him directly by God and experienced in the light of the presence of God in perfect life with no darkness at all no sickness or death, and no fear or pride.
Our natural fallen spirit being is without the pure whole light of God and is affected by the lack of light which is darkness. Mankind cannot experience the light of God without experiencing it in Christ Jesus and His finished work of redemption at the Cross and fulfilled in His living presence of resurrected life abiding within our redeemed Spirit. (John 8:12).
The whole pure light of God is in the reality of being ONE WITH GOD IN HIS LOVING PRESENCE. It is the full return to the life of God living in our bodies. It is God in us and with us. It is not that all knowledge, wisdom, and power are stored in our mortal soul or mind, but they are instantly available to us as needed by the indwelling Spirit God.
After two thousand years of religious process, now in this third millennium since Christ, we are entering the reality of removing the scaffolding and moving into the season of the fullness of living in the whole clear light of God.
Individuals, families, and nations have entered a season of the most significant change since the coming of Christ Jesus over two thousand years ago.
Piece by piece, the revealed light has been gradually restored and is now climaxing in the explosive restoration of the light and love of God, annihilating darkness.
Prior to the birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ Jesus, the temple and called priests offered blood sacrifices of animals and many other sacrificial offerings to religiously maintain a somewhat distant relationship to God while looking forward to the coming of Christ Jesus the Messiah.
For the most part the world missed the coming of Christ to indwell his people by the Spirit to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Through the centuries, piece by piece as the people became ready to hear and receive, segments or parts of the truth have been revealed or restored to those who were ready. The parts of light were not the whole light but a piece and, therefore, a color of light. The different color recipients saw it as the full light, the final part, or the most important part, and built a denomination around it.
The denominational church age is rapidly coming to an end as the light/love of God is revealing the Kingdom of God, bringing in the glorious age of IN LOVE WITH GOD. This is causing all to be changed into ONE BODY OF CHRIST in the marriage of the Lamb of God and His true Bride.
As the denominational church systems come to an end, the different colors that each had are brought together by the LOVE/LIGHT of God.
The darkness and separation were caused by men filling in the parts or colors that they did not receive from God. We filled in the needed explanation with a natural mind interpretation of the Bible through the color or part of the light that we had without the whole light of God.
When we only have a part or color, all our life and understanding are colored by the color we have. When all the parts come together in love with God and one another, all the colors together become the whole clear light of God. We become the true Bride of Christ, fully restored into our God Family.
The sons of God are the offspring of the marriage of God and His Chosen mate, becoming the army of God to ride with Christ the King upon the Spirit of pure, holy love, carrying the sword of pure light, transforming the world order to the kingdom of our God.
The color of what we say and do affects our lives and the world around us more than the content of the words we say.
The color of our fully redeemed and restored Spirit is the whole clear light of perfect Love. God is love. The Light of God is the Love of God.
The flooding of the Light/Love of God fills our Spirit with the colors of peace, joy, patience, gentleness, assurance, strength, understanding, passion, wisdom, mercy, grace, abundance, and righteousness. These colors of the whole clear Light of Love that removes ALL fear, pride, need, lack, lust, envy, strife, anger, hatred, bitterness, and any other darkness.
Our ways and beliefs may have been so impacted by the color of the world in different shades of darkness that the whole clear light may seem impossible to us. We may say good words, but if the color is incomplete light and not of pure love, it produces only more sickness, lack, and death.
We are now in the process of being reordered from our previous colors to the pure, clear light of LOVE that only comes from losing our lives to gain our real life in love with God above all else. “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25. (Matthew 10:39).
The color of being One in love with God is the color of GLORY, in the pure light of oneness with God/Love.
“But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of (natural) man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.
Love never fails, and
His Kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin